proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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The Truth About The 4,000 Guns Sold By Gun Stores To Prohibited People :: 12/06/2017

Sutherland Springs exposed flaws in the NICS system. Whether you agree with background checks or not, they’re the law and the Air Force blew it on that one. They failed to input the information into the system. Plain and simple.


An Education On Gun Rights: Surprisingly From The United Kingdom :: 12/05/2017

USA – -( Most Americans are reasonable people, and those of us that are gun owners know that we are right, when it comes to the Right To Bear Arms. We are so right that we tend to be disrespected by our detractors, and we do view them as ignorant liars. They no longer wish to realistically compromise with us, so we no longer bother to compromise with them.


Anti-Gunners: Gabby Giffords' Gun Control Group Launches Six-Figure Ad Campaign Against Concealed Carry :: 12/05/2017

Gabby Giffords’ gun control launches a six-figure ad campaign trying to shame eight blue-state Republicans into opposing national reciprocity for law-abiding Americans.


Gun groups, lawmakers divided on blending national reciprocity bill :: 12/05/2017

With a House version of national concealed carry reciprocity measure likely to be merged with a plan to fix the nation’s background check system, not all are on board.


Student Op-Ed Asks Just Why Can't He Carry A Gun On Campus :: 12/05/2017

Schools are the proverbial barrel a mass shooter can shoot fish in. They’re contained spaces filled with disarmed individuals who often have been conditioned to stay and hide amid an attack. They’re kind of perfect for mass shooters.


Tucker Carlson: Gun Confiscation Proponents Risk Civil War :: 12/05/2017

During the December 4 airing of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Carlson asked gun control proponent Mark Glaze if he was ready for the civil war that would follow any real attempt to confiscate firearms in the U.S.


9 House Republicans Vote for Feinstein Gun Control :: 12/04/2017

(Washington, DC) — The following nine Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for locking arms with anti-gunner Dianne Feinstein and MoveOn . org, in supporting Feinstein’s NICS Government Database bill (HR 4477 / S 2135).


After mass shootings, retired military commanders urge Congress to address gun violence crisis :: 12/04/2017

Sixteen of the nation’s top retired military commanders are urging Congress to pass gun control legislation, arguing that there are many steps that can be taken to curb gun deaths that do not violate the Second Amendment.


Feds issue 4,000 orders to seize guns after failed background checks :: 12/04/2017

WASHINGTON— Federal authorities sought to take back guns from thousands of people the background check system should have blocked from buying weapons because they had criminal records, mental health issues or other problems that would disqualify them. 


National concealed carry reciprocity set for House vote, may pick up NICS change language :: 12/04/2017

A measure expanding carry protections slammed by gun control advocates is set for a full vote in the House this week but may be merged with other proposals.


Pennsylvania: Can medical marijuana users have firearms? Police say no :: 12/04/2017

As Pennsylvania prepares to issue medical marijuana cards by year's end, patients will find firearms out of their reach, state and federal law enforcement authorities say.


Is Mass Murder Exceptionally American? :: 12/03/2017

The recent tragedies in Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, Texas, are causing many Americans to wonder, “Is this kind of mass murder peculiarly American?”


Rep. Richard Hudson: Law-abiding citizens must have access to guns to protect themselves :: 12/03/2017

You’ve heard it before: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” This was the case at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, when a law-abiding citizen shot and deterred a disturbed murderer, almost certainly preventing further death. After the tragedy, every American had the same reaction – why did this happen and how can we stop it from happening again?


24 State Attorneys General Call Congress to Pass National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry :: 12/02/2017

On December 1 national reciprocity for concealed carry gained the support of a coalition of 24 state Attorneys General from around the country.


Are Mass Murders Unique To The United States? :: 12/02/2017

Every time there’s a mass shooting, someone on the left goes on about how these are uniquely American. They say that other countries don’t have these problems, and since the statistics aren’t exactly easy to find with a quick Google search. What you do find, depending on what you actually type as your search string, are usually articles claiming it’s as All-American as baseball and apple pie.


Did Honolulu Police Break Law With 'Surrender Your Guns' Letter? :: 12/02/2017

Leafly’s report earlier this week about letters sent by the Honolulu Police Department—ordering medical cannabis patients to surrender their firearms—has raised alarms among patients, doctors, privacy experts, and Second Amendment defenders across the nation.


National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry Expected on House Floor Next Week :: 12/02/2017

National reciprocity for concealed carry is expected to be introduced on the House Floor for a vote next week.


Are Gun Control Advocates Liars, Or Just Stupid? :: 12/01/2017

Are gun control advocates liars, people who willfully tell falsehoods, or are they just complete and total idiots? It’s a fair question and it could go either way. I’ll also concede that the word “or” in that first sentence may need to be “and” as well. It’s certainly possible that they’re both.


DRGO: 'Gun violence' does not fit the public health model of disease :: 12/01/2017

The oft chanted mantra that firearms are like viruses is patently untenable. Viruses are living organisms—they replicate and perform actions independently. To consider firearms alive, self-replicating and capable of independent action requires an absence of rationality.


Pelosi's Due Process Concerns for Conyers Don't Extend to Gun Owners :: 12/01/2017

USA – -( House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi urged “due process” for sexual abuse allegations against Rep. John Conyers during an appearance on “Meet the Press,” NBC News reported Sunday.


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