proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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Rick Santorum says gun possession creates 'healthy society' at YAF event :: 12/01/2017

Rick Santorum, a former Republican senator and two-time presidential candidate, spoke to a packed Marvin Center Amphitheater Wednesday for a conversation about Second Amendment rights sponsored by GW’s chapter of the Young America’s Foundation.


Michael Bloomberg's Megalomania :: 11/30/2017

“I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.” —Michael Bloomberg, April 15, 2014


National concealed carry reciprocity clears first hurdle in Congress :: 11/30/2017

In a party-line vote Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee sent a measure expanding carry protections to the floor over howls from gun control advocates.


New bill would alert police if those with a record attempt gun buy :: 11/30/2017

A bipartisan measure proposed in the House this week would inform state and local police and prosecutors when an individual prohibited from possessing a firearm tries to buy one.


Rape Survivor and 2nd Amendment Rights Advocate Kimberly Corban Speaks :: 11/30/2017

We are pleased to bring you another edition of our "Modern Feminist," featuring Second Amendment Advocate Kimberly Corban for the month of December. As Charlotte Hays documented in her interview, Corban is a survivor of a brutal rape and since that time, has been an outspoken proponent of 2nd Amendment rights, specifically for women. But, her advocacy has not been an easy road: 


Another Group of Fanatics Who Shouldn't Own Guns :: 11/29/2017

Anti-Second Amendment gun-grabbers are so fanatical and monomaniacal in their opposition to firearms that it’s with a great sense of relief I realize most of them don’t own a gun themselves. A weapon in the hands of someone that obsessed and impervious to reason is not a recipe for a calm society.


DRGO: Mass Shooting Derangement (MSD) syndrome and the modern liberal PC ethos :: 11/29/2017

Che Guevara, an icon of the left, thought that socialism and egalitarianism would create a “new socialist man” dedicated to the common good without the need of material incentives to work and live. Che lived long enough to see it did not, although he persisted. Socialistic policies have instead created deranged individuals who resent the success and blame others for their failures, and at some point become killers.


Hawaii Police Order People With Medical Pot To Surrender Guns To The State :: 11/29/2017

Hawaiian authorities have asked medical marijuana users to “voluntarily surrender” firearms due to their medicinal status. This may mark the first time a law enforcement entity has moved to confiscate guns from cannabis patients.


Truly stupid NBC article on guns proves yet again that the mainstream media is fake news :: 11/29/2017

Its truly astonishing how little the liberals know about firearms and the Second Amendment, despite the fact that they always seem to assert themselves as experts on the matter.


Motives Behind 'Model Gun Background Check System' Go Beyond Commonsense Safety :: 11/28/2017

USA – -( “As federal lawmakers seek to improve record reporting to the federal background check system after a Texas massacre highlighted the risks of missing records, Pennsylvania offers a potential roadmap,” NBC News “reports” in a scarcely-disguised advocacy piece. “The state has spent the last six years aggressively overhauling records reporting, hunting down reporting gaps like the one that let [Donald Meyer Jr.] buy a gun and modernizing the technology they use to keep guns out of the wrong hands.”


PA-Allegheny County DA Zappala attending 'emergency summit' on gun legislation :: 11/28/2017

Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. will represent Pennsylvania this week in Washington, D.C., at a two-day meeting about proposed gun laws.


PA-Special Election Alert in 18th Congressional Dist-Focus on Gun Control :: 11/28/2017

Democrats choose Conor Lamb, a former federal prosecutor, to replace Tim Murphy


SCOTUS Guts 2nd Amend. By Refusing To Hear Semi-Auto Ban Case :: 11/28/2017

Today the Supreme Court let stand the Fourth Circuit’s holding in Kolbe v. Hogan that semi-automatic rifles are not constitutionally protected “arms,” and in doing so declared the Second Amendment guarantees only a second-class right.


Supreme Court Again Ducks Second Amendment by Refusing to Hear Gun Cases :: 11/28/2017

“The Supreme Court turned away an appeal from Maryland gun owners who challenged the state’s ban on assault weapons, which were used in recent mass shootings in a south Texas church and at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas,” the Associated Press reported Monday. “The justices left in place a federal appeals court ruling that upheld the Maryland law that does not permit the sale of a range of semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity magazines.”


5 states ask Congress to swiftly pass national reciprocity :: 11/27/2017

A group of state attorneys general has signed on to a letter urging lawmakers to approve a measure that would allow universal recognition if concealed carry permits across the nation.


A+ - Rated John Cornyn Continues to Side with Gun-Grabbers :: 11/27/2017

“Americans want background checks for gun sales,” Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn assured his Twitter followers Friday. He was linking to a San Antonio Express-News editorial board advocacy piece spreading poll summaries showing alternatively that either “95 percent” or “84 percent” of Americans “support universal background checks for gun sales.”


House To Advance Two Gun Bills Including National Reciprocity :: 11/27/2017

National reciprocity should have had an easy time of it. After all, the stars were as aligned in favor of pro-gun legislation as you were going to find. The entire government leans right politically, which should have made it a slam dunk.


Left just can't give up gun control, no matter how futile or dangerous :: 11/27/2017

If anything can be said about our friends on the Left, it is this: No matter how lousy the idea they hatch, no matter how ridiculous or dangerous to our hard-won constitutional freedoms, they never give up.


How Pennsylvania created a model gun background check system :: 11/26/2017

When the eviction of a Pennsylvania man with a documented history of mental health issues turned into a deadly shootout, police realized they'd found another gap in a system they'd already spent years working to improve. How had the man, Donald Meyer Jr., passed the state's background check?


This Lawsuit Could Shatter ALL Federal Gun Control Laws :: 11/26/2017

The federal trial of a Kansas man for manufacturing and selling  firearms and silencers without a federal license could very well turn out to be the pivotal case that not only challenges the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act of 1934, but also every federal firearms law ever passed in a battle that will determine whether it is the states or the federal government that has the constitutional right to pass gun laws.


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