proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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Latest News

Auditor general plans review of Pennsylvania's gun laws :: 11/20/2017

HARRISBURG – State Auditor General Eugene DePasquale announced Wednesday that his department will review how Pennsylvania implements its gun laws to see how the state can better protect its citizens.


Congress passes spending bill that includes selling milsurp 1911s through CMP :: 11/20/2017

The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act was approved Thursday to include a plan to transfer the U.S. Army’s remaining stock of .45 ACP M1911A1 pistols to the Civilian Marksmanship Program.


DRGO: We Need to Check Background Checks :: 11/20/2017

Legal gun owners do not want people who should not have a gun to get one.


Media Bias: Virginia is still the go-to state for criminals shopping for illegal guns :: 11/20/2017

VIRGINIA’S STATUS as the go-to state for criminals shopping for illegal guns has been reaffirmed once again.


Semi-Auto Rifles: Common for 100 Years: Mass Shooters, Not :: 11/20/2017

Arizona -( Opponents of an armed population often claim that semi-automatic rifles are a new phenomena in the United States. That is false.


After Church Shooting, Senators Create Law to Enforce Law Already on Books :: 11/19/2017

In the aftermath of the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas, it was discovered that the shooter had a history of mental issues and domestic violence which should have prevented him from being able to legally purchase the firearm he used to commit his slaughter.


Florida Church Warns 'This Is Not A Gun-Free Zone' :: 11/19/2017

Florida pastors sent a clear warning to potential shooters, advertising a sign outside their church that says “this is not a gun free zone.”


Media Bias: Reporter Thinks Shotgun Is AR-15, Humiliates Herself on Air :: 11/19/2017

It is a well known and indisputable fact that the bulk of the mainstream media are opposed to the Second Amendment and firearms in general.


Viral Meme Portrays Massive Faults Found in Libs Gun Control Debate :: 11/19/2017

There’s a reason that the term “going viral” is used to describe memes: A single idea can spread rapidly and infect an entire culture, just as a single virus can impact an entire body.


What the Texas Attack Means for the Military :: 11/19/2017

Buckeye, AZ –-( The brutal assault on a Baptist church in a small town in Texas is reverberating through the U.S. military, and the results are not going to be pretty.


5 Reforms To Gun Laws That Would Actually Make A Difference :: 11/18/2017

Following another egregious shooting, media, politicians, and celebrities are demanding that we again discuss gun control. They allege that conservatives consistently avoid the issue by saying “Now is not the time” as we actively bury the fallen.


Despite Assurances to the Contrary, Gun Confiscation is Being Discussed :: 11/18/2017

Fayetteville, AR-( David Scharfenberg, an ideas writer for the Boston Globe, has come out in the open to declare what so many advocates of gun control claim that they don’t want: confiscation. In an article, titled, “Hand over your weapons,” he chides Hillary Clinton for leaving out the mandatory aspect of the “buyback” of some 650,000 firearms in Australia and admits that Obama’s praise for that program was code for his support of using the force of law to take guns away from their legal owners. In his view, the number of guns in private hands is the problem and reducing that number is the solution.


Four Questions to Ask in Your Next Gun Control Debate :: 11/18/2017

USA –-( Last month we talked about how to win the gun control debate. You can read it here, but the Cliff notes are as follows:


Media Bias: NBC Gun Article Fails A Basic Fact Check :: 11/18/2017

NBC News published a piece on firearms Friday that fails even the most basic of fact checks.


Bipartisan proposal to Fix NICS introduced in Senate :: 11/17/2017

A bipartisan group of senators introduced a proposal Thursday to fix the federal background check system — the rumored deal teased on social media by co-sponsoring Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy, of Connecticut, just a day earlier.


Comparing U.S. to Cherry-Picked Countries on Guns Fools No One but the Ignorant :: 11/17/2017

“These 4 countries have nearly eliminated gun deaths — here’s what the US can learn,” senior innovation reporter Chris Weller presumes to instruct in a Wednesday Business Insider apologia for global citizen disarmament. “Some countries have figured out how to curb gun violence through targeted strategies.”


How to Win the Gun Control Debate in Favor of Guns :: 11/17/2017

USA –-( In case you hadn't noticed, there's been a big political debate about gun control in the aftermath of the horrific Las Vegas attack. This event set the record for fewest minutes to politicize once the news hit. (*thank you, Hillary)


Know the facts: Anti-gun activists utilize emotional grief to line their pockets :: 11/17/2017

The Second Amendment is under siege now more than ever. Every day, we see more assaults made on our Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.


Why hunters are trading in traditional hunting rifles for the AR-15 :: 11/17/2017

AR-15s have long been a symbol of the tactical world, but black rifles are slowly creeping their way past military and law enforcement applications and into the world of hunting. Touting more caliber options, efficiency and modularity, the versatile platform is transforming the way hunters down prey, but what’s causing hunters to ditch traditional rifle set-ups in favor of modern sporting rifles?


Biden: Hero Who Stopped Texas Church Shooter Was Wrong To Have A Gun :: 11/16/2017

During a question and answer session on NBC’s “Today” show, former vice president and rumored presidential 2020 contender Joe Biden said the hero who stopped the Texas church shooter earlier this month should not have been allowed to carry an AR-15.


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