proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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Gabby Giffords's Gun Control Group Releases Report Warning of Muzzleloaders, Other Firearms :: 11/16/2017

Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords's gun control group released a report on Wednesday warning of the dangers of muzzle loading rifles, a number of other firearms, and some firearms accessories and calling for new gun control measures targeting the devices.


Gun stocks react to rumors of bipartisan gun bill on Capitol Hill :: 11/16/2017

Share prices for major gun makers jumped Wednesday amid rumors of a possible bipartisan gun bill moving through the U.S. Senate.


The Invisible Hands of God and Man :: 11/16/2017

Millions of parishioners, pastors and church elders woke up to a new world after the murders at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. They felt the responsibility to keep their families and their congregations safe. We bring every problem with us to church.  Fortunately, we also bring solutions. We are god’s hands, so it is up to us to stop violence when it comes to church. We are already doing so, and have been for years. You probably won’t notice it, but the change is very real and already underway.


Boston Globe: It's Time To Consider Gun Confiscation :: 11/15/2017

Well, if there’s one thing we can say about this Boston Globe op-ed, it’s honest. I don’t mean honest regarding facts or anything, but honest in detailing what gun control advocates really, really want: confiscation. In light of the recent mass shootings in Texas and Las Vegas, the usual characters stepped out in front. The National Rifle Association is evil, we need more background checks, and it’s the Republicans’ fault. The rancor lasted a few weeks, but as in every case, we return to reality: guns are here to stay.


Chicago ranks 12th on 'murder capitals' list :: 11/15/2017

CHICAGO - Chicago ranks 12th on a new list of the 25 most violent cities in America, according to a new study.


Dianne Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban: Prison Time for Loaning AR-15 to a Friend :: 11/15/2017

The “assault weapons” ban proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and about two dozen other Democrats could mean prison time for anyone who loans an AR-15 rifle to a friend.


Editorial: Churches, guns can be combined :: 11/15/2017

Churches and guns do not seem a fitting combination. A place of worship? And a weapon? Sacrilegious, right? Not in Texas, thankfully.


Gun Safety: Not Sorry Act would establish 7-day wait on mags, semi-autos, suppressors :: 11/15/2017

A group of House Democrats is backing a measure to delay sales of semi-automatic firearms, suppressors, armor piercing ammo and large capacity magazines.


Pennsylvania governor supports bill upping regs for gun surrenders in domestic cases :: 11/15/2017

Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor this week threw his support behind a drive to strengthen state law on mandatory relinquishment of firearms after misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence.


Doyle McManus: Trump fails to keep gun law promise :: 11/14/2017

When he ran for president last year, Donald Trump said we didn't need any new laws restricting guns. Instead, we should simply enforce laws already on the books.


It's Time For Concealed Carry Reciprocity :: 11/14/2017

What if I told you that the Federal Government is not doing enough to impose laws on individual states? Probably you would give me the well-rehearsed and sound arguments for limiting Federal power, and further reductions in the size of the State.


To Trust The Mainstream Media On Guns is to Deny Truth :: 11/14/2017

New York, NY  -( Three and one-half years ago, the Arbalest Quarrel published an article titled, “Of Chainsaws and Guns.” Ammoland Shooting Sports News posted the article under the title, Time to Ban ‘Assault Saws’ – Commonsense Chainsaw Laws.” 


12 Times Guys With Guns Stopped A Tragedy :: 11/13/2017

A man armed with a rifle walked into the First Baptist Church of Southerland Springs, Texas, Nov. 5 and killed 26 congregants, fleeing in an SUV after exchanging shots with a church neighbor.


Boston Globe Calls For Gun Confiscation :: 11/13/2017

Within any gun debate, gun control advocates will typically spout some platitude about how they’re not wanting to ban guns outright, just certain guns. Maybe they’re saying they don’t want the hunting rifles, but do want the modern sporting rifles like the AR-15, whatever. Regardless of the specifics, they’ll routinely say they don’t want all the guns.


GFZ Alert: Somali charged in bloody stabbing at Mall of America :: 11/13/2017

Police swarmed the Mall of America Sunday night after a reported stabbing in the men’s department of Macy’s.


Good guys with guns saving lives :: 11/13/2017

Stephen Willeford’s heroic actions last Sunday saved many lives at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.  The killer, Devin Kelley, was shooting the wounded when Willeford showed up with a rifle.  Willeford’s quick actions forced Kelley to stop his attack, presumably saving the lives of the twenty wounded and possibly many more.


After Massacre, a Texas Town Says More Guns are the Answer :: 11/11/2017

The mass shooting at First Baptist Church that killed 26 people and wounded 20 others has not made the residents of this rural area east of San Antonio reconsider their belief in guns. It has only reinforced the sense that the answer to America's mass shooting problem is not gun control.


Botched Air Force handling of Texas shooter's criminal history may be 'systemic' issue :: 11/11/2017

The Air Force’s failure to report Texas church shooter Devin Kelley’s domestic violence conviction to the FBI -- a misstep that left the door open for Kelley to buy weapons -- is a systemic issue in its criminal investigations unit, according to a 2015 Pentagon analysis and a former Air Force agent who spoke to Fox News.


Evangelicals remain deeply skeptical of gun-control laws :: 11/11/2017

The shooting at a Southern Baptist church in Texas is believed to be the worst such shooting at a church in modern U.S. history.


Ignorance Versus Stupidity :: 11/11/2017

U.S.A.-( One of the most challenging and important jobs for an economics professor is to teach students how little we know and can possibly know. My longtime friend and colleague Dr. Thomas Sowell says, “It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek admonished, “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.”


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