proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Oct 1, 2024

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DRGO: Why Does Organized Medicine Hate Guns? :: 12/22/2017

Why does organized medicine abhor gun ownership?  Why has the public health community waged a culture war on this foundational American tradition for nearly three decades now? “Guns are a virus that must be eliminated”, preached pediatrician Katherine Christoffel, one of the architects of the original American Academy of Pediatrics firearm policy.  “Guns!! Guns!! Guns!! [sic]”, wrote Lester Adelson, MD, in a 1992 AMA journal article, before launching into a truly bizarre dissertation on the psychology of gun owners.


I Actually Read HR 38 : National Carry Reciprocity & Guess What I Found? :: 12/22/2017

USA – -( The House passed HR 38, National Carry on Dec. 7 2017. So I took time to actualy read the bill.


FTC Complaints Filed Against Humane Society of the United States :: 12/21/2017

Watchdog alleges intentional dissemination of misleading information in HSUS fundraising materials


Giffords Law Center sues Trump administration over ties to 'Washington gun lobby' :: 12/21/2017

The Giffords Law Center sued the Department of Justice this week over claims the agency didn’t turn over correspondence between the Trump administration and gun rights lobbyists in a timely manner.


Mistrial declared by judge in 'Battle of Bunkerville' trial of Bundys :: 12/21/2017

A federal judge in Las Vegas on Wednesday declared a mistrial in the case against rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons, and a fourth man who took part in the 2014 confrontation with the federal government.


Trump DoD Nominee Withdraws from Consideration After Gun Control Position Publicized :: 12/21/2017

In early November, it was widely reported that Trump Department of Defense nominee Dr. Dean Winslow had problems with private ownership of AR-15s, and on November 20, Winslow wrote a Washington Post op-ed to announce he had withdrawn his name from DoD consideration.


Virginia Balance of Power Could Have Been Decided by Just One Gun Owner :: 12/21/2017

USA – -( “Judges award Republican 1 vote, causing a tie in House race that will decide balance of power,” The Virginia Pilot reported Wednesday in a breaking development on a political contest that now comes down to random chance. So based on the luck of the draw, Democrats and Republicans in the House of Delegates could be split 50-50, ending nearly 18 years of Republican dominance.


Challenged Anti-Gunners Go Remarkably Silent :: 12/20/2017

A widely-circulated Op-Ed challenging anti-gunners to have a “common ground” chat about gun rights has gone without response. (Dave Workman)


Op-Ed Makes Excellent Point On National Reciprocity Opposition :: 12/20/2017

National reciprocity was going to be opposed by progressives. We knew it from the start. There’s almost no scenario where they weren’t going to offer vehement opposition to the bill, no matter what. They don’t like guns, they don’t like armed citizens, and they don’t like the idea of people not needing to trust the government with their every need.


Federal Whistleblower Drops The Hammer On Bundy Ranch Investigation :: 12/19/2017

A Bureau of Land Management agent is alleging the agency’s handling of the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff and subsequent investigation was rife with misconduct, which some are arguing should lead to the dismissal of the case against Cliven Bundy.


Junk Science: 'Surge' of Accidental Gun Deaths After Sandy Hook :: 12/19/2017

Arizona -( A recent study from Wellesley College economists, published in Science magazine  is a good example of how to torture data until you get the result you want.


No, Salon, the U.S. Was Not 'Founded on Gun Control' :: 12/19/2017

‘The U.S. was actually founded on gun control. . . . If you study your history, you’ll see it.” So begins the latest attempt to rewrite the republic’s history, and thereby to achieve by revisionist “interpretation” what cannot be achieved via Article V.


Pro-Gun Women Regularly Face Violent, Sexual Harassment :: 12/18/2017

"It's a fucking shame you weren't killed when that scumbag raped you, you fucking despicable, lying, lowlife, Right-Wing, Neo-Fascist CUNT!" That was the message Kimberly Corban found waiting for her on Facebook early last year.


When a background check brings a rude surprise, gun buyers have options :: 12/18/2017

The clerk behind the gun store counter knows “that look” on a customer’s face. It’s not a happy one when the background check comes back with a denial of purchase.


Alert: Democrat Requests UN Troops Be Deployed to US Soil to Deal With Guns :: 12/16/2017

Instead of looking to President Donald Trump for assistance with Chicago’s never-ending gun violence, Cook County commissioner Richard Boykin, a Democrat, has reportedly expressed interest in teaming up with the United Nations.


DRGO: The Bill for Our Rights :: 12/16/2017

On Wednesday this week we all should have been jubilantly celebrating the 226th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the original 10 amendments to the United States’ federal constitution. Remarkably, it slipped by relatively unremarked. Yet our Bill of Rights may actually be the most significant of our republic’s founding documents.


Can we find common ground on gun rights? :: 12/15/2017

For years, if not decades, the gun control lobby has been pleading with firearms owners to come together and find some “common ground” on gun control, and in so doing, they started with the wrong message and certainly the wrong sales pitch.


Giffords Backs Call For Laws That Already Exist :: 12/15/2017

Oh, Giffords. They’re the gift that keeps on giving. If they’re not trying to warn you over the inherent evils of muzzleloaders, it’s something else.


Leftists Dredge Up Sandy Hook for Gun Control - Again :: 12/15/2017

One of the main problems in the gun debate is the fact that gun control proponents always focus on the tool causing injuries or deaths, while conveniently neglecting the fact that guns save a significant number of lives in comparison. And even that misses the bigger point about constitutional rights and Liberty. In other words, there’s no real debate at all.


Madison and the Bill of Rights :: 12/15/2017

Newly-elected Congressman James Madison arrived at New York in March of 1789 with a double burden. In addition to his official responsibilities, he carried a commitment to honor an unusual agreement struck the preceding year with fellow Virginians Patrick Henry and George Mason. 


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