proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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Poking Holes in Gun Control Myths :: 02/14/2018

A story in Tuesday’s Seattle Times that blames “gun violence” for 75 percent of homicides in Washington State’s King County could serve as a learning tool for Second Amendment activists across the country because, while perpetuating a misconception about crime, it also undercuts one of the popular arguments of the gun prohibition lobby.


After Texas massacre, military rushed to add more than 4,000 to gun ban list :: 02/13/2018

Since an ex-US airman shot more than two dozen people in a Texas church in November, the US military has added more than 4,000 names to the nation’s list of dishonorably discharged military personnel banned from owning firearms — a sign of what has been a massive hole in the nation’s gun buying background check system.


Background Checks Are Not the Answer to Gun Violence :: 02/13/2018

With each mass shooting, calls rise from gun control advocates for tighter rules on firearms. The go-to policy prescription involves background checks. But a measure passed by the House and being considered in the Senate to expand the National Instant Criminal Background Check System would not only fail to fix major flaws in the system but would also probably introduce new ones.


Reaction to 60 Minutes Piece on CCW Reciprocity Swift, Harsh :: 02/13/2018

Reaction to the “60 Minutes” segment Sunday evening about concealed carry reciprocity has been swift, and largely negative, as the more than 260 comments posted at the CBS website attest.


The Liberal Media's Slobbering Over The Norks Reminds Us Why We Have The Second Amendment :: 02/13/2018

America’s most effective advocate of the principle of an armed populace is now officially the liberal media that usually seeks to do the ruling class’s bidding and strip us Normal Americans of that sacred right. But after the media’s bizarre display of eager tongue-bathing of the semi-human savages who run North Korea, any patriot has got to be thinking, “I best load up, because it’s pretty clear what the establishment’s desired end state is.”


Australian Ambassador Argues Aussie-Style Gun Control Wrong For U.S. :: 02/12/2018

Anti-gun crusaders love them some Australia-style gun control. They look at the whole process over there and think, “If only.” They want the euphemistically-termed “buybacks” that no one has any choice about, combined with a strict licensing scheme that would make the Founding Fathers curl up in the fetal position.


Continued Judicial Resistance to the Second Amendment :: 02/12/2018

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” According to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, however, acquiring arms has nothing to do with keeping and bearing them. This was the court’s logic when it ruled in John Teixeira’s case that buying and selling guns was beyond the scope of the Second Amendment.


Lawmakers should avoid rush to ramp up gun confiscations :: 02/12/2018

SACRAMENTO — An Associated Press report last week sounded rather shocking. State authorities conducted a raid in Los Angeles, where they “seized more than two dozen guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition” from a man who had reportedly been barred from owning firearms. Predictably, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra bemoaned a lack of funding and a long backlog in the state’s ability to collect such weapons.


The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act-CBS Attack Article :: 02/12/2018

Of all the political and cultural issues that divide red states from blue ones, none is more volatile than guns and who can carry them.


Pennsylvania to require voting machines with paper backup :: 02/11/2018

Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday ordered counties that plan to replace their electronic voting systems to buy machines that leave a paper trail — a safeguard against hacking — but his budget doesn’t include any money to fund the replacement of the state’s aging, increasingly vulnerable fleet.


PETA Massacred 1,809 Dogs & Cats in 2017, Body Count Exceeds 38,000 Animals :: 02/10/2018

Washington, D.C. —-( Today the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) announced that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has continued to slaughter pets by the thousands at its Norfolk, VA headquarters for yet another year.


Grassley, Ernst and Manchin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Restore Veterans Second Amendment Rights :: 02/09/2018

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) introduced bipartisan legislation along with Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) to restore veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Under current practice, once the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) assigns a fiduciary to help a veteran manage benefit payments, the VA will report that veteran’s name to the National Criminal Instant Background Check System (NICS), commonly known as the national gun ban list. Once on the gun ban list, a veteran is outlawed from owning or possessing firearms, resulting in some veterans who are perfectly safe to own firearms being denied their constitutional rights.


A 2nd Amendment Thought Experiment :: 02/08/2018

Here's a simple thought experiment regarding the 2nd Amendment. What do you think the U.S. would be like if we didn't have it?


Lawmakers want VA to restore gun rights stripped from some veterans :: 02/08/2018

A group of bipartisan U.S. Senators has filed legislation to reverse the fact that some vets are losing their right to keep and bear arms because someone is handling their finances.


VPC's Latest 'Study' on Gun Deaths Does Not Mean What It Says It Means :: 02/08/2018

It should come as no surprise to find that the Violence Policy Center (VPC) is…disingenuous…at best. Given this is the same bunch that lumps justifiable homicides, suicides, unintentional shootings and police shootings in with murders, one tends to know where they stand on firearms and the Second Amendment.


PA State Reps. Davidson, Miccarelli push gun control measure :: 02/07/2018

Democratic state Rep. Margo Davidson joined Republican colleague Nick Miccarelli at a press conference in Harrisburg Monday afternoon urging bipartisan support for new gun-safety legislation.


Pa. was the last state to allow hunting with an AR-15, and hunters are split :: 02/07/2018

In 2017, Pennsylvania became the last state to legalize semi-automatic rifles – including AR-15s – for hunting. It looked like the guns might be allowed for furbearers, small game and big game, until something surprising happened:


Violence Policy center's gun study marred by omissions, flaws :: 02/07/2018

IN its efforts to advance gun control measures, the Violence Policy Center compiles data to bolster its policy positions. We have no problem with that. But in doing so, the center has connected dots that don't line up while obscuring key data that undermines their positions.


Look to the legislators, not the courts, for freedom :: 02/06/2018

Courts can't always be counted on. Legislation, in many cases, has more of an impact than a court ruling.


Russians Pushing 2nd Amendment Hoping Americans Will Kill Each Other :: 02/06/2018

We reported earlier today that George Soros has been a financial backer of Rep. Adam Schiff’s political career (see below) via his organization It becomes clearer that when you’re listening to Schiff that he’s just a mouthpiece for Soros and the far left. Listen to the wacky suggestion below that Russia is promoting our Second Amendment and “would be thrilled if we were doing nothing but killing each other every day…” Whoa!


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