proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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We Can't Make Schools Safe Unless We Get Government Out :: 03/03/2018

If we want to do something about school safety in America, we need to get government out of it. No more new gun control laws from Washington. No more speeches from DC politicians. No more executive orders. No more legislation. No more bipartisan meetings about banning assault weapons, creating lists on the “mentally ill,” or abandoning due process. It’s time for government to do what it’s supposed to do in a situation like this—nothing.


Anti-gun Democrats Introduce Clinton-style Assault Weapons Ban :: 03/02/2018

House Representative David Cicilline (D-R.I.) introduced a bill last week similar to the Clinton-era Federal Assault Weapons Ban but with even greater restrictions. So far 163 of the 193 House Democrats have signed on in support of the bill. Cicilline’s rant against semi-automatic rifles is familiar:


Bloomberg & Everytown for Gun Safety Behind So Called "Student-Led" Anti-Gun March :: 03/02/2018

Florida , USA – -( Gun rights advocates have long-maintained that there is a vast difference between groups such as the National Rifle Association or Buckeye Firearms Association, made up of millions of individual paid members, and groups which espouse a gun control point of view and claim to represent a majority of the country, but which have very few, if any, actual paid members.


Don't be fooled, the Bible does not support gun control :: 03/02/2018

While the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., has understandably spurred many emotional responses, one student at the University of South Carolina has taken the gun debate to new heights.


Gun background checks give 'false senses of security,' GOP congressman says :: 03/02/2018

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie came out Sunday against legislation bolstering background checks for gun purchases, saying that such measures would amount to "trying to put lipstick on a pig" and create "false senses of security."


President Trump and Vice President Pence to Lose Second Amendment Rights :: 03/02/2018

Yesterday, President Trump stated that “[i]t takes so long to go to court to get the due process procedures, I like taking the guns early. Take the guns first, go through due process second” seemingly without consideration for what he was proposing or the impact on his and Vice President Pence’s Second Amendment rights.


They Don't Hate The NRA. They Hate You. :: 03/02/2018

           The progressives are cranking things up to 11 on the Stupid/Psycho Scale, which is good for us in the short term – some of us Normals were growing complacent and the midterms are coming. But we also need to open our eyes and accept the bitter reality we face. We can’t just pretend the truth is not the truth because we wish it were otherwise. The left’s dropping of its mask has demonstrated once again the undeniable fact. The left hates you.


World famous psychiatrist says: more psychiatric drug treatment means more mass shootings will happen :: 03/02/2018

Listen to this man. You’d better listen. His name is Peter Breggin. He is a world famous psychiatrist. He has been called the conscience of his profession.


Broward County Likely 'Inspiration' for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions :: 03/01/2018

The Broward County school district’s adoption of a school discipline policy that was praised by the Obama administration for seeking to reduce the reported number of school suspensions, expulsions, and arrests may have played a role in the fact that Nikolas Cruz remained under the radar until his shooting rampage in Parkland, Florida, on February 14.


Donald Trump Could Be Pulling a Gun Control 'Rope-a-Dope' :: 03/01/2018

As President Trump spent time stacking gun bill upon gun bill Wednesday, it was impossible to avoid thinking he might be setting up the Democrats via a gun control “rope-a-dope.”


Judge Nap: Trump's Comments on Due Process Represent What Gun Owners and the NRA Fear Most :: 03/01/2018

President Donald Trump on Wednesday shocked some Republicans and guns rights advocates by voicing support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due their process rights.


Second Amendment advocate: Trump has turned into the gun grabber in chief :: 03/01/2018

President Trump's suggestion Wednesday that authorities take away people's guns and deal with legal justifications later has some gun rights advocates alarmed.


Trump: Take the guns first, go through due process second :: 03/01/2018

President Donald Trump said this week law enforcement should take guns away from potentially dangerous individuals and worry about due process rights later.


Australia had no School Shootings Before Their Extreme Gun Restrictions :: 02/28/2018

In the presidential listening session where students expressed their emotions to President Donald Trump, about the Parkland school mass murder, one of the students made a comment about school shootings and Australia. Sam Zeif in video from the presidential listening session, February 21, 2018:


Ben Shapiro Perfectly Sums Up Current Gun Debate :: 02/28/2018

As a parent, my heart still breaks for those who lost their children in Parkland. Even those who are now screaming for more gun control get my sympathy for their loss. I understand their screaming. I lost a dear friend in a mass shooting several years ago, and I took a step back to wonder if I’d been wrong on guns for all these years. I can only imagine what it must be like when you’re not vehemently pro-gun to begin with and the person you lost is your child.


Dick's adds rules for gun sales, bans ARs, hi-cap mags :: 02/28/2018

Inspired by the student-led movement to reform gun laws, retail chain Dick’s Sporting Goods announced Wednesday that it will no longer sell guns to buyers under the age of 21 nor will it carry “assault-style rifles,” high capacity magazines or bump stocks.


Pennsylvania Republican takes point on gun control :: 02/28/2018

FBI agent turned lawmaker Brian Fitzpatrick on Tuesday became the only Republican in the U.S. House to back a bill preventing a potentially dangerous person from owning or buying a gun.


Senators Propose Bill Blocking Those on No-Fly List From Buying Guns :: 02/28/2018

A bipartisan group of senators on Tuesday introduced legislation that would prohibit individuals on certain terrorist watch lists from purchasing a gun, an idea that has rankled civil-rights groups.


Sweeping gun control measure passes Florida Senate committee :: 02/28/2018

Lawmakers in Florida, historically one of the most pro-gun states, on Monday gave initial approval to a plan that would change a number of the state’s firearm regulations.


165 House Dems introduce ban on most semi-auto firearms :: 02/27/2018

Democrats in the U.S. House on Monday kicked off a renewed effort to prohibit a number of popular gun designs from civilian ownership.


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