proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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Woman's Arrest Underscores Need to Understand States Gun Laws :: 01/29/2018

USA – -( Yet another citizen is facing criminal charges for not realizing that gun laws vary from state to state.  Hayley Leach, a Colorado woman, was arrested when she attempted to check her gun in at Albany Airport for her return flight home, News 10 ABC reported.


Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born: Study :: 01/28/2018

The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday, citing a new report based on conviction data.


Pittsburgh Murder Conviction Shows Why Being Afraid Doesn't Make It Self-Defense :: 01/28/2018

When you talk about self-defense shooting, the phrase “I was in fear of my life” gets thrown around a lot. Some will even try and argue that you can use that argument to justify almost any shooting, that as long as you can say you were scared then a jury will let you off the hook.


NY Times Peddles More School Shooting Deception :: 01/27/2018

We’re not even a full month into the new year and already The New York Times is peddling deceptive information to spur action on gun control. On Tuesday, following the unfortunate situation in Benton, Kentucky, in which innocent students were ruthlessly attacked (and two killed) by a fellow pupil, the Times ran with this narrative-infused headline: “School Shooting in Kentucky Was Nation’s 11th of Year. It Was Jan. 23.” Only in the sixth paragraph did it almost unnoticeably get around to printing this disclaimer: “Some of the shootings at schools this year were suicides that injured no one else; some did not result in any injuries at all.” How nice of the Times to let that cat out of the bag — you know, after the agenda-driven drivel was already featured in the headline.


Cherry-Picking Statistics: How the Violence Policy Center Manipulates Data to Advance their Cause :: 01/26/2018

Last week, the Violence Policy Center shared their analysis of 2016 fatal injury statistics, which are released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and available for public analysis. VPC’s headline: “U.S. Gun Death Rate Jumps 17 Percent Since 2008 Supreme Court District of Columbia v. Heller Decision Affirming Right to Own a Handgun for Self-Defense.


Comedian Embraces Concealed Carry Following Robbery :: 01/26/2018

Being the victim of a violent crime is terrifying. There’s really no other way to describe it. Some people, after the fact, shut down. They’re horrified at the thought of even leaving their home–assuming that’s not where the crime took place–or being alone. It changes how they function and it can create some profound mental health issues.


CPRC: Just 42.9% of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools have an armed guard who "routinely" carries a gun :: 01/26/2018

During the 2015-16 school year, there were 83,600 public elementary and secondary schools.  Of those, 35,900 have a sworn law enforcement officer who “routinely” carries a gun.  That is only 42.9% of the schools.  And not even all this 42.9% had an officer available at their school all the time nor did those officers carry all the time when they were there.  In addition, the problem with only one officer is that if you have an officer in uniform, the attackers know that if they kill the officer first, no one else will be there to stop the attack.  Those officers have a job that is both extremely boring and extremely difficult.  Few will actually ever face one of these attacks, but at the same time if an attack occurs, having an officer in uniform is like having the officer with a neon sign above him saying “shoot me first.”


Gun Rights Amendment to Iowa Constitution Clears First Hurdle :: 01/26/2018

Advocates for and against gun rights spoke out at the Capitol today on a proposed amendment to the Iowa constitution.   


Strict Scrutiny Amendments: Iron Plating for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms :: 01/26/2018

The Iowa legislature is considering House Joint Resolution 13 to add a right to keep and bear arms to the state’s constitution. Should the introduced language eventually be adopted, the Hawkeye State would become the fourth – behind Louisiana, Missouri, and Alabama – to explicitly designate strict scrutiny as the required judicial standard for adjudicating restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.


A Conspiracy of Silence Assaults Privacy :: 01/25/2018

During the past three weeks, Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed into law vast new powers for the NSA and the FBI to spy on innocent Americans and selectively to pass on to law enforcement the fruits of that spying.


Associated Press' Attempt to Destroy SHOT Show's Reputation Went Down in Flames :: 01/25/2018

Every year, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) hosts SHOT Show, the annual tradeshow for firearms industry insiders. The goal of the meeting is to allow firearms manufacturers, dealers and industry-related media to gather and see what guns, accessories and the latest gadgets will be released in the next year. 


Epic Fail: One Gun Control Activist Shows Up to Protest Shot Show :: 01/25/2018

A lone gun control activist showed up to protest the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s SHOT Show and Breitbart News was able to ask him some questions.


States Are Still Banning Electric Weapons For Self-Defense :: 01/25/2018

In 2013, the CEO of TASER International estimated that 70% of those purchasing their C2 model Taser were women. It’s no wonder that these small, effective, and non-lethal means of self-defense have proved so popular. But despite their popularity and effectiveness, five states and a handful of localities continue to ban all electric weapons.


AP Drops Unthinking Bias Into Report On School Shooting :: 01/24/2018

The nation was horrified by the latest school shooting yesterday that left two dead and many others injured.


Tens of thousands of New Yorkers have been arrested for possessing knives that are openly sold in city stores :: 01/24/2018

Knives are bringing together the unlikeliest of allies in New York as the constitutionality of a nearly 70-year-old statute is being challenged in federal court. Over the past decade, "tens of thousands" of people have been arrested for possessing illegal "gravity knives" — blades that can be flicked open with the skilled snap of a wrist, In Justice Today reports. Arizona-based knife advocacy group Knife Rights, which is representing three plaintiffs in the case, claims that the law is unconstitutional because there is no firm test to define what is or is not a gravity knife.


Washington Army veteran's suicide highlights more shortfalls in background check system :: 01/24/2018

This 2014 photo provided by the Yakima Police Department shows a Smith & Wesson 9-mm pistol on a table in the apartment where Kyle Juhl used it to kill himself in Yakima, Wash. (Photo: Amber Ross/Yakima Police Department via AP)


CPRC: NEW RESEARCH: The impact of illegal aliens on crime rates :: 01/23/2018

The Crime Prevention Research Center is proud to reveal new research that analyzes unique newly released data on crime rates by illegal aliens.  Please download a copy: available here.


DC journalist and comic robbed at gunpoint; now vows to get concealed handgun license :: 01/23/2018

Journalist and comic Tim Young gained a new appreciation for gun rights last week after he was mugged at gunpoint.


Gun Control Fail: 'Gun Violence' Costs New York over 5.6 Billion Each Year :: 01/23/2018

New York has an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, universal background checks, and “gun violence” costs of over $5.6 billion a year.


Do Increased Gun Thefts Show Futility of Background Check Laws? :: 01/22/2018

Bloomberg News reported Friday that gun store robberies have increased by an alarming 227 percent since 2013 and burglaries have spiked 71 percent during the same period, raising the question whether so-called “universal background check” laws are a feel-good exercise in futility.


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