proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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America Hasn't Stopped Caring About Violence, Just Strawman Arguments :: 02/05/2018

Throughout the nation, debates continue on gun control and gun rights. However, what’s always amusing is when people prop up strawman arguments and pretend they’re dismantling the core of the gun rights debate.


Germany: Amid concerns over public safety, Germans are buying more weapons :: 02/05/2018

Some people living in Germany feel less safe than they did in the past. At the same time, small arms purchases are on the rise. But experts say a boost in weapons ownership will likely do more harm than good.


No, guns are not the problem :: 02/05/2018

We’re a month, more or less, into the new year and America has already suffered two school shootings. As usual, the usual voices are calling for increased restrictions on the buying and selling of guns. But guns are not the problem, a contention I can prove.


Smithsonian: Wild West Had Gun Control (and it Failed Then Too) :: 02/05/2018

On February 5, Smithsonian magazine published a column to prove gun control existed in the Wild West and inadvertently demonstrated that gun control failed then, in Tombstone, Arizona, as it does now, in Chicago, Illinois.


Democratic Leaders, Why Do You Find Patriotism Divisive? :: 02/03/2018

U.S.A.-( Did you ever think you'd see the day when a prominent political party would accuse the president of being divisive and exclusionary for saying “America” too many times during his State of the Union speech?


Under Trump, America Rises on Global Freedom Index :: 02/03/2018

So what changed?  It’s safe to say that unlike Barack Obama, President Donald Trump has been the change we can believe in. Despite the hyperbolic, lunatic rantings of the media and progressive Democrats (but we repeat ourselves), Trump has not become America’s Hitler or Stalin; quite the opposite, in fact.


DRGO: Cognitive Dissonance :: 02/02/2018

“Cognitive dissonance” is the mental distress brought on by simultaneously holding conflicting strong beliefs, or by encountering information that contradicts strongly held beliefs.  This stress can be reduced by changing one’s beliefs, though more commonly by denial (refusing to accept facts that contradict strongly held beliefs) or through rationalization (trying logically to justify something that is truly irrational).


Apathy will Kill the 2nd Amendment and End your Right to own a Firearm :: 02/01/2018

U.S.A.-( When was the last time you went shooting? When was the last time you attended a Friends of NRA dinner? When was the last time you did anything except complain about the NRA?


In New York, Gun Owners Balk At New Handgun Database - NPR :: 02/01/2018

This week marked the official deadline for more than 370,000 handgun owners in the state of New York to register those guns with state police. New York is trying to use that information to build a comprehensive record of gun owners — something only one other state has done. The database that California started in 2007 has gotten mixed reviews.


Anti-gun Groups gripe that Trump didn't talk gun control in State of Union address :: 01/31/2018

President Donald Trump covered a number of topics in his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday but largely skipped gun politics.


Democrats Make War While Republicans Make Nice :: 01/31/2018

The battles for these United States are all around us. The Republicans are losing because they have not begun to fight. When Democrats are elected, then the media and bureaucrats tell us we should follow the decisions of our elected leaders.


Reshaping Federal Courts Could Be Trump's Lasting Legacy :: 01/31/2018

While political drama is playing out over the possible release of the controversial “FISA memo” that many conservatives suspect may reveal government surveillance abuses, President Donald Trump may be laying the foundation for his “greatest legacy” – reshaping the federal courts – according to CBN News.


Taran Tactical shooter advocates gun control in interview, loses gig :: 01/31/2018

The California-based tactical accessory, gunsmithing and training group publicly distanced themselves from a “friend” of the company following an interview published this week.


DRGO: Keep Your Sight on Target :: 01/30/2018

Attempts to blame guns for mayhem are unfortunately frequent. In a recent Politico articled Laura Kiesel cites a number of reports of violence committed with guns. Unlike many authors, she calls for a more careful examination of factors that may lead to such shootings. This focus on those who commit acts rather than the means they use is commendable.


The Washington Post Ignores Right to Bear Arms :: 01/30/2018

Arizona -( In an article about shall issue carry permits in Washington, D.C., the authors, Peter Hermann and Peter Jamison, ignore half of the rights contained in the Second Amendment. It is rather odd, considering it is the main topic of their article.


Violent Crime Down, Murder Up Depending On Location - FBI :: 01/30/2018

Preliminary data on crime during the first half of 2017 shows murders were up 1.5 percent during that period, but that depended upon the location, according to an FBI report released last week coincidentally while the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show was unfolding in Las Vegas.


Law Requiring Reporting Stolen Guns Misguided :: 01/29/2018

If my guns were to be stolen tomorrow, the first thing I’d do is call the police as soon as I knew. After all, I’d want the police to be able to act quickly. I’d also want to make sure my guns don’t somehow tie me to any crime.


Mike Rowe, 'Dirty Jobs' champion, takes gun rights personally :: 01/29/2018

TV host Mike Rowe likes to illustrate how attitudes have changed over the years by recalling the time he and a classmate brought a gun to his high school in Baltimore — not just any gun, but a sniper rifle.


Salon Manipulated Data Used To Claim Right-To-Carry Laws Means More Crime :: 01/29/2018

Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte has never met a progressive cause she didn’t love. She’s also not afraid to suspend any pretense at critical thinking in order to support the narrative. Most recently, she wrote about how science now proves right-to-carry laws lead to more crime. It proves it!


Trump Smacks Down Piers Morgan On Gun Control :: 01/29/2018

President Donald Trump has had one surprise supporter throughout his presidency, and that is media host Piers Morgan. Morgan has been vocal in his support of the president regarding immigration and terrorism in the past, something I don’t think many of us were prepared to see.


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