PA Bill Number: SB242
Title: Providing that any Federal action that attempts to register, restrict or ban a firearm or accessory, or to limit, inhibit or regulate the ownership ...
Description: Providing that any Federal action that attempts to register, restrict or ban a firearm or accessory, or to limit, inhibit or regulate the owners ...
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: Feb 13, 2025

Proposed Pennsylvania House Legislation
2025-2026 Session2023-2024 Session2021-2022 Session2019-2020 Session2017-2018 Session2015-2016 Session2013-2014 Session

Title: Adopting permanent rules for the House of Representatives, further providing for questions of order, for supervision of Hall of the House and committee rooms, for members' and employees' expenses, for order of business, for general appropriation bill and non-preferred bills, for consideration of bills, for third consideration and final passage bills, for hospital and home appropriations or acquiring lands of the Commonwealth, for House and concurrent resolutions, for standing committees and subcommittees, for powers and duties of standing committees and subcommittees, for Committee on Rules, for discharge of committees, for lay on the table, for previous question, for members required to be present and vote and for financial interests in gaming entities, providing for vote by designation and further providing for Committee on Ethics.
Description: A Resolution adopting permanent rules for the House of Representatives, further providing for questions of order, for supervision of Hall of the House and committee rooms, for members' and employees' expenses, for order of business, for general appropriation bill and non-preferred bills, for consideration of bills, for third consideration and final passage bills, for hospital and home appropriations or acquiring lands of the Commonwealth, for House and concurrent resolutions, for standing committees and subcommittees, for powers and duties of standing committees and subcommittees, for Committee on Rules, for discharge of committees, for lay on the table, for previous question, for members required to be present and vote and for financial interests in gaming entities, providing for vote by designation and further providing for Committee on Ethics.
Last Action: Introduced
Last Action Date: February 27, 2023

Title: Amending the Operating Rules of the House of Representatives For Special Session No. 1 (2023) On Providing Justice To Otherwise Barred Victims Of Childhood Sexual Abuse, providing for definitions, for ethical conduct, for professional conduct and for Committee on Ethics.
Description: A Resolution amending the Operating Rules of the House of Representatives For Special Session No. 1 (2023) On Providing Justice To Otherwise Barred Victims Of Childhood Sexual Abuse, providing for definitions, for ethical conduct, for professional conduct and for Committee on Ethics.
Last Action Date: February 27, 2023

Title: Directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the impact of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking on Commonwealth students enrolled in grades 6 through 12 and postsecondary institutions and issue a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly.
Description: A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the impact of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking on Commonwealth students enrolled in grades 6 through 12 and postsecondary institutions and issue a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: Recognizing the month of July 2023 as "Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of July 2023 as "Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (202-1)
Last Action Date: June 14, 2023

Title: In district election officers, further providing for election officers to be sworn; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for affidavits of candidates; in nomination of candidates, further providing for petition may consist of several sheets and statement of circulator, for affidavits of candidates, for examination of nomination petitions, certificates and papers and return of rejected nomination petitions, certificates and papers, for vacancy in party nomination by failure to pay filing fee or for failure to file loyalty oath, for affidavits of candidates, for filling of certain vacancies in public office by means of nomination certificates and nomination papers and for substituted nominations to fill certain vacancies for a November election; in ballots, further providing for form of ballots and printing ballots; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of computing irregular ballots; and replacing references to "justice of the peace" with "magisterial district judge."
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in district election officers, further providing for election officers to be sworn; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for affidavits of candidates; in nomination of candidates, further providing for petition may consist of several sheets and statement of circulator, for affidavits of candidates, for examination of nomination petitions, certificates and papers and return of rejected nomination petitions, certificates and papers, for vacancy in party nomination by failure to pay filing fee or for failure to file loyalty oath, for affidavits of candidates, for filling of certain vacancies in public office by means of nomination certificates and nomination papers and for substituted nominations to fill certain vacancies for a November election; in ballots, further providing for form of ballots and printing ballots; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of computing irregular ballots; and replacing references to "justice of the peace" with "magisterial district judge."
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: A Concurrent Resolution petitioning the Congress of the United States to call a convention of states limited to a congressional term limit amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Description: A Concurrent Resolution petitioning the Congress of the United States to call a convention of states limited to a congressional term limit amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In nomination of candidates, further providing for number of signers required for nomination petitions of candidates at primaries.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, further providing for number of signers required for nomination petitions of candidates at primaries.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: In child protective services, further providing for definitions.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child protective services, further providing for definitions.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 16, 2023

Title: In licenses and regulations and liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for shipment of wine.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in licenses and regulations and liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for shipment of wine.
Last Action: Referred to LIQUOR CONTROL
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: In dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for general primary and candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for general primary and candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, further providing for interference with lawful taking of wildlife or other activities permitted by this title prohibited.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in preemptions, providing for regulation of firearms and ammunition.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in preemptions, providing for regulation of firearms and ammunition.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: Limiting assignment of State-owned vehicles.
Description: An Act limiting assignment of State-owned vehicles.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: Directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study, analyze and report on the relationship between gun violence and the use of social media in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study, analyze and report on the relationship between gun violence and the use of social media in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: December 11, 2023

Title: In the State System of Higher Education, further providing for definitions and for powers and duties of councils of trustees.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in the State System of Higher Education, further providing for definitions and for powers and duties of councils of trustees.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: July 5, 2023

Title: In sentencing, providing for alternative sentencing for primary caretakers.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sentencing, providing for alternative sentencing for primary caretakers.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: Designating the month of April 2023 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating the month of April 2023 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 28, 2023

Title: In creation of leases, statute of frauds and mortgaging of leaseholds, providing for criminal background; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), known as The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, in creation of leases, statute of frauds and mortgaging of leaseholds, providing for criminal background; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: A Concurrent Resolution petitioning the Congress of the United States to call a Convention for proposing amendments pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the United States limited to proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints on the Federal Government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the Federal Government and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.
Description: A Concurrent Resolution petitioning the Congress of the United States to call a Convention for proposing amendments pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the United States limited to proposing amendments that impose fiscal restraints on the Federal Government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the Federal Government and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: May 18, 2023

Title: Designating the month of June 2023 as "Gun Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating the month of June 2023 as "Gun Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (103-100)
Last Action Date: June 20, 2023

Title: Repealing provisions relating to inheritance tax; in procedure and administration, further providing for petition for reassessment; and, in governmental obligations, further providing for taxability of government obligations.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, repealing provisions relating to inheritance tax; in procedure and administration, further providing for petition for reassessment; and, in governmental obligations, further providing for taxability of government obligations.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: March 7, 2023

Title: Designating the month of October 2023 as "Bullying Prevention Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania to help Pennsylvanians work to recognize bullying, stop bullying and gain the tools needed to appropriately deal with situations involving bullies.
Description: A Resolution designating the month of October 2023 as "Bullying Prevention Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania to help Pennsylvanians work to recognize bullying, stop bullying and gain the tools needed to appropriately deal with situations involving bullies.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: December 10, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for licenses, for sale or transfer of firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police, repealing provisions relating to firearm sales surcharge and to Firearm Records Check Fund and further providing for licensing of dealers and for administrative regulations.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for licenses, for sale or transfer of firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police, repealing provisions relating to firearm sales surcharge and to Firearm Records Check Fund and further providing for licensing of dealers and for administrative regulations.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the number of terms that members of Congress may serve and establish and limit the terms of office for United States Supreme Court Justices.
Description: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the number of terms that members of Congress may serve and establish and limit the terms of office for United States Supreme Court Justices.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: August 8, 2023

Title: Providing for reimbursements for physical examinations of firefighters; and establishing the Firefighter Physical Examination Reimbursement Fund.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for reimbursements for physical examinations of firefighters; and establishing the Firefighter Physical Examination Reimbursement Fund.
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: In theft and related offenses, further providing for the offense of retail theft.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in theft and related offenses, further providing for the offense of retail theft.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: Designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 13775, carrying Pennsylvania Route 641 over Big Spring Creek on the border of Newville Borough and West Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County, as the SFC Randall Shughart Memorial Bridge.
Description: An Act designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 13775, carrying Pennsylvania Route 641 over Big Spring Creek on the border of Newville Borough and West Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County, as the SFC Randall Shughart Memorial Bridge.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: Encouraging Pennsylvanians to use sensitive language when discussing suicide.
Description: A Resolution encouraging Pennsylvanians to use sensitive language when discussing suicide.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: September 13, 2023

Title: Designating the week of September 18 through 24, 2023, as "Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating the week of September 18 through 24, 2023, as "Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: September 21, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions relating to home rule and optional plan government, repealing provisions relating to limitation on municipal powers.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition; and, in general provisions relating to home rule and optional plan government, repealing provisions relating to limitation on municipal powers.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: Providing for employee voter leave.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for employee voter leave.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: March 8, 2023

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2023 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2023 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (201-1)
Last Action Date: October 30, 2023

Title: Designating October 19, 2023, as "Purple Thursday" and as "Domestic Violence Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating October 19, 2023, as "Purple Thursday" and as "Domestic Violence Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (201-1)
Last Action Date: October 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for sale or transfer of firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police and providing for self-exclusion from purchasing a firearm.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for sale or transfer of firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police and providing for self-exclusion from purchasing a firearm.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In school security, providing for school armed guards.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school security, providing for school armed guards.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In post-trial matters, further providing for eligibility for relief, providing for postconviction review for veterans with service-connected mental health disability and further providing for jurisdiction and proceedings; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentencing procedure for murder of the first degree.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in post-trial matters, further providing for eligibility for relief, providing for postconviction review for veterans with service-connected mental health disability and further providing for jurisdiction and proceedings; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentencing procedure for murder of the first degree.
Last Action Date: July 7, 2023

Title: In school security, providing for training requirements for school police officers and school security guards.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school security, providing for training requirements for school police officers and school security guards.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for relief and providing for shared telephone plans.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for relief and providing for shared telephone plans.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In sales and use tax, further providing for exclusions from tax.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in sales and use tax, further providing for exclusions from tax.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: Designating the month of November 2023 as "Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Remembrance Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating the month of November 2023 as "Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Remembrance Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: April 9, 2024

Title: In preparation for conduct of primaries and elections, providing for applicability; and providing for conduct of early voting in primaries and elections.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preparation for conduct of primaries and elections, providing for applicability; and providing for conduct of early voting in primaries and elections.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: A Concurrent Resolution recognizing November 23, 2023, as the "National Day of Mourning" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Concurrent Resolution recognizing November 23, 2023, as the "National Day of Mourning" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 30, 2023

Title: In voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; and, in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; and, in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: Designating December 16, 2023, as "Battle of the Bulge Day" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating December 16, 2023, as "Battle of the Bulge Day" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (202-1)
Last Action Date: December 13, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for definitions and providing for limitations on campaign contributions.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for definitions and providing for limitations on campaign contributions.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots, for date of application for absentee ballot, for envelopes for official absentee ballots and for voting by absentee electors and providing for secure ballot return receptacles; and, in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots, for date of application for mail-in ballot, for approval of application for mail-in ballot, for envelopes for official mail-in ballots and for voting by mail-in electors.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots, for date of application for absentee ballot, for envelopes for official absentee ballots and for voting by absentee electors and providing for secure ballot return receptacles; and, in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots, for date of application for mail-in ballot, for approval of application for mail-in ballot, for envelopes for official mail-in ballots and for voting by mail-in electors.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: In the Secretary of the Commonwealth, providing for public meetings on proposed ballot questions.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, providing for public meetings on proposed ballot questions.
Last Action: Re-committed to RULES
Last Action Date: September 22, 2023

Title: In personnel of the system, establishing eviction agent advisory boards in cities of the first class and eviction agent education and training programs in cities of the first class; providing for eviction procedure in cities of the first class; and making an editorial change.
Description: An Act amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 68 (Real and Personal Property) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in personnel of the system, establishing eviction agent advisory boards in cities of the first class and eviction agent education and training programs in cities of the first class; providing for eviction procedure in cities of the first class; and making an editorial change.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 5, 2024

Title: Urging the United States Congress and relevant Federal agencies to review and strengthen the regulations and procedures governing flights transporting large numbers of undocumented immigrants, ensuring that the review prioritizes the safety, dignity and rights of all individuals involved, including the host communities of aviation facilities, while also addressing national security and effective immigration enforcement needs.
Description: A Resolution urging the United States Congress and relevant Federal agencies to review and strengthen the regulations and procedures governing flights transporting large numbers of undocumented immigrants, ensuring that the review prioritizes the safety, dignity and rights of all individuals involved, including the host communities of aviation facilities, while also addressing national security and effective immigration enforcement needs.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: January 31, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for special provisions applicable to limited school years; in duties and powers of board of school directors, further providing for additional schools and departments; in grounds and buildings, further providing for limitation on new applications for Department of Education approval of public school building projects; in school directors' associations and county boards of school directors, further providing for powers and duties; in intermediate units, further providing for visual services and for school safety and security enhancements; in certification of teachers, further providing for substitute teaching permit for prospective teachers and for locally issued temporary certification for substitute teachers, repealing provisions relating to permit for classroom monitors and providing for permit for classroom monitors; providing for the Educator Pipeline Support Grant Program; in pupils and attendance, further providing for compulsory education of physical defectives, for school lunch and breakfast reimbursement, for dependent children, for actual cost of tuition and maintenance of certain exceptional children in the four chartered schools for education of the deaf and the blind, for payment of cost of tuition and maintenance of certain exceptional children, for transfer of funds for transferal programs and for children under six with defective hearing and parent or guardian advised of schools, etc.; in safe schools, further providing for definitions and for Office for Safe Schools, repealing provisions relating to regulations and to reporting, further providing for policy relating to bullying and for maintenance of records and repealing provisions relating to Safe Schools Advocate in School Districts of the First Class, to standing, to enforcement and to construction of article and other laws; in school safety and security, further providing for definitions and for school safety and security committee, providing for duties of committee, further providing for School Safety and Security Grant Program, providing for Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools and School Entities Program, for standardized protocols, for county safe schools' collaborative and for school mental health grants for 2023-2024 school year, further providing for school safety and security coordinator training and providing for reporting and memorandum of understanding, for safe schools advocate in school districts of the first class and for enforcement; in school security, further providing for definitions, for school police officers, for annual report and for school security guards; in character education program, further providing for character education program; in community colleges, further providing for financial program and reimbursement of payments; in educational tax credits, further providing for definitions, for qualification and application by organizations and for limitations; in school districts of the first class, further providing for qualifications of principals and teachers; in funding for public libraries, providing for State aid for fiscal year 2023-2024; in reimbursements by Commonwealth and between school districts, further providing for definitions and for payments on account of pupils enrolled in career and technical curriculums, for payments on account of courses for exceptional children, for payments to intermediate units, for assistance to school districts declared to be in financial recovery status or identified for financial watch status, for payments, for payments on account of pupil transportation, for Ready-to-Learn Block Grant and for payment of required contribution for public school employees' Social Security; in construction and renovation of buildings by school entities, further providing for applicability; providing for School Environmental Repairs Program; and making an editorial change.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, further providing for special provisions applicable to limited school years; in duties and powers of board of school directors, further providing for additional schools and departments; in grounds and buildings, further providing for limitation on new applications for Department of Education approval of public school building projects; in school directors' associations and county boards of school directors, further providing for powers and duties; in intermediate units, further providing for visual services and for school safety and security enhancements; in certification of teachers, further providing for substitute teaching permit for prospective teachers and for locally issued temporary certification for substitute teachers, repealing provisions relating to permit for classroom monitors and providing for permit for classroom monitors; providing for the Educator Pipeline Support Grant Program; in pupils and attendance, further providing for compulsory education of physical defectives, for school lunch and breakfast reimbursement, for dependent children, for actual cost of tuition and maintenance of certain exceptional children in the four chartered schools for education of the deaf and the blind, for payment of cost of tuition and maintenance of certain exceptional children, for transfer of funds for transferal programs and for children under six with defective hearing and parent or guardian advised of schools, etc.; in safe schools, further providing for definitions and for Office for Safe Schools, repealing provisions relating to regulations and to reporting, further providing for policy relating to bullying and for maintenance of records and repealing provisions relating to Safe Schools Advocate in School Districts of the First Class, to standing, to enforcement and to construction of article and other laws; in school safety and security, further providing for definitions and for school safety and security committee, providing for duties of committee, further providing for School Safety and Security Grant Program, providing for Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools and School Entities Program, for standardized protocols, for county safe schools' collaborative and for school mental health grants for 2023-2024 school year, further providing for school safety and security coordinator training and providing for reporting and memorandum of understanding, for safe schools advocate in school districts of the first class and for enforcement; in school security, further providing for definitions, for school police officers, for annual report and for school security guards; in character education program, further providing for character education program; in community colleges, further providing for financial program and reimbursement of payments; in educational tax credits, further providing for definitions, for qualification and application by organizations and for limitations; in school districts of the first class, further providing for qualifications of principals and teachers; in funding for public libraries, providing for State aid for fiscal year 2023-2024; in reimbursements by Commonwealth and between school districts, further providing for definitions and for payments on account of pupils enrolled in career and technical curriculums, for payments on account of courses for exceptional children, for payments to intermediate units, for assistance to school districts declared to be in financial recovery status or identified for financial watch status, for payments, for payments on account of pupil transportation, for Ready-to-Learn Block Grant and for payment of required contribution for public school employees' Social Security; in construction and renovation of buildings by school entities, further providing for applicability; providing for School Environmental Repairs Program; and making an editorial change.
Last Action: Act No. 33 of 2023
Last Action Date: December 13, 2023

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: March 10, 2023

Title: Recognizing the month of March 2024 as "National Social Work Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of March 2024 as "National Social Work Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action Date: January 31, 2024

Title: Designating February 28, 2024, as "HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating February 28, 2024, as "HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: January 31, 2024

Title: In child protective services, further providing for disposition and expunction of unfounded reports and general protective services reports and for disposition of founded and indicated reports, repealing provisions relating to expunction of information of perpetrator who was under 18 years of age when child abuse was committed and further providing for amendment or expunction of information; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child protective services, further providing for disposition and expunction of unfounded reports and general protective services reports and for disposition of founded and indicated reports, repealing provisions relating to expunction of information of perpetrator who was under 18 years of age when child abuse was committed and further providing for amendment or expunction of information; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to CHILDREN AND YOUTH
Last Action Date: March 13, 2023

Title: In child protective services, further providing for definitions.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child protective services, further providing for definitions.
Last Action: Referred to CHILDREN AND YOUTH
Last Action Date: March 13, 2023

Title: In inchoate crimes, further providing for prohibited offensive weapons.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inchoate crimes, further providing for prohibited offensive weapons.
Last Action: Motion to reconsider final passage
Last Action Date: May 7, 2024

Title: Establishing the Pennsylvania Task Force on Agent Orange and Other Toxins to study and issue a report on how best to connect veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxins and their families with the VA benefits for which they may be eligible.
Description: A Resolution establishing the Pennsylvania Task Force on Agent Orange and Other Toxins to study and issue a report on how best to connect veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxins and their families with the VA benefits for which they may be eligible.
Last Action: Adopted (201-0)
Last Action Date: March 27, 2024

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 13, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for report of theft or loss of firearm; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for report of theft or loss of firearm; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Motion to reconsider final passage
Last Action Date: May 22, 2023

Title: Recognizing the week of March 18 through 22, 2024, as "Flood Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the week of March 18 through 22, 2024, as "Flood Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action Date: March 19, 2024

Title: In proceedings prior to petition to adopt, further providing for hearing, for alternative procedure for relinquishment and for hearing; in support matters generally, further providing for paternity and for continuing jurisdiction over support orders; in general provisions relating to children and minors, repealing provisions relating to acknowledgment and claim of paternity; in jurisdiction, further providing for bases for jurisdiction over nonresident; enacting the Uniform Parentage Act; and providing for parent-child relationship for certain individuals, for voluntary acknowledgment of parentage, for genetic testing, for proceeding to adjudicate parentage, for assisted reproduction, for surrogacy agreements and for information about donors.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in proceedings prior to petition to adopt, further providing for hearing, for alternative procedure for relinquishment and for hearing; in support matters generally, further providing for paternity and for continuing jurisdiction over support orders; in general provisions relating to children and minors, repealing provisions relating to acknowledgment and claim of paternity; in jurisdiction, further providing for bases for jurisdiction over nonresident; enacting the Uniform Parentage Act; and providing for parent-child relationship for certain individuals, for voluntary acknowledgment of parentage, for genetic testing, for proceeding to adjudicate parentage, for assisted reproduction, for surrogacy agreements and for information about donors.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 30, 2024

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for duties of the Pennsylvania State Police and for altering or obliterating marks of identification and providing for destruction of confiscated or recovered firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for duties of the Pennsylvania State Police and for altering or obliterating marks of identification and providing for destruction of confiscated or recovered firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 13, 2023

Title: Further providing for definitions, for repair obligations, for manufacturer's duty for refund or replacement and for presumption of a reasonable number of attempts.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 28, 1984 (P.L.150, No.28), known as the Automobile Lemon Law, further providing for definitions, for repair obligations, for manufacturer's duty for refund or replacement and for presumption of a reasonable number of attempts.
Last Action Date: May 15, 2023

Title: Providing for the Pennsylvania Amber Alert System for Abducted and Missing Persons, the Missing Endangered Person Advisory System (MEPAS) and the Green Alert System and for duties of the Pennsylvania State Police; assessing costs; providing for immunity and penalties; and making a repeal.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the Pennsylvania Amber Alert System for Abducted and Missing Persons, the Missing Endangered Person Advisory System (MEPAS) and the Green Alert System and for duties of the Pennsylvania State Police; assessing costs; providing for immunity and penalties; and making a repeal.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: Further providing for definitions; providing for domestic abuse reporting by health care practitioners; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 3, 1998 (P.L.925, No.115), known as the Domestic Violence Health Care Response Act, further providing for definitions; providing for domestic abuse reporting by health care practitioners; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: Providing for opioid stewardship; establishing the Opioid Reparation and Accountability Fund and the Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council; and imposing duties on the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for opioid stewardship; establishing the Opioid Reparation and Accountability Fund and the Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council; and imposing duties on the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: Recognizing the week of April 15 through 19, 2024, as "National Work Zone Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the week of April 15 through 19, 2024, as "National Work Zone Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (200-0)
Last Action Date: April 17, 2024

Title: Providing for plumber and plumbing contractors licensure; establishing the State Board of Plumbing Contractors and providing for its powers and duties; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of State; establishing fees, fines and civil penalties; establishing the Plumbing Contractors Licensure Account; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act providing for plumber and plumbing contractors licensure; establishing the State Board of Plumbing Contractors and providing for its powers and duties; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of State; establishing fees, fines and civil penalties; establishing the Plumbing Contractors Licensure Account; and making an appropriation.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: Recognizing the month of April 2024 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of April 2024 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (168-32)
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: In sentencing, further providing for life imprisonment for homicide.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sentencing, further providing for life imprisonment for homicide.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: In children and youth, providing for Statewide children's mental health ombudsman.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in children and youth, providing for Statewide children's mental health ombudsman.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: In organization and jurisdiction of courts of common pleas, further providing for problem-solving courts; and, in magisterial district judges, further providing for jurisdiction and venue.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in organization and jurisdiction of courts of common pleas, further providing for problem-solving courts; and, in magisterial district judges, further providing for jurisdiction and venue.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: Providing for the regulation of home construction contracts and for the registration of certain home builders; prohibiting certain acts; providing for the offense of home construction fraud and for penalties; establishing the Home Builder Guaranty Fund; and providing for claims against the fund and for notification of defective or faulty building material or product.
Description: An Act providing for the regulation of home construction contracts and for the registration of certain home builders; prohibiting certain acts; providing for the offense of home construction fraud and for penalties; establishing the Home Builder Guaranty Fund; and providing for claims against the fund and for notification of defective or faulty building material or product.
Last Action Date: March 14, 2023

Title: In assault, further providing for the offense of aggravated assault and for probable cause arrests in domestic violence cases; repealing provisions relating to abortion; in incapacitated persons, further providing for provisions concerning powers, duties and liabilities; providing for reproductive rights; imposing duties on the Department of Health; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) and 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of aggravated assault and for probable cause arrests in domestic violence cases; repealing provisions relating to abortion; in incapacitated persons, further providing for provisions concerning powers, duties and liabilities; providing for reproductive rights; imposing duties on the Department of Health; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 15, 2023

Title: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for sessions of the General Assembly.
Description: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for sessions of the General Assembly.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 15, 2023

Title: Urging the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc., to adopt separate playoff systems for public schools and private and charter schools.
Description: A Resolution urging the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc., to adopt separate playoff systems for public schools and private and charter schools.
Last Action: Referred to COMMERCE
Last Action Date: May 20, 2024

Title: Designating June 15, 2024, as "Elder Abuse Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating June 15, 2024, as "Elder Abuse Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Adopted (201-1)
Last Action Date: June 27, 2024

Title: Providing for a Constitutional Convention with limited powers, for a referendum on the question and for the selection, nomination and election of delegates; defining the powers, duties and operation of the Constitutional Convention; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, officers of the General Assembly and county boards of elections; providing for a referendum on the Constitutional Convention's report; imposing a penalty; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act providing for a Constitutional Convention with limited powers, for a referendum on the question and for the selection, nomination and election of delegates; defining the powers, duties and operation of the Constitutional Convention; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, officers of the General Assembly and county boards of elections; providing for a referendum on the Constitutional Convention's report; imposing a penalty; and making an appropriation.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for expiration of authority to levy or collect real property taxes.
Description: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for expiration of authority to levy or collect real property taxes.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: In penalties, providing for civil action, damages and attorney fees.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in penalties, providing for civil action, damages and attorney fees.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: March 26, 2024

Title: Providing for actions by law enforcement; and, in employees, providing for use of force recordkeeping and reporting for law enforcement agencies.
Description: An Act amending Titles 44 (Law and Justice) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for actions by law enforcement; and, in employees, providing for use of force recordkeeping and reporting for law enforcement agencies.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 18, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for prohibited conduct during public demonstrations.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for prohibited conduct during public demonstrations.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: In other offenses, prohibiting the use of sky lanterns.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in other offenses, prohibiting the use of sky lanterns.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: In voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 16, 2023

Title: In hunting and furtaking, providing for harvesting of certain antlered deer by senior license holders; and abrogating regulations.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, providing for harvesting of certain antlered deer by senior license holders; and abrogating regulations.
Last Action: Re-committed to RULES
Last Action Date: September 22, 2023

Title: In game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in game or wildlife protection, further providing for regulations.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: March 17, 2023

Title: In voting by qualified absentee electors, providing for absentee ballots for electors who are blind, visually impaired or disabled.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, providing for absentee ballots for electors who are blind, visually impaired or disabled.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 17, 2023

Title: Directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the projected costs in Pennsylvania of climate change adaptation and resilience measures needed to mitigate the projected impacts of certain climate-change-related events.
Description: A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the projected costs in Pennsylvania of climate change adaptation and resilience measures needed to mitigate the projected impacts of certain climate-change-related events.
Last Action Date: July 30, 2024

Title: Further providing for eligibility requirements for examination, for limited licenses and for duration and renewal of licenses.
Description: An Act amending the act of May 3, 1933 (P.L.242, No.86), referred to as the Cosmetology Law, further providing for eligibility requirements for examination, for limited licenses and for duration and renewal of licenses.
Last Action Date: March 17, 2023

Title: Designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Reported as committed
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: In riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, further providing for gambling devices, gambling, etc.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, further providing for gambling devices, gambling, etc.
Last Action: Referred to GAMING OVERSIGHT
Last Action Date: March 17, 2023

Title: In nomination of candidates, providing for background checks for candidates for school district office.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, providing for background checks for candidates for school district office.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 17, 2023

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
Last Action: Reported as committed
Last Action Date: October 1, 2024

Title: In sales and use tax, further providing for exclusions from tax.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in sales and use tax, further providing for exclusions from tax.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

Title: Providing for compassionate aid in dying; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for compassionate aid in dying; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, providing for waiver of fee for corrected or duplicate State documents.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, providing for waiver of fee for corrected or duplicate State documents.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: July 17, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

Title: Prohibiting mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with an individual under 18 years of age.
Description: An Act prohibiting mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with an individual under 18 years of age.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

Title: Establishing the Keystone Saves Program, the Keystone Saves Program Fund, the Keystone Saves Administrative Fund and the Keystone Saves Program Advisory Board; and providing for powers and duties of the Treasury Department, for investment and fiduciary responsibilities and for program implementation.
Description: An Act establishing the Keystone Saves Program, the Keystone Saves Program Fund, the Keystone Saves Administrative Fund and the Keystone Saves Program Advisory Board; and providing for powers and duties of the Treasury Department, for investment and fiduciary responsibilities and for program implementation.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: June 2, 2023

Title: Providing for behavioral health response unit and crisis call center programs; establishing the County and Regional Behavioral Health Response Unit and Crisis Call Center Fund and the County and Regional Behavioral Health Response Unit and Crisis Call Center Grant Program.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for behavioral health response unit and crisis call center programs; establishing the County and Regional Behavioral Health Response Unit and Crisis Call Center Fund and the County and Regional Behavioral Health Response Unit and Crisis Call Center Grant Program.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for encoded ammunition, imposing duties on manufacturers, sellers and owners of ammunition, providing for the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police and the Secretary of Revenue, establishing the encoded ammunition database and the Encoded Ammunition Database Fund, imposing an encoded ammunition database tax and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for encoded ammunition, imposing duties on manufacturers, sellers and owners of ammunition, providing for the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police and the Secretary of Revenue, establishing the encoded ammunition database and the Encoded Ammunition Database Fund, imposing an encoded ammunition database tax and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 20, 2023

Title: In sentencing, repealing provisions relating to transfer of inmates in need of medical treatment; in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, providing for parole for reasons of age or illness and for medical parole due to public or disaster emergency related to health or contagious disease outbreak; and abrogating regulations.
Description: An Act amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sentencing, repealing provisions relating to transfer of inmates in need of medical treatment; in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, providing for parole for reasons of age or illness and for medical parole due to public or disaster emergency related to health or contagious disease outbreak; and abrogating regulations.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: April 9, 2024

Title: Establishing the Landslide Insurance Program; establishing and providing for the powers and duties of the Landslide Insurance Board; providing for duties of the Auditor General; imposing a penalty; and making appropriations and transfers.
Description: An Act establishing the Landslide Insurance Program; establishing and providing for the powers and duties of the Landslide Insurance Board; providing for duties of the Auditor General; imposing a penalty; and making appropriations and transfers.
Last Action: Amended, bill gone over
Last Action Date: October 22, 2024

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms and for sale or transfer of firearms and providing for Gun Violence Task Force in cities of the first class.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms and for sale or transfer of firearms and providing for Gun Violence Task Force in cities of the first class.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 21, 2023

Title: To provide appropriations from the General Fund for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; to provide appropriations from special funds and accounts to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; to provide for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; and to provide for the additional appropriation of Federal and State funds to the Executive and Legislative Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.
Description: An Act to provide appropriations from the General Fund for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; to provide appropriations from special funds and accounts to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; to provide for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; and to provide for the additional appropriation of Federal and State funds to the Executive and Legislative Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.
Last Action: Referred to RULES
Last Action Date: September 22, 2023

Title: In inchoate crimes, providing for the offense of possession of firearm or other dangerous weapon in public recreation area.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inchoate crimes, providing for the offense of possession of firearm or other dangerous weapon in public recreation area.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 21, 2023

Title: Establishing the Safe Schools Partnership; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education; providing for a bullying identification, prevention and intervention model plan; and imposing duties on schools and school districts.
Description: An Act establishing the Safe Schools Partnership; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education; providing for a bullying identification, prevention and intervention model plan; and imposing duties on schools and school districts.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: March 21, 2023

Title: In hunting and furtaking, further providing for unlawful devices and methods; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, further providing for unlawful devices and methods; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: March 23, 2023

Title: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions.
Description: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: March 23, 2023

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for definitions, for general regulations, for expungement, for petition for limited access, for clean slate limited access, for exceptions, for effects of expunged records and records subject to limited access and for employer immunity from liability.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in criminal history record information, further providing for definitions, for general regulations, for expungement, for petition for limited access, for clean slate limited access, for exceptions, for effects of expunged records and records subject to limited access and for employer immunity from liability.
Last Action: Act No. 36 of 2023
Last Action Date: December 14, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms, for firearms not to be carried without a license and for licenses, providing for firearm eligibility license, for application for firearm eligibility license, for fee and qualification, for investigations and training course and for issuance and terms and further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for Pennsylvania State Police, for proof of license and exception and for administrative regulations; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 23 (Domestic Relations) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms, for firearms not to be carried without a license and for licenses, providing for firearm eligibility license, for application for firearm eligibility license, for fee and qualification, for investigations and training course and for issuance and terms and further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for Pennsylvania State Police, for proof of license and exception and for administrative regulations; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 24, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 24, 2023

Title: Providing for early in-person voting in elections; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for early in-person voting in elections; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, providing for construction; and, in public assistance, further providing for definitions, for eligibility and for the medically needy and determination of eligibility.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in preliminary provisions, providing for construction; and, in public assistance, further providing for definitions, for eligibility and for the medically needy and determination of eligibility.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: Providing for protection of certain personal data of consumers; imposing duties on controllers and processors of personal data of consumers; providing for enforcement; prescribing penalties; and establishing the Consumer Privacy Fund.
Description: An Act providing for protection of certain personal data of consumers; imposing duties on controllers and processors of personal data of consumers; providing for enforcement; prescribing penalties; and establishing the Consumer Privacy Fund.
Last Action: Referred to COMMERCE
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: Establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program and the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program and the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for civil liability of firearm owner for loss or theft.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for civil liability of firearm owner for loss or theft.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for safe storage of a firearm when residing with a person not to possess a firearm.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for safe storage of a firearm when residing with a person not to possess a firearm.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions.
Description: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: March 27, 2023

Title: In charter schools, further providing for funding for charter schools, for provisions applicable to charter schools and for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in charter schools, further providing for funding for charter schools, for provisions applicable to charter schools and for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: April 12, 2023

Title: Establishing the Mental Health Professional Student Loan Forgiveness Program; imposing powers and duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, establishing the Mental Health Professional Student Loan Forgiveness Program; imposing powers and duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency; and making an appropriation.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 28, 2023

Title: Providing for Mental Health Workforce Retention Program; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, providing for Mental Health Workforce Retention Program; and making an appropriation.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 28, 2023

Title: In general provisions relating to children and minors, providing for contracting and consent by certain minors.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions relating to children and minors, providing for contracting and consent by certain minors.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: March 28, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for locking device for firearms; providing for safe storage of firearm when not in use; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for locking device for firearms; providing for safe storage of firearm when not in use; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: June 28, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for Pennsylvania State Police and for licensing of dealers.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for Pennsylvania State Police and for licensing of dealers.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 28, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for large capacity ammunition magazine permit and for large capacity ammunition magazines prohibition; authorizing the Attorney General to issue permits; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for large capacity ammunition magazine permit and for large capacity ammunition magazines prohibition; authorizing the Attorney General to issue permits; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 28, 2023

Title: In regulation of insurers and related persons generally, providing for insurance data security; in reserve liabilities, repealing provisions relating to small company exemption and providing for adoption of exemption standards of NAIC Valuation Manual; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 40 (Insurance) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in regulation of insurers and related persons generally, providing for insurance data security; in reserve liabilities, repealing provisions relating to small company exemption and providing for adoption of exemption standards of NAIC Valuation Manual; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Act No. 2 of 2023
Last Action Date: June 14, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in contributions by employers and employees, further providing for relief from charges; and, in compensation, further providing for ineligibility for compensation.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in contributions by employers and employees, further providing for relief from charges; and, in compensation, further providing for ineligibility for compensation.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: Providing for breach of information, for reporting requirements and for civil relief.
Description: An Act providing for breach of information, for reporting requirements and for civil relief.
Last Action: Referred to COMMERCE
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms; and abrogating regulations.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms; and abrogating regulations.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In licensing of drivers, further providing for issuance and content of driver's license.
Description: An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in licensing of drivers, further providing for issuance and content of driver's license.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons, for late contributions and independent expenditures, for oath of compliance, perjury, disqualification from office and commercial use and for place of filing, providing for manner of filing and for inability to file reports or statements electronically by deadline and further providing for late filing fee and certificate of filing, for powers and duties of the supervisor, for additional powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for reports by business entities and publication by Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons, for late contributions and independent expenditures, for oath of compliance, perjury, disqualification from office and commercial use and for place of filing, providing for manner of filing and for inability to file reports or statements electronically by deadline and further providing for late filing fee and certificate of filing, for powers and duties of the supervisor, for additional powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for reports by business entities and publication by Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for the offense of undetectable firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for the offense of undetectable firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions and providing for the offense of sale of firearm or firearm parts without serial numbers and for privately made firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions and providing for the offense of sale of firearm or firearm parts without serial numbers and for privately made firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 12, 2024

Title: In nomination of candidates, providing for candidate background check.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, providing for candidate background check.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 30, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: Providing for sharing of reproductive health information.
Description: An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, providing for sharing of reproductive health information.
Last Action: Referred to INSURANCE
Last Action Date: April 4, 2023

Title: In preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for assistance in voting.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for assistance in voting.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: Providing for privacy, transparency and compensation regarding the disclosure of information collected by genetic material testing entities.
Description: An Act providing for privacy, transparency and compensation regarding the disclosure of information collected by genetic material testing entities.
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: Authorizing the appointment of the Child Advocate; and establishing the Office of Child Advocate and the HEAL PA Coalition.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, authorizing the appointment of the Child Advocate; and establishing the Office of Child Advocate and the HEAL PA Coalition.
Last Action: Referred to CHILDREN AND YOUTH
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: In general provisions, repeals and effective date, providing for acute care mental health bed registry and referrals.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, in general provisions, repeals and effective date, providing for acute care mental health bed registry and referrals.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons, for late contributions and independent expenditures, for oath of compliance, perjury, disqualification from office and commercial use, for residual funds and for place of filing, providing for manner of filing and for inability to file reports or statements electronically by deadline and further providing for late filing fee and certificate of filing, for additional powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for reports by business entities and publication by Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons, for late contributions and independent expenditures, for oath of compliance, perjury, disqualification from office and commercial use, for residual funds and for place of filing, providing for manner of filing and for inability to file reports or statements electronically by deadline and further providing for late filing fee and certificate of filing, for additional powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for reports by business entities and publication by Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 6, 2023

Title: Providing for lead screening and related services, for health insurance coverage for lead screening and related diagnostic services and supplies and for duties of the Department of Health.
Description: An Act providing for lead screening and related services, for health insurance coverage for lead screening and related diagnostic services and supplies and for duties of the Department of Health.
Last Action: Referred to INSURANCE
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: Providing for Delayed Payment Plan Program; establishing the Delayed Payment Plan Program Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for Delayed Payment Plan Program; establishing the Delayed Payment Plan Program Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;
Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;
Last Action: Act No. 57 of 2024
Last Action Date: July 15, 2024

Title: In bonds and recognizances, providing for bail in illegal firearm offenses in city of the first class.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in bonds and recognizances, providing for bail in illegal firearm offenses in city of the first class.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 4, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for definitions.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 4, 2023

Title: In emergency COVID-19 response, providing for adult mental health program funding; in 2022-2023 budget implementation, repealing provisions relating to Department of Human Services; and making appropriations.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in emergency COVID-19 response, providing for adult mental health program funding; in 2022-2023 budget implementation, repealing provisions relating to Department of Human Services; and making appropriations.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: June 14, 2023

Title: In voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 10, 2023

Title: In licensing of health care facilities, providing for hospital pricing transparency; providing for acquisition of health care facilities; and imposing duties on the Department of Health and the Attorney General.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, in licensing of health care facilities, providing for hospital pricing transparency; providing for acquisition of health care facilities; and imposing duties on the Department of Health and the Attorney General.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: April 10, 2023

Title: Relating to immediate access to treatment for substance use disorder; establishing the Substance Use Disorder Early Intervention Pilot Program; and imposing powers and duties on the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
Description: An Act relating to immediate access to treatment for substance use disorder; establishing the Substance Use Disorder Early Intervention Pilot Program; and imposing powers and duties on the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: April 10, 2023

Title: In fraud and abuse control, further providing for definitions, for restrictions on provider charges and payments and for venue and limitations on actions.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in fraud and abuse control, further providing for definitions, for restrictions on provider charges and payments and for venue and limitations on actions.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: December 12, 2023

Title: In fishing licenses, providing for active duty military fishing reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual fishing license reciprocity; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for active duty military hunting reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual hunting license reciprocity.
Description: An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for active duty military fishing reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual fishing license reciprocity; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, providing for active duty military hunting reciprocity and for disabled veteran annual hunting license reciprocity.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: June 2, 2023

Title: Providing for new and optimizing variations of education and learning (NOVEL) schools.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for new and optimizing variations of education and learning (NOVEL) schools.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: April 10, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for firearms not to be carried without a license, for the offense of possession of firearm by minor and for loans on, or lending or giving firearms prohibited.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for firearms not to be carried without a license, for the offense of possession of firearm by minor and for loans on, or lending or giving firearms prohibited.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 12, 2023

Title: In general administration, further providing for State recording system for application of restraints to pregnant prisoners or detainees; in county correctional institutions, further providing for county recording system for application of restraints to pregnant prisoners or detainees; providing for Department of Human Services facilities; and, in miscellaneous provisions, further providing for healthy birth for incarcerated women and providing for restrictive housing prohibited for pregnant or postpartum incarcerated individuals and detainees, for cavity search and inspection restrictions, for training and education requirement, for feminine hygiene and incontinence products and for postpartum recovery.
Description: An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general administration, further providing for State recording system for application of restraints to pregnant prisoners or detainees; in county correctional institutions, further providing for county recording system for application of restraints to pregnant prisoners or detainees; providing for Department of Human Services facilities; and, in miscellaneous provisions, further providing for healthy birth for incarcerated women and providing for restrictive housing prohibited for pregnant or postpartum incarcerated individuals and detainees, for cavity search and inspection restrictions, for training and education requirement, for feminine hygiene and incontinence products and for postpartum recovery.
Last Action: Act No. 47 of 2023
Last Action Date: December 14, 2023

Title: Providing for digital assets and blockchain technology registration; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the Pennsylvania Securities Act of 1972, providing for digital assets and blockchain technology registration; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to COMMERCE
Last Action Date: April 12, 2023

Title: In transportation network companies, further providing for impoundment of vehicles, repealing provisions relating to assessment and providing for payment of assessment; in taxation for public transportation, further providing for local financial support; in fees, further providing for fee for local use; and imposing duties on the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation.
Description: An Act amending Titles 53 (Municipalities Generally) and 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in transportation network companies, further providing for impoundment of vehicles, repealing provisions relating to assessment and providing for payment of assessment; in taxation for public transportation, further providing for local financial support; in fees, further providing for fee for local use; and imposing duties on the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: April 12, 2023

Title: In inchoate crimes, further providing for possession of firearm or other dangerous weapon in court facility.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inchoate crimes, further providing for possession of firearm or other dangerous weapon in court facility.
Last Action: Re-committed to RULES
Last Action Date: September 22, 2023

Title: Adopting the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adopting the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act.
Last Action: Act No. 12 of 2024
Last Action Date: May 8, 2024

Title: In particular rights and immunities, providing for parental firearm liability for minor's negligence or willful misconduct.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in particular rights and immunities, providing for parental firearm liability for minor's negligence or willful misconduct.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: November 14, 2023

Title: Providing for public housing safety committees; further providing for requirements regarding tenants and landlords in cities of the first class; and providing for background checks for landlords.
Description: An Act amending the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955, No.265), referred to as the Housing Authorities Law, providing for public housing safety committees; further providing for requirements regarding tenants and landlords in cities of the first class; and providing for background checks for landlords.
Last Action Date: April 17, 2023

Title: Repealing the act of September 1, 1965 (P.L.420, No.215), known as The Frozen Dessert Law.
Description: An Act repealing the act of September 1, 1965 (P.L.420, No.215), known as The Frozen Dessert Law.
Last Action Date: June 2, 2023

Title: Providing for transparency and disclosure of information collected by smart technology devices; establishing the Smart Technology Disclosure Fund; and providing for powers and duties of the Office of Attorney General.
Description: An Act providing for transparency and disclosure of information collected by smart technology devices; establishing the Smart Technology Disclosure Fund; and providing for powers and duties of the Office of Attorney General.
Last Action: Referred to COMMERCE
Last Action Date: April 24, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in qualifications of electors, further providing for qualifications of electors at primaries; in party organization, further providing for only enrolled electors to vote at primaries or hold party offices; in nomination of candidates, further providing for candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected at primaries and providing for procedure for unenrolled electors to cast primary ballots; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election; and, in penalties, further providing for election officers refusing to permit elector to vote in proper party at primaries and repealing provisions relating to elector voting ballot of wrong party at primary.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in qualifications of electors, further providing for qualifications of electors at primaries; in party organization, further providing for only enrolled electors to vote at primaries or hold party offices; in nomination of candidates, further providing for candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected at primaries and providing for procedure for unenrolled electors to cast primary ballots; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election; and, in penalties, further providing for election officers refusing to permit elector to vote in proper party at primaries and repealing provisions relating to elector voting ballot of wrong party at primary.
Last Action: Amended, bill gone over
Last Action Date: October 21, 2024

Title: In the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth; in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in recounts and contests, providing for independent prosecutor and for election integrity officers.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth; in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; and, in recounts and contests, providing for independent prosecutor and for election integrity officers.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 24, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in qualifications of electors, further providing for qualifications of electors at primaries; in party organization, further providing for only enrolled electors to vote at primaries or hold party offices; in nomination of candidates, further providing for candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected at primaries and providing for procedure for unenrolled electors to cast primary ballots; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election; and, in penalties, further providing for election officers refusing to permit elector to vote in proper party at primaries and repealing provisions relating to elector voting ballot of wrong party at primary.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in qualifications of electors, further providing for qualifications of electors at primaries; in party organization, further providing for only enrolled electors to vote at primaries or hold party offices; in nomination of candidates, further providing for candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected at primaries and providing for procedure for unenrolled electors to cast primary ballots; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election; and, in penalties, further providing for election officers refusing to permit elector to vote in proper party at primaries and repealing provisions relating to elector voting ballot of wrong party at primary.
Last Action: Removed from table
Last Action Date: October 8, 2024

Title: In matters affecting government units, further providing for exceptions to sovereign immunity and providing for claims for wrongful conviction and imprisonment; and establishing the Exonerated Individual Community Trust Fund.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in matters affecting government units, further providing for exceptions to sovereign immunity and providing for claims for wrongful conviction and imprisonment; and establishing the Exonerated Individual Community Trust Fund.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: October 3, 2023

Title: Providing for married, pregnant, lactating and parenting pupils.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for married, pregnant, lactating and parenting pupils.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: April 24, 2023

Title: Further providing for definitions, for State Board of Psychology and for powers of the board; providing for prescription certificate, for prescribing and administrative practices and for controlled substances; and further providing for refusal, suspension or revocation of license, for reporting of multiple licensure and for penalties and injunctions against unlawful practice.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 23, 1972 (P.L.136, No.52), known as the Professional Psychologists Practice Act, further providing for definitions, for State Board of Psychology and for powers of the board; providing for prescription certificate, for prescribing and administrative practices and for controlled substances; and further providing for refusal, suspension or revocation of license, for reporting of multiple licensure and for penalties and injunctions against unlawful practice.
Last Action Date: June 23, 2023

Title: Establishing the Four-Day Workweek Pilot Program; providing for tax credits to qualifying employers; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry and the Department of Revenue; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act establishing the Four-Day Workweek Pilot Program; providing for tax credits to qualifying employers; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry and the Department of Revenue; and making an appropriation.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: April 28, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for Pennsylvania State Police.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for Pennsylvania State Police.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 28, 2023

Title: In assault, further providing for the offense of assault by prisoner, for the offense of aggravated harassment by prisoner and for the offense of assault by life prisoner.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of assault by prisoner, for the offense of aggravated harassment by prisoner and for the offense of assault by life prisoner.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 2, 2023

Title: In general administration relating to correctional institutions, providing for guard and magazine capacity requirement.
Description: An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general administration relating to correctional institutions, providing for guard and magazine capacity requirement.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 2, 2023

Title: In responsible utility customer protection, further providing for declaration of policy and for definitions, providing for security deposits, further providing for payment arrangements, for termination of utility service, for reconnection of service, for complaints filed with commission, for public utility duties, for reporting of recipients of public assistance, for reporting to General Assembly and Governor, for nonapplicability and for expiration.
Description: An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in responsible utility customer protection, further providing for declaration of policy and for definitions, providing for security deposits, further providing for payment arrangements, for termination of utility service, for reconnection of service, for complaints filed with commission, for public utility duties, for reporting of recipients of public assistance, for reporting to General Assembly and Governor, for nonapplicability and for expiration.
Last Action Date: October 3, 2024

Title: Providing for adult use cannabis; imposing certain gross receipts tax and excise tax; and making repeals.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, providing for adult use cannabis; imposing certain gross receipts tax and excise tax; and making repeals.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: May 2, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions and for sale or transfer of firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions and for sale or transfer of firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 2, 2023

Title: In public safety, providing for the Pennsylvania Violent Death Reporting System; and imposing duties on the Department of Health.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in public safety, providing for the Pennsylvania Violent Death Reporting System; and imposing duties on the Department of Health.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: May 5, 2023

Title: In public assistance, providing for medical assistance coverage for pasteurized donor human milk.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in public assistance, providing for medical assistance coverage for pasteurized donor human milk.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: May 24, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for the offense of certain bullets prohibited.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for the offense of certain bullets prohibited.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 5, 2023

Title: In intestate succession, further providing for forfeiture; in elective share of surviving spouse, further providing for right of election and resident decedent; in wills, further providing for modification by circumstances; in estates, further providing for modification by divorce or pending divorce and for effect of divorce or pending divorce on designation of beneficiaries; in preliminary provisions, further providing for legislative findings and intent, for definitions and for premarital agreements; in dissolution of marital status, further providing for grounds for divorce, repealing provisions relating to counseling, further providing for grounds for annulment of voidable marriages, repealing provisions relating to defenses, to action where defendant suffering from mental disorder and to general appearance and collusion, providing for general order of divorce proceedings, repealing provisions relating to jury trial, further providing for decree of court and repealing provisions relating to limitations on attacks upon decrees and to opening or vacating decrees; in alimony and support, further providing for bar to alimony; and, in mediation, further providing for mediation programs.
Description: An Act amending Titles 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) and 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in intestate succession, further providing for forfeiture; in elective share of surviving spouse, further providing for right of election and resident decedent; in wills, further providing for modification by circumstances; in estates, further providing for modification by divorce or pending divorce and for effect of divorce or pending divorce on designation of beneficiaries; in preliminary provisions, further providing for legislative findings and intent, for definitions and for premarital agreements; in dissolution of marital status, further providing for grounds for divorce, repealing provisions relating to counseling, further providing for grounds for annulment of voidable marriages, repealing provisions relating to defenses, to action where defendant suffering from mental disorder and to general appearance and collusion, providing for general order of divorce proceedings, repealing provisions relating to jury trial, further providing for decree of court and repealing provisions relating to limitations on attacks upon decrees and to opening or vacating decrees; in alimony and support, further providing for bar to alimony; and, in mediation, further providing for mediation programs.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 5, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, establishing the Pennsylvania Firearms Buyback Program and the Pennsylvania Firearms Buyback Program Fund and imposing duties on the Attorney General.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, establishing the Pennsylvania Firearms Buyback Program and the Pennsylvania Firearms Buyback Program Fund and imposing duties on the Attorney General.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 5, 2023

Title: In child protective services, further providing for definitions; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for definitions.
Description: An Act amending Titles 23 (Domestic Relations) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child protective services, further providing for definitions; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for definitions.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 5, 2023

Title: Establishing the Safe Communities Grant Program and the Safe Communities Grant Program Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, establishing the Safe Communities Grant Program and the Safe Communities Grant Program Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: July 27, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for short title, for declaration of intent and for definitions; in wages and hours, further providing for minimum wages, for piece rates, for employment of minors, for discrimination on account of sex prohibited, for records required and notice to workers, for wage payment and for hours of labor and providing for minimum guaranteed period of employment; in regulations and inspections, further providing for rules and regulations, for inspections and entry, for permit to operate a seasonal farm labor camp, for enforcement orders, for civil remedies and for drinking water and toilet facilities and providing for food service and cooking facilities, for cooperative agreements with Federal and State agencies, for medical services and for posting of information concerning housing; in access and entry, further providing for tenancy rights, for interference prohibited and for privileged persons and providing for privacy rights of tenants; in registration of farm labor contractors, further providing for annual registration required, for qualifications of registrants, for agents exempt from registration and employment agencies, for farm labor contractors and agents and prohibited activities and for Secretary of Labor and Industry and powers and duties; in construction, repeals, penalties and effective date, further providing for criminal penalties and providing for retaliation prohibited, for private right of action and for civil penalties and enforcement orders; and making an editorial change.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 23, 1978 (P.L.537, No.93), known as the Seasonal Farm Labor Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for short title, for declaration of intent and for definitions; in wages and hours, further providing for minimum wages, for piece rates, for employment of minors, for discrimination on account of sex prohibited, for records required and notice to workers, for wage payment and for hours of labor and providing for minimum guaranteed period of employment; in regulations and inspections, further providing for rules and regulations, for inspections and entry, for permit to operate a seasonal farm labor camp, for enforcement orders, for civil remedies and for drinking water and toilet facilities and providing for food service and cooking facilities, for cooperative agreements with Federal and State agencies, for medical services and for posting of information concerning housing; in access and entry, further providing for tenancy rights, for interference prohibited and for privileged persons and providing for privacy rights of tenants; in registration of farm labor contractors, further providing for annual registration required, for qualifications of registrants, for agents exempt from registration and employment agencies, for farm labor contractors and agents and prohibited activities and for Secretary of Labor and Industry and powers and duties; in construction, repeals, penalties and effective date, further providing for criminal penalties and providing for retaliation prohibited, for private right of action and for civil penalties and enforcement orders; and making an editorial change.
Last Action Date: May 10, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, establishing the Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Program and the Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Fund; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency; and making an interfund transfer.
Description: An Act amending Title 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in preliminary provisions, establishing the Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Program and the Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Fund; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency; and making an interfund transfer.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for limit on handgun purchases; and establishing the Violence Prevention Account.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 18, 2023

Title: In county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, providing for authorization of ranked choice voting in municipal elections; in nomination of candidates, further providing for which candidates nominated; in ballots, further providing for form of official primary ballot; in electronic voting systems, further providing for election day procedures and the process of voting; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for method of marking ballots and depositing same in districts in which ballots are used and for count and return of votes in districts in which ballots are used; and, in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for persons receiving highest number of votes to be declared elected.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, providing for authorization of ranked choice voting in municipal elections; in nomination of candidates, further providing for which candidates nominated; in ballots, further providing for form of official primary ballot; in electronic voting systems, further providing for election day procedures and the process of voting; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for method of marking ballots and depositing same in districts in which ballots are used and for count and return of votes in districts in which ballots are used; and, in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for persons receiving highest number of votes to be declared elected.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: August 8, 2023

Title: In dissemination of criminal history record information, further providing for use of records for employment; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in dissemination of criminal history record information, further providing for use of records for employment; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 18, 2023

Title: In authorized disposition of offenders, further providing for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition prohibited; in criminal homicide, further providing for the offense of murder; in assault, further providing for the offense of stalking and for the offense of unauthorized administration of intoxicant; in sexual offenses, further providing for definitions and for the offense of rape, repealing provisions relating to the offense of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and further providing for the offense of sexual assault, for the offense of institutional sexual assault, for the offense of sexual assault by sports official, volunteer or employee of nonprofit association, for the offense of aggravated indecent assault and for general rule relating to loss of property rights; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions and for order authorizing interception of wire, electronic or oral communications; in public indecency, further providing for the offense of prostitution and related offenses; in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms; in minors, further providing for transmission of sexually explicit images by minor; in criminal history record information, further providing for expungement and for juvenile records; in child custody, further providing for consideration of criminal conviction; in protection from abuse, further providing for definitions; in child protective services, further providing for definitions, for exclusions from child abuse and for employees having contact with children and adoptive and foster parents; in domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality, further providing for penalties; in limitation of time, further providing for infancy, insanity or imprisonment, for no limitation applicable and for other offenses; in depositions and witnesses, further providing for spouses as witnesses against each other and for hearsay; in juvenile matters, further providing for definitions, for inspection of court files and records, for law enforcement records, for conduct of hearings, for transfer to criminal proceedings and for assessment of delinquent children by the State Sexual Offenders Assessment Board; in court-ordered involuntary treatment of certain sexually violent persons, further providing for definitions and for court-ordered involuntary treatment; in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second or subsequent offenses, for sentences for offenses against elderly persons, for sentences for offenses against infant persons, for sentences for offenses committed while impersonating a law enforcement officer, for sentencing for trafficking of persons, for definitions, for sexual offenses and tier system, for termination of period of registration for juvenile offenders, for assessments, for registration and for assessments; in judicial change of name, further providing for change by order of court; in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, further providing for parole procedure; and, in interstate compacts, further providing for supervision of persons paroled by other states.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 23 (Domestic Relations), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure), 54 (Names) and 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in authorized disposition of offenders, further providing for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition prohibited; in criminal homicide, further providing for the offense of murder; in assault, further providing for the offense of stalking and for the offense of unauthorized administration of intoxicant; in sexual offenses, further providing for definitions and for the offense of rape, repealing provisions relating to the offense of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and further providing for the offense of sexual assault, for the offense of institutional sexual assault, for the offense of sexual assault by sports official, volunteer or employee of nonprofit association, for the offense of aggravated indecent assault and for general rule relating to loss of property rights; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions and for order authorizing interception of wire, electronic or oral communications; in public indecency, further providing for the offense of prostitution and related offenses; in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms; in minors, further providing for transmission of sexually explicit images by minor; in criminal history record information, further providing for expungement and for juvenile records; in child custody, further providing for consideration of criminal conviction; in protection from abuse, further providing for definitions; in child protective services, further providing for definitions, for exclusions from child abuse and for employees having contact with children and adoptive and foster parents; in domestic and sexual violence victim address confidentiality, further providing for penalties; in limitation of time, further providing for infancy, insanity or imprisonment, for no limitation applicable and for other offenses; in depositions and witnesses, further providing for spouses as witnesses against each other and for hearsay; in juvenile matters, further providing for definitions, for inspection of court files and records, for law enforcement records, for conduct of hearings, for transfer to criminal proceedings and for assessment of delinquent children by the State Sexual Offenders Assessment Board; in court-ordered involuntary treatment of certain sexually violent persons, further providing for definitions and for court-ordered involuntary treatment; in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second or subsequent offenses, for sentences for offenses against elderly persons, for sentences for offenses against infant persons, for sentences for offenses committed while impersonating a law enforcement officer, for sentencing for trafficking of persons, for definitions, for sexual offenses and tier system, for termination of period of registration for juvenile offenders, for assessments, for registration and for assessments; in judicial change of name, further providing for change by order of court; in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, further providing for parole procedure; and, in interstate compacts, further providing for supervision of persons paroled by other states.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 18, 2023

Title: In general provisions, providing for inflation adjustment; in theft and related offenses, further providing for the offenses of retail theft, of library theft and of theft of secondary metal; and, in trade and commerce, further providing for buying or exchanging Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit coupons, stamps, authorization cards or access devices.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, providing for inflation adjustment; in theft and related offenses, further providing for the offenses of retail theft, of library theft and of theft of secondary metal; and, in trade and commerce, further providing for buying or exchanging Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit coupons, stamps, authorization cards or access devices.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 18, 2023

Title: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; in inchoate crimes, further providing for prohibited offensive weapons; in assault, further providing for discharge of a firearm into an occupied structure; in theft and related offenses, further providing for definitions; in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, further providing for prohibiting of paramilitary training; in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms, for firearms not to be carried without a license, for prohibited conduct during emergency, providing for 3-D printed firearms and further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for firearm sales surcharge, for registration of firearms and for licensing of dealers.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; in inchoate crimes, further providing for prohibited offensive weapons; in assault, further providing for discharge of a firearm into an occupied structure; in theft and related offenses, further providing for definitions; in riot, disorderly conduct and related offenses, further providing for prohibiting of paramilitary training; in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for definitions, for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms, for firearms not to be carried without a license, for prohibited conduct during emergency, providing for 3-D printed firearms and further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for firearm sales surcharge, for registration of firearms and for licensing of dealers.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: February 6, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for affidavits of candidates; and, in nomination of candidates, further providing for affidavits of candidates, for nominations by political bodies, for examination of nomination petitions, certificates and papers and return of rejected nomination petitions, certificates and papers and for affidavits of candidates.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for affidavits of candidates; and, in nomination of candidates, further providing for affidavits of candidates, for nominations by political bodies, for examination of nomination petitions, certificates and papers and return of rejected nomination petitions, certificates and papers and for affidavits of candidates.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: May 19, 2023

Title: In grounds and buildings, providing for automated external defibrillator placement, inspection, maintenance and plan; in school health services, further providing for automatic external defibrillators; and, in charter schools, further providing for provisions applicable to charter schools and for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in grounds and buildings, providing for automated external defibrillator placement, inspection, maintenance and plan; in school health services, further providing for automatic external defibrillators; and, in charter schools, further providing for provisions applicable to charter schools and for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: May 19, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for relief, for emergency relief by minor judiciary and for arrest for violation of order.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for relief, for emergency relief by minor judiciary and for arrest for violation of order.
Last Action: Act No. 146 of 2024
Last Action Date: November 18, 2024

Title: In general provisions relating to health care, further providing for applicability, for definitions, for criminal penalties, for emergency medical services, for definitions, for orders, bracelets and necklaces, for revocation, for absence of order, bracelet or necklace and for emergency medical services, repealing provisions relating to advisory committee and providing for discontinuance and for Pennsylvania orders for life-sustaining treatment; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions relating to health care, further providing for applicability, for definitions, for criminal penalties, for emergency medical services, for definitions, for orders, bracelets and necklaces, for revocation, for absence of order, bracelet or necklace and for emergency medical services, repealing provisions relating to advisory committee and providing for discontinuance and for Pennsylvania orders for life-sustaining treatment; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: May 19, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 22, 2024

Title: In school health services, further providing for possession and use of asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors and providing for school administration of adrenal insufficiency medication.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school health services, further providing for possession and use of asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors and providing for school administration of adrenal insufficiency medication.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: May 24, 2023

Title: Providing for criteria for independent contractors in the traveling sales industry and for the powers and duties of the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act providing for criteria for independent contractors in the traveling sales industry and for the powers and duties of the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: May 24, 2023

Title: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions.
Description: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: November 15, 2023

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Last Action Date: May 24, 2023

Title: Providing for the licensure of bodywork facilities; imposing powers and duties on the Department of State; and prescribing penalties.
Description: An Act providing for the licensure of bodywork facilities; imposing powers and duties on the Department of State; and prescribing penalties.
Last Action Date: May 24, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for firearm safety certificate and establishing the Firearm Safety and Enforcement Fund; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for firearm safety certificate and establishing the Firearm Safety and Enforcement Fund; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 24, 2023

Title: In conduct of elections, providing for voting system audits.
Description: An Act amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in conduct of elections, providing for voting system audits.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: May 30, 2023

Title: In conduct of elections, providing for voting system performance audit.
Description: An Act amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in conduct of elections, providing for voting system performance audit.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: May 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses and for sale or transfer of firearms; and, in public safety, establishing the Shot Tracking Technology Grant Program and the Shot Tracking Technology Grant Program Fund and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for licenses and for sale or transfer of firearms; and, in public safety, establishing the Shot Tracking Technology Grant Program and the Shot Tracking Technology Grant Program Fund and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 2, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for the offense of carrying a firearm in the Capitol.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for the offense of carrying a firearm in the Capitol.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 5, 2023

Title: In short title and definitions, further providing for definitions; in licenses, tags and kennels, further providing for issuance of dog licenses, compensation, proof required, deposit of funds, records, license sales, rules and regulations, failure to comply, unlawful acts and penalty, for applications for dog licenses, fees and penalties, for kennels, for requirements for kennels, for revocation or refusal of kennel licenses, for dogs temporarily in the Commonwealth and for health certificates for importation; in offenses of dogs, further providing for dog bites and detentions and isolation of dogs; in dangerous dogs, further providing for court proceedings, certificate of registration and disposition, for requirements, for public safety and penalties and for construction of article; in injury to dogs, further providing for selling, bartering or trading dogs; in enforcement and penalties, further providing for enforcement of this act by the secretary and provisions for inspections and for enforcement and penalties; in sterilization of dogs and cats, further providing for definitions; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), known as the Dog Law, in short title and definitions, further providing for definitions; in licenses, tags and kennels, further providing for issuance of dog licenses, compensation, proof required, deposit of funds, records, license sales, rules and regulations, failure to comply, unlawful acts and penalty, for applications for dog licenses, fees and penalties, for kennels, for requirements for kennels, for revocation or refusal of kennel licenses, for dogs temporarily in the Commonwealth and for health certificates for importation; in offenses of dogs, further providing for dog bites and detentions and isolation of dogs; in dangerous dogs, further providing for court proceedings, certificate of registration and disposition, for requirements, for public safety and penalties and for construction of article; in injury to dogs, further providing for selling, bartering or trading dogs; in enforcement and penalties, further providing for enforcement of this act by the secretary and provisions for inspections and for enforcement and penalties; in sterilization of dogs and cats, further providing for definitions; and imposing penalties.
Last Action Date: June 5, 2023

Title: In criminal homicide, repealing provisions relating to the offense of drug delivery resulting in death; in assault, providing for the offense of drug delivery resulting in death or serious bodily injury; in arson, criminal mischief and other property destruction, further providing for additional fine for arson committed for profit; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions; in limitation of time, further providing for no limitation applicable and for other offenses; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in criminal homicide, repealing provisions relating to the offense of drug delivery resulting in death; in assault, providing for the offense of drug delivery resulting in death or serious bodily injury; in arson, criminal mischief and other property destruction, further providing for additional fine for arson committed for profit; in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, further providing for definitions; in limitation of time, further providing for no limitation applicable and for other offenses; and, in sentencing, further providing for sentences for second and subsequent offenses.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 12, 2023

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Interstate Compact; providing for the form of the compact; imposing additional powers and duties on the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Interstate Compact; providing for the form of the compact; imposing additional powers and duties on the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Compact.
Last Action: Re-referred to PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE
Last Action Date: June 14, 2023

Title: In provisions relating to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for explanation of ballot question; and, in ballots, further providing for form of official election ballot.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in provisions relating to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for explanation of ballot question; and, in ballots, further providing for form of official election ballot.
Last Action: Re-committed to RULES
Last Action Date: September 22, 2023

Title: In the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for explanation of ballot question and providing for wording of ballot question; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for elections on proposed constitutional amendments; in ballots, further providing for form of official election ballot; in voting machines, further providing for form of ballot labels on voting machines; and, in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for publishing constitutional amendments.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and for explanation of ballot question and providing for wording of ballot question; in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for elections on proposed constitutional amendments; in ballots, further providing for form of official election ballot; in voting machines, further providing for form of ballot labels on voting machines; and, in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for publishing constitutional amendments.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 7, 2023

Title: Establishing the Social Worker Educational Enrollment and Training Program; and providing for authorization of internship positions, for award of internship positions and for funding of program; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act establishing the Social Worker Educational Enrollment and Training Program; and providing for authorization of internship positions, for award of internship positions and for funding of program; and making an appropriation.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: June 7, 2023

Title: Establishing the Behavioral Welfare Educational Loan Lenience Program; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
Description: An Act establishing the Behavioral Welfare Educational Loan Lenience Program; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: June 7, 2023

Title: Further providing for licensing and regulating the practice of music therapy; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 9, 1987 (P.L.220, No.39), known as the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act, further providing for licensing and regulating the practice of music therapy; and making editorial changes.
Last Action Date: June 9, 2023

Title: In school health services, providing for student mental health awareness.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school health services, providing for student mental health awareness.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: June 7, 2024

Title: In rules of the road in general, further providing for speed timing devices.
Description: An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in rules of the road in general, further providing for speed timing devices.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: June 12, 2023

Title: Providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.
Description: An Act providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to House Rule 71)
Last Action Date: October 7, 2024

Title: In juvenile matters, further providing for short title and purposes of chapter, for definitions, for scope of chapter, for powers and duties of probation officers, for summary offenses, for inspection of court files and records, for guardian ad litem for child in court proceedings, for transfer from criminal proceedings, for informal adjustment, for taking into custody, for detention of child, for release or delivery to court and for place of detention, providing for confinement in juvenile treatment facilities, further providing for notice and hearing, providing for questioning and interrogating a child, further providing for consent decree, providing for school stability for certain students, further providing for disposition of delinquent child, for limitation on and change in place of commitment and for transfer to criminal proceedings.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in juvenile matters, further providing for short title and purposes of chapter, for definitions, for scope of chapter, for powers and duties of probation officers, for summary offenses, for inspection of court files and records, for guardian ad litem for child in court proceedings, for transfer from criminal proceedings, for informal adjustment, for taking into custody, for detention of child, for release or delivery to court and for place of detention, providing for confinement in juvenile treatment facilities, further providing for notice and hearing, providing for questioning and interrogating a child, further providing for consent decree, providing for school stability for certain students, further providing for disposition of delinquent child, for limitation on and change in place of commitment and for transfer to criminal proceedings.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: September 27, 2023

Title: Further providing for legislative intent, for definitions, for license required, for State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, for powers and functions of board, for qualifications for license, for procedures for licensing, for exemption from licensure examination, for reciprocity, for endorsement of out-of-State licenses and for reinstatement of license; providing for restriction on use of title "licensed professional art therapist" and related titles; and further providing for penalties, for license renewal, records and fees and for unlawful practice.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 9, 1987 (P.L.220, No.39), known as the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act, further providing for legislative intent, for definitions, for license required, for State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, for powers and functions of board, for qualifications for license, for procedures for licensing, for exemption from licensure examination, for reciprocity, for endorsement of out-of-State licenses and for reinstatement of license; providing for restriction on use of title "licensed professional art therapist" and related titles; and further providing for penalties, for license renewal, records and fees and for unlawful practice.
Last Action Date: June 13, 2023

Title: As follows: in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions, repealing provisions relating to public funding of elections, providing for legislative authority over elections, establishing the Bureau of Election Audits and providing for special standing in challenges to the Election Code; in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and providing for reports on implementation of elections; in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards and providing for county boards of elections and satellite offices; in district election officers, further providing for district election boards and election, for qualifications of election officers, for tie votes for judge and inspector, for clerks of election and machine inspectors, for vacancies in election boards, appointment, judge and majority inspector to be members of majority party and minority inspector to be member of minority party, for election officers to be sworn, for oath of judge of election, for oaths of inspectors of election, for oaths of clerks of election, for oath of machine inspectors, for power of election officers to administer oaths, for compensation of district election officers and for appointment of watchers; in election districts and polling places, further providing for polling places to be selected by county board, for public buildings to be used where possible and portable polling places and for temporary polling places; providing for registration of electors; in ballots, further providing for form of official election ballot and for number of ballots to be printed and specimen ballots; in voting machines, further providing for examination and approval of voting machines by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, for requirements of voting machines, for preparation of voting machines by county election boards and for delivery of voting machines and supplies by county election boards to election officers; in electronic voting systems, further providing for experimental use of electronic voting systems and for statistical sample and providing for requirements of accessible voting machines and for voting system defects, disclosure, investigations and penalties; repealing provisions relating to voting apparatus bonds; providing for election equipment funding; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for voter's bill of rights, for senior voter's bill of rights and for disabled voter's bill of rights and further providing for delivery of ballots and supplies to judges of election, for time for opening and closing polls, for opening of polls, posting cards of instruction and notices of penalties and voters' rights and examination of voting machines, for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges, for assistance in voting and for deadline for receipt of valid voter registration application and providing for prohibitions; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots, for date of application for absentee ballot, for delivering or mailing ballots and for voting by absentee electors, providing for supervised voting by qualified absentee electors in certain facilities and further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots, for date of application for mail-in ballot, for delivering or mailing ballots and for voting by mail-in electors; in Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board, further providing for Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board; providing for early voting by qualified electors; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for returns to be open to public inspection and exceptions and for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election; repealing provisions relating to Election Integrity Grant Program; in recounts and contests, providing for powers and duties of the Attorney General relating to elections and for powers and duties of district attorneys relating to elections; in penalties, further providing for disobeying lawful instructions, for perjury, for false affidavits of candidates, for refusal to permit inspection of papers, destruction or removal and Secretary of the Commonwealth, for refusal to permit inspection of papers, destruction or removal and county boards of elections, for insertion and alteration of entries in documents, removal and refusal to deliver, for refusal to permit overseers, watchers, attorneys or candidates to act, for driving away watchers, attorneys, candidates or overseers, for refusal to permit election officers, clerks and machine inspectors to act and driving away said persons, for refusal to administer oath and acting without being sworn, for violation of oath of office by election officers, for peace officers, failure to render assistance and hindering or delaying county board members and others, for nomination petitions and papers and offenses by signers, for false signatures and statements in nomination petitions and papers, for nomination petitions, certificates and papers, destruction, fraudulent filing and suppression, for offenses by printers of ballots, for unlawful possession of ballots and counterfeiting ballots, for forging and destroying ballots, for tampering with voting machines, for destroying, defacing or removing notices, et cetera, for police officers at polling places, for peace officer, failure to quell disturbances at polls and hindering or delaying election officers and others, for election officers permitting unregistered electors to vote, challenges and refusing to permit qualified electors to vote, for election officers refusing to permit elector to vote in proper party at primaries, for frauds by election officers, for prying into ballots, for interference with primaries and elections, frauds and conspiracy, for persons interfering in other districts, for assault and battery at polls, for unlawful assistance in voting, for election officers permitting unlawful assistance, for failure to keep and return record of assisted voters, for unlawful voting, for elector voting ballot of wrong party at primary, for repeat voting at elections, for removing ballots, for commissioners to take soldiers' votes, for fraudulent voting by soldiers, for bribery at elections, for receipts and disbursements of primary and election expenses by persons other than candidates and treasurers, for receipts of primary and election expenses by unauthorized persons, for contributions by corporations or unincorporated associations, for failure to file expense account, for prohibiting duress and intimidation of voters and interference with the free exercise of the elective franchise, for failure to perform duty, for hindering or delaying performance of duty, for violation of any provision of act and for violations of provisions relating to absentee and mail-in ballots and repealing provisions relating to violation of public funding of elections and providing for unlawful collection of ballots and for prohibiting duress and intimidation of elections officials; providing for reimbursements and withholding; making an appropriation; and making a repeal.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, as follows: in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions, repealing provisions relating to public funding of elections, providing for legislative authority over elections, establishing the Bureau of Election Audits and providing for special standing in challenges to the Election Code; in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and providing for reports on implementation of elections; in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards and providing for county boards of elections and satellite offices; in district election officers, further providing for district election boards and election, for qualifications of election officers, for tie votes for judge and inspector, for clerks of election and machine inspectors, for vacancies in election boards, appointment, judge and majority inspector to be members of majority party and minority inspector to be member of minority party, for election officers to be sworn, for oath of judge of election, for oaths of inspectors of election, for oaths of clerks of election, for oath of machine inspectors, for power of election officers to administer oaths, for compensation of district election officers and for appointment of watchers; in election districts and polling places, further providing for polling places to be selected by county board, for public buildings to be used where possible and portable polling places and for temporary polling places; providing for registration of electors; in ballots, further providing for form of official election ballot and for number of ballots to be printed and specimen ballots; in voting machines, further providing for examination and approval of voting machines by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, for requirements of voting machines, for preparation of voting machines by county election boards and for delivery of voting machines and supplies by county election boards to election officers; in electronic voting systems, further providing for experimental use of electronic voting systems and for statistical sample and providing for requirements of accessible voting machines and for voting system defects, disclosure, investigations and penalties; repealing provisions relating to voting apparatus bonds; providing for election equipment funding; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, providing for voter's bill of rights, for senior voter's bill of rights and for disabled voter's bill of rights and further providing for delivery of ballots and supplies to judges of election, for time for opening and closing polls, for opening of polls, posting cards of instruction and notices of penalties and voters' rights and examination of voting machines, for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges, for assistance in voting and for deadline for receipt of valid voter registration application and providing for prohibitions; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots, for date of application for absentee ballot, for delivering or mailing ballots and for voting by absentee electors, providing for supervised voting by qualified absentee electors in certain facilities and further providing for canvassing of official absentee ballots and mail-in ballots; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots, for date of application for mail-in ballot, for delivering or mailing ballots and for voting by mail-in electors; in Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board, further providing for Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board; providing for early voting by qualified electors; in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for returns to be open to public inspection and exceptions and for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election; repealing provisions relating to Election Integrity Grant Program; in recounts and contests, providing for powers and duties of the Attorney General relating to elections and for powers and duties of district attorneys relating to elections; in penalties, further providing for disobeying lawful instructions, for perjury, for false affidavits of candidates, for refusal to permit inspection of papers, destruction or removal and Secretary of the Commonwealth, for refusal to permit inspection of papers, destruction or removal and county boards of elections, for insertion and alteration of entries in documents, removal and refusal to deliver, for refusal to permit overseers, watchers, attorneys or candidates to act, for driving away watchers, attorneys, candidates or overseers, for refusal to permit election officers, clerks and machine inspectors to act and driving away said persons, for refusal to administer oath and acting without being sworn, for violation of oath of office by election officers, for peace officers, failure to render assistance and hindering or delaying county board members and others, for nomination petitions and papers and offenses by signers, for false signatures and statements in nomination petitions and papers, for nomination petitions, certificates and papers, destruction, fraudulent filing and suppression, for offenses by printers of ballots, for unlawful possession of ballots and counterfeiting ballots, for forging and destroying ballots, for tampering with voting machines, for destroying, defacing or removing notices, et cetera, for police officers at polling places, for peace officer, failure to quell disturbances at polls and hindering or delaying election officers and others, for election officers permitting unregistered electors to vote, challenges and refusing to permit qualified electors to vote, for election officers refusing to permit elector to vote in proper party at primaries, for frauds by election officers, for prying into ballots, for interference with primaries and elections, frauds and conspiracy, for persons interfering in other districts, for assault and battery at polls, for unlawful assistance in voting, for election officers permitting unlawful assistance, for failure to keep and return record of assisted voters, for unlawful voting, for elector voting ballot of wrong party at primary, for repeat voting at elections, for removing ballots, for commissioners to take soldiers' votes, for fraudulent voting by soldiers, for bribery at elections, for receipts and disbursements of primary and election expenses by persons other than candidates and treasurers, for receipts of primary and election expenses by unauthorized persons, for contributions by corporations or unincorporated associations, for failure to file expense account, for prohibiting duress and intimidation of voters and interference with the free exercise of the elective franchise, for failure to perform duty, for hindering or delaying performance of duty, for violation of any provision of act and for violations of provisions relating to absentee and mail-in ballots and repealing provisions relating to violation of public funding of elections and providing for unlawful collection of ballots and for prohibiting duress and intimidation of elections officials; providing for reimbursements and withholding; making an appropriation; and making a repeal.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 14, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, providing for advertising and sponsorships; in charter schools, further providing for definitions and for funding for charter schools, providing for funding for cyber charter schools, for cyber charter school requirements, for powers and composition of board of trustees and for educational management service providers, further providing for powers and duties of department and for assessment and evaluation, providing for annual reports and public reporting and for fund balance limits, further providing for cyber charter school requirements and prohibitions and for school district and intermediate unit responsibilities, providing for access to other schools' facilities, further providing for establishment of cyber charter school, providing for renewals, for charter amendments and for causes for nonrenewal, revocation or termination, further providing for State Charter School Appeal Board review, for cyber charter school application and for enrollment and notification, providing for enrollment parameters and for enrollee wellness checks and further providing for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, providing for advertising and sponsorships; in charter schools, further providing for definitions and for funding for charter schools, providing for funding for cyber charter schools, for cyber charter school requirements, for powers and composition of board of trustees and for educational management service providers, further providing for powers and duties of department and for assessment and evaluation, providing for annual reports and public reporting and for fund balance limits, further providing for cyber charter school requirements and prohibitions and for school district and intermediate unit responsibilities, providing for access to other schools' facilities, further providing for establishment of cyber charter school, providing for renewals, for charter amendments and for causes for nonrenewal, revocation or termination, further providing for State Charter School Appeal Board review, for cyber charter school application and for enrollment and notification, providing for enrollment parameters and for enrollee wellness checks and further providing for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: July 17, 2023

Title: Providing for liability for false claims, for adoption of congressional intent of the Federal False Claims Act, for damages, costs and civil penalties, for powers of Attorney General, for qui tam actions and for civil investigative demands.
Description: An Act amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for liability for false claims, for adoption of congressional intent of the Federal False Claims Act, for damages, costs and civil penalties, for powers of Attorney General, for qui tam actions and for civil investigative demands.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 20, 2023

Title: Providing for tenants' rights in cases of violence.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), known as The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, providing for tenants' rights in cases of violence.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 30, 2024

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, in compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Last Action: Laid on the table (Pursuant to Senate Rule 9)
Last Action Date: October 1, 2024

Title: In terms and courses of study, providing for conflict resolution instruction.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in terms and courses of study, providing for conflict resolution instruction.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: July 17, 2023

Title: In particular rights and immunities, providing for immunity for constitutionally protected communications.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in particular rights and immunities, providing for immunity for constitutionally protected communications.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 21, 2023

Title: In particular rights and immunities, providing for a cause of action on protected public expression and for immunity for protected public expression; and imposing a duty upon the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts and the Legislative Reference Bureau.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in particular rights and immunities, providing for a cause of action on protected public expression and for immunity for protected public expression; and imposing a duty upon the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts and the Legislative Reference Bureau.
Last Action: Act No. 72 of 2024
Last Action Date: July 17, 2024

Title: In safe community reentry, further providing for Safe Community Reentry Program and for contract for services.
Description: An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in safe community reentry, further providing for Safe Community Reentry Program and for contract for services.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 21, 2023

Title: In limitation of time, further providing for six months limitation; in matters affecting government units, further providing for exceptions to sovereign immunity, for limitations on damages and for exceptions to governmental immunity and providing for claims for compensation for wrongful conviction; in general administration, providing for services after wrongful conviction; and, in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, further providing for powers and duties of department.
Description: An Act amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in limitation of time, further providing for six months limitation; in matters affecting government units, further providing for exceptions to sovereign immunity, for limitations on damages and for exceptions to governmental immunity and providing for claims for compensation for wrongful conviction; in general administration, providing for services after wrongful conviction; and, in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, further providing for powers and duties of department.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 3, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, providing for limitations on contributions.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, providing for limitations on contributions.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 21, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons and for late contributions and independent expenditures.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons and for late contributions and independent expenditures.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 22, 2024

Title: Providing for legislative and congressional redistricting and for proceedings of the Legislative Reapportionment Commission.
Description: An Act providing for legislative and congressional redistricting and for proceedings of the Legislative Reapportionment Commission.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 21, 2023

Title: In general provisions, repeals and effective date, providing for acute care mental health bed registry and referrals.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, in general provisions, repeals and effective date, providing for acute care mental health bed registry and referrals.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: June 21, 2023

Title: Consolidating provisions on administrative procedure and rulemaking; and making repeals.
Description: An Act amending Title 2 (Administrative Law and Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, consolidating provisions on administrative procedure and rulemaking; and making repeals.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 22, 2023

Title: In dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for elections on proposed constitutional amendments.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for elections on proposed constitutional amendments.
Last Action: Re-committed to RULES
Last Action Date: September 22, 2023

Title: In sentencing, further providing for sentencing generally.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sentencing, further providing for sentencing generally.
Last Action: Corrective Reprint, Printer's No. 1715
Last Action Date: June 23, 2023

Title: In Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for organization of commission; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission.
Description: An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, further providing for organization of commission; and, in Pennsylvania Game Commission, further providing for organization of commission.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: June 26, 2023

Title: Amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and Title
Description: An Act amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and Title
Last Action: Act No. 114 of 2024
Last Action Date: October 29, 2024

Title: Designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 45509, carrying U.S. Route 40 over Pennsylvania Route 43 in Redstone Township, Fayette County, as the PFC John Balog Memorial Bridge.
Description: An Act designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 45509, carrying U.S. Route 40 over Pennsylvania Route 43 in Redstone Township, Fayette County, as the PFC John Balog Memorial Bridge.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: June 26, 2023

Title: In law enforcement background investigations and employment information, further providing for maintenance of records and for hiring report; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in law enforcement background investigations and employment information, further providing for maintenance of records and for hiring report; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 3, 2023

Title: In municipal police education and training, further providing for powers and duties of commission.
Description: An Act amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in municipal police education and training, further providing for powers and duties of commission.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 29, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in pupils and attendance, providing for educational oversight for juveniles in facilities, further providing for possession of weapons prohibited and providing for placement of certain adjudicated students; in safe schools, further providing for definitions and for reporting and providing for School-Based Diversion Programs Fund; in school security, further providing for powers and duties and providing for limitations on proceedings and arrest; and, in school districts of the first class, repealing provisions relating to placement of certain adjudicated students.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in pupils and attendance, providing for educational oversight for juveniles in facilities, further providing for possession of weapons prohibited and providing for placement of certain adjudicated students; in safe schools, further providing for definitions and for reporting and providing for School-Based Diversion Programs Fund; in school security, further providing for powers and duties and providing for limitations on proceedings and arrest; and, in school districts of the first class, repealing provisions relating to placement of certain adjudicated students.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 30, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for duties of lawful gun show or meet organizers.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, providing for duties of lawful gun show or meet organizers.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: July 11, 2023

Title: Further providing for definitions, for license required, for State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, for powers and functions of board, for qualifications for license, for procedures for licensing, for reciprocity, for endorsement of out-of-State licenses and for reinstatement of license; providing for restrictions on use of title "Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist" and for restrictions on the use of title "Licensed Associate Professional Counselor"; further providing for license renewal and records and fees and for unlawful practice; and providing for effect of associate licensure.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 9, 1987 (P.L.220, No.39), known as the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act, further providing for definitions, for license required, for State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, for powers and functions of board, for qualifications for license, for procedures for licensing, for reciprocity, for endorsement of out-of-State licenses and for reinstatement of license; providing for restrictions on use of title "Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist" and for restrictions on the use of title "Licensed Associate Professional Counselor"; further providing for license renewal and records and fees and for unlawful practice; and providing for effect of associate licensure.
Last Action: Act No. 4 of 2024
Last Action Date: March 28, 2024

Title: In licensing of health care facilities, providing for firearms policy.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, in licensing of health care facilities, providing for firearms policy.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: July 11, 2023

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Last Action Date: July 25, 2023

Title: In sentencing, providing for sentences for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sentencing, providing for sentences for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: July 25, 2023

Title: Further providing for definitions and for unlawful acts or practices and exclusions; and providing for child sexual abuse material generated by artificial intelligence.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, further providing for definitions and for unlawful acts or practices and exclusions; and providing for child sexual abuse material generated by artificial intelligence.
Last Action Date: April 22, 2024

Title: Providing for solitary confinement.
Description: An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for solitary confinement.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: August 7, 2023

Title: In children and youth, further providing for availability of services, providing for purposes, further providing for payments to counties for services to children, for review of county submissions and for statistics and assistance for research, providing for ensuring safe and humane institutional practices and further providing for study of delinquents and recommendations to courts; and, in departmental powers and duties as to licensing, further providing for refusal to issue license, revocation and notice.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in children and youth, further providing for availability of services, providing for purposes, further providing for payments to counties for services to children, for review of county submissions and for statistics and assistance for research, providing for ensuring safe and humane institutional practices and further providing for study of delinquents and recommendations to courts; and, in departmental powers and duties as to licensing, further providing for refusal to issue license, revocation and notice.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 22, 2024

Title: Providing for minimum energy and water efficiency standards for certain products sold in this Commonwealth; imposing penalties; and making repeals.
Description: An Act providing for minimum energy and water efficiency standards for certain products sold in this Commonwealth; imposing penalties; and making repeals.
Last Action Date: May 28, 2024

Title: In pupils and attendance, further providing for possession of weapons prohibited; and, in safe schools, further providing for sworn statement and for transfer of records.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in pupils and attendance, further providing for possession of weapons prohibited; and, in safe schools, further providing for sworn statement and for transfer of records.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: August 15, 2023

Title: In minors, providing for the offense of access to firearms by minors; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in minors, providing for the offense of access to firearms by minors; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: November 14, 2023

Title: In dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for general primary and candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for general primary and candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: October 13, 2023

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: August 29, 2023

Title: Providing for right-to-know; making repeals; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Titles 2 (Administrative Law and Procedure), 3 (Agriculture), 4 (Amusements), 5 (Athletics and Sports), 8 (Boroughs and Incorporated Towns), 11 (Cities), 13 (Commercial Code), 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated Associations), 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries), 23 (Domestic Relations), 24 (Education), 25 (Elections), 26 (Eminent Domain), 27 (Environmental Resources), 30 (Fish), 34 (Game), 35 (Health and Safety), 37 (Historical and Museums), 40 (Insurance), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure), 45 (Legal Notices), 51 (Military Affairs), 53 (Municipalities Generally), 58 (Oil and Gas), 62 (Procurement), 64 (Public Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations), 65 (Public Officers), 66 (Public Utilities), 68 (Real and Personal Property), 71 (State Government), 74 (Transportation) and 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for right-to-know; making repeals; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: August 29, 2023

Title: Further providing for schedules of controlled substances; and providing for secure storage of xylazine.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, further providing for schedules of controlled substances; and providing for secure storage of xylazine.
Last Action: Act No. 17 of 2024
Last Action Date: May 15, 2024

Title: In electronic voting systems, further providing for returns.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in electronic voting systems, further providing for returns.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: September 19, 2023

Title: In child custody, further providing for definitions, for award of custody, for standing for partial physical custody and supervised physical custody, for presumption in cases concerning primary physical custody, for factors to consider when awarding custody, for consideration of criminal conviction and for parenting plan; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child custody, further providing for definitions, for award of custody, for standing for partial physical custody and supervised physical custody, for presumption in cases concerning primary physical custody, for factors to consider when awarding custody, for consideration of criminal conviction and for parenting plan; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Re-referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: June 11, 2024

Title: In nomination of candidates, further providing for affidavits of candidates and for nominations by political bodies.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, further providing for affidavits of candidates and for nominations by political bodies.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: September 25, 2023

Title: Further providing for purchase of agricultural conservation easements.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 30, 1981 (P.L.128, No.43), known as the Agricultural Area Security Law, further providing for purchase of agricultural conservation easements.
Last Action Date: September 26, 2023

Title: Designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 9570, on that portion of State Route 3049 over the Moshannon Creek in Rush Township, Centre County, as the Lance Corporal Michael P. Segich Memorial Bridge.
Description: An Act designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 9570, on that portion of State Route 3049 over the Moshannon Creek in Rush Township, Centre County, as the Lance Corporal Michael P. Segich Memorial Bridge.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: September 26, 2023

Title: In fiscal affairs, further providing for establishment and use of Game Fund.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fiscal affairs, further providing for establishment and use of Game Fund.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: September 26, 2023

Title: Amending the act of February 13, 1970 (P.L.19, No.10), entitled "An act enabling certain minors to consent to medical, dental and health services, declaring consent unnecessary under certain circumstances," further providing for individual consent, for mental health treatment and for release of medical records; and providing for parent or legal guardian access to medical records.
Description: An Act amending the act of February 13, 1970 (P.L.19, No.10), entitled "An act enabling certain minors to consent to medical, dental and health services, declaring consent unnecessary under certain circumstances," further providing for individual consent, for mental health treatment and for release of medical records; and providing for parent or legal guardian access to medical records.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: September 27, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: October 2, 2023

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for expungement.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in criminal history record information, further providing for expungement.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: October 3, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in Pennsylvania Liquor Stores, further providing for sales by Pennsylvania Liquor Stores; in licenses and regulations, liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for heading of article, for authority to issue liquor licenses to hotels, restaurants and clubs, for sales by liquor licensees and restrictions, for secondary service area, for sale of malt or brewed beverages by liquor licensees, for public service liquor licenses, for liquor importers' licenses, fees, privileges and restrictions, for public venue license, for performing arts facility license, for continuing care retirement community retail licenses, for casino liquor license, for malt and brewed beverages manufacturers', distributors' and importing distributors' licenses, for sales by manufacturers of malt or brewed beverages and minimum quantities and for distributors' and importing distributors' restrictions on sales, storage, etc; adding provisions relating to fees and taxation of ready-to-drink cocktails for off-premises consumption; and further providing for unlawful acts relative to malt or brewed beverages and licensees.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in Pennsylvania Liquor Stores, further providing for sales by Pennsylvania Liquor Stores; in licenses and regulations, liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for heading of article, for authority to issue liquor licenses to hotels, restaurants and clubs, for sales by liquor licensees and restrictions, for secondary service area, for sale of malt or brewed beverages by liquor licensees, for public service liquor licenses, for liquor importers' licenses, fees, privileges and restrictions, for public venue license, for performing arts facility license, for continuing care retirement community retail licenses, for casino liquor license, for malt and brewed beverages manufacturers', distributors' and importing distributors' licenses, for sales by manufacturers of malt or brewed beverages and minimum quantities and for distributors' and importing distributors' restrictions on sales, storage, etc; adding provisions relating to fees and taxation of ready-to-drink cocktails for off-premises consumption; and further providing for unlawful acts relative to malt or brewed beverages and licensees.
Last Action: Referred to LIQUOR CONTROL
Last Action Date: October 13, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in qualifications of electors, further providing for rules for determining residence; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for qualified absentee electors and providing for voting by absentee electors in correctional institutions; and imposing duties on the Department of State.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in qualifications of electors, further providing for rules for determining residence; in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for qualified absentee electors and providing for voting by absentee electors in correctional institutions; and imposing duties on the Department of State.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: October 16, 2023

Title: Consolidating the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County Code; and making repeals.
Description: An Act amending Title 16 (Counties) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, consolidating the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County Code; and making repeals.
Last Action: Referred to LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 4, 2024

Title: A Joint Resolution proposing integrated and distinct amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, repealing provisions relating to Legislative Reapportionment Commission and providing for Independent Redistricting Commission and for redistricting criteria.
Description: A Joint Resolution proposing integrated and distinct amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, repealing provisions relating to Legislative Reapportionment Commission and providing for Independent Redistricting Commission and for redistricting criteria.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 17, 2024

Title: In safe schools, further providing for definitions, for reporting, for policy relating to bullying and for maintenance of records; and, in Safe2Say Program, further providing for intent, for definitions and for Safe2Say Program and providing for reporting and remediating bullying.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in safe schools, further providing for definitions, for reporting, for policy relating to bullying and for maintenance of records; and, in Safe2Say Program, further providing for intent, for definitions and for Safe2Say Program and providing for reporting and remediating bullying.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: October 19, 2023

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for elk hunting licenses.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for elk hunting licenses.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: October 24, 2023

Title: In rules of evidence, providing for protection of reproductive health services records.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in rules of evidence, providing for protection of reproductive health services records.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: October 24, 2023

Title: Designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8345, on that portion of U.S. Route 22 over Howells Run in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Michael G. Tsikalas Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8344, carrying U.S. Route 22 over Pennsylvania Route 160, also known as New Germany Road, in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Charles J. Vizzini Memorial Bridge; and making a repeal.
Description: An Act designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8345, on that portion of U.S. Route 22 over Howells Run in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Michael G. Tsikalas Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8344, carrying U.S. Route 22 over Pennsylvania Route 160, also known as New Germany Road, in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Charles J. Vizzini Memorial Bridge; and making a repeal.
Last Action: Referred to TRANSPORTATION
Last Action Date: April 22, 2024

Title: Providing for school counseling services.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for school counseling services.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: October 31, 2023

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 2, 2023

Title: In preliminary provisions relating to voter registration, further providing for definitions; in registration system, further providing for SURE system; in voter registration, further providing for qualifications to register, for methods of voter registration, for application with driver's license application and for government agencies, providing for same-day voter registration and for preregistration data entry and further providing for preparation and distribution of applications; in changes in records, further providing for death of registrant; in voting procedures, providing for prohibition of rejecting ballots based solely on signature analysis; making a repeal; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in preliminary provisions relating to voter registration, further providing for definitions; in registration system, further providing for SURE system; in voter registration, further providing for qualifications to register, for methods of voter registration, for application with driver's license application and for government agencies, providing for same-day voter registration and for preregistration data entry and further providing for preparation and distribution of applications; in changes in records, further providing for death of registrant; in voting procedures, providing for prohibition of rejecting ballots based solely on signature analysis; making a repeal; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 8, 2023

Title: In nomination of candidates, further providing for number of signers required for nomination petitions of candidates at primaries and for place and time of filing nomination petitions and filing fees and providing for secure online signature collection for Federal, State and municipal political offices.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, further providing for number of signers required for nomination petitions of candidates at primaries and for place and time of filing nomination petitions and filing fees and providing for secure online signature collection for Federal, State and municipal political offices.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 8, 2023

Title: In election districts and polling places, further providing for equipment and arrangement of polling places, guard rail and number of voting compartments or voting machines; in nomination of candidates, further providing for casting of lots for position of names upon the primary ballots or ballot labels and notice to candidates; and, in ballots, further providing for form of official primary ballot.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in election districts and polling places, further providing for equipment and arrangement of polling places, guard rail and number of voting compartments or voting machines; in nomination of candidates, further providing for casting of lots for position of names upon the primary ballots or ballot labels and notice to candidates; and, in ballots, further providing for form of official primary ballot.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 8, 2023

Title: In dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for special elections for Senator and Representative in the General Assembly, for special elections for members of councils or legislative bodies of cities, boroughs, towns and townships and for nominations for special election for Representative in Congress, Senator and Representative in the General Assembly and member of council or legislative body of cities, boroughs, towns and townships and providing for special election for Senator or Representative in General Assembly or member of council or legislative body of cities, boroughs, towns and townships and for fines imposed for certain resignations and establishing the Special Election Fund; in nomination of candidates, further providing for number of signers required for nomination petitions of candidates at primaries, providing for secure online signature collection for Federal, State and municipal political offices and further providing for nominations by political bodies, for limitations on eligibility of candidates, for contents of nomination papers, restriction on names and campaign finances and for filing fee; in voting machines, further providing for requirements of voting machines; in electronic voting systems, further providing for requirements of electronic voting systems and for forms; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, repealing provisions relating to qualified mail-in electors, providing for automatic issuance of mail-in ballots, repealing provisions relating to applications for official mail-in ballots, to date of application for mail-in ballot and to approval of application for mail-in ballot and further providing for delivering or mailing ballots, for voting by mail-in electors and for public records; in primary and election expenses, further providing for authorization of political committee and for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for special elections for Senator and Representative in the General Assembly, for special elections for members of councils or legislative bodies of cities, boroughs, towns and townships and for nominations for special election for Representative in Congress, Senator and Representative in the General Assembly and member of council or legislative body of cities, boroughs, towns and townships and providing for special election for Senator or Representative in General Assembly or member of council or legislative body of cities, boroughs, towns and townships and for fines imposed for certain resignations and establishing the Special Election Fund; in nomination of candidates, further providing for number of signers required for nomination petitions of candidates at primaries, providing for secure online signature collection for Federal, State and municipal political offices and further providing for nominations by political bodies, for limitations on eligibility of candidates, for contents of nomination papers, restriction on names and campaign finances and for filing fee; in voting machines, further providing for requirements of voting machines; in electronic voting systems, further providing for requirements of electronic voting systems and for forms; in voting by qualified mail-in electors, repealing provisions relating to qualified mail-in electors, providing for automatic issuance of mail-in ballots, repealing provisions relating to applications for official mail-in ballots, to date of application for mail-in ballot and to approval of application for mail-in ballot and further providing for delivering or mailing ballots, for voting by mail-in electors and for public records; in primary and election expenses, further providing for authorization of political committee and for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 8, 2023

Title: In election districts and polling places, further providing for wards in cities of the first class may be created, divided, realigned, or consolidated; and making an editorial change.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in election districts and polling places, further providing for wards in cities of the first class may be created, divided, realigned, or consolidated; and making an editorial change.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: November 8, 2023

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Social Work Licensure Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Social Work Licensure Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Last Action Date: November 13, 2023

Title: In enforcement, further providing for revocation, suspension or denial of license, permit or registration; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement, further providing for revocation, suspension or denial of license, permit or registration; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for denial or revocation of licenses and for period of revocation.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: November 14, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for Pennsylvania State Police and for licensing of dealers and providing for security cameras, for lost and stolen firearm reporting requirements and for inspection of retail firearm dealer licensees and grant program; establishing the Retail Licensee Inspection Fund and the Firearm Dealer Safety Grant Program; imposing penalties; and making an appropriation.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms, for Pennsylvania State Police and for licensing of dealers and providing for security cameras, for lost and stolen firearm reporting requirements and for inspection of retail firearm dealer licensees and grant program; establishing the Retail Licensee Inspection Fund and the Firearm Dealer Safety Grant Program; imposing penalties; and making an appropriation.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: November 15, 2023

Title: In dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for general primary and candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected and providing for school district budget timeline and for procedure for securing approval of electors.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in dates of elections and primaries and special elections, further providing for general primary and candidates to be nominated and party officers to be elected and providing for school district budget timeline and for procedure for securing approval of electors.
Last Action: Corrective Reprint, Printer's No. 2333
Last Action Date: November 20, 2023

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: November 30, 2023

Title: In county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: December 6, 2023

Title: In sexual offenses, further providing for the offense of rape and for the offense of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse; and, in sentencing, providing for sentencing procedure for rape of a child and involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child and further providing for sentences for offenses against infant persons.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sexual offenses, further providing for the offense of rape and for the offense of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse; and, in sentencing, providing for sentencing procedure for rape of a child and involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child and further providing for sentences for offenses against infant persons.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: December 12, 2023

Title: In child custody, further providing for definitions, for award of custody, for factors to consider when awarding custody, for consideration of criminal conviction, for guardian ad litem for child, for counsel for child and for award of counsel fees, costs and expenses; and, in Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, providing for child abuse and domestic abuse education and training program for judges and court personnel.
Description: An Act amending Titles 23 (Domestic Relations) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child custody, further providing for definitions, for award of custody, for factors to consider when awarding custody, for consideration of criminal conviction, for guardian ad litem for child, for counsel for child and for award of counsel fees, costs and expenses; and, in Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, providing for child abuse and domestic abuse education and training program for judges and court personnel.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: December 28, 2023

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Cosmetology Licensure Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Cosmetology Licensure Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Last Action Date: December 28, 2023

Title: Adding provisions relating to establishment of parent-child relationship for certain individuals; providing for voluntary acknowledgment of parentage, for registry of paternity, for genetic testing, for proceeding to adjudicate parentage, for assisted reproduction, for surrogacy agreements and for information about donors.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding provisions relating to establishment of parent-child relationship for certain individuals; providing for voluntary acknowledgment of parentage, for registry of paternity, for genetic testing, for proceeding to adjudicate parentage, for assisted reproduction, for surrogacy agreements and for information about donors.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: January 31, 2024

Title: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in records, further providing for fees for copies.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 29, 1953 (P.L.304, No.66), known as the Vital Statistics Law of 1953, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in records, further providing for fees for copies.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: June 25, 2024

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for relief.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for relief.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: January 31, 2024

Title: Further providing for title of act; in preliminary provisions, further providing for short title, for scope of act and for definitions and providing for regulations; in pharmacy audits, further providing for limitations; in registration, further providing for PBM and auditing entity registration; providing for pharmacy benefits manager contracts; in PBM cost transparency requirements, providing for PBM transparency report required, repealing provisions relating to regulations and providing for PSAO reporting requirements; in enforcements, further providing for scope of enforcement authority; providing for pharmacy services; and making repeals.
Description: An Act amending the act of November 21, 2016 (P.L.1318, No.169), known as the Pharmacy Audit Integrity and Transparency Act, further providing for title of act; in preliminary provisions, further providing for short title, for scope of act and for definitions and providing for regulations; in pharmacy audits, further providing for limitations; in registration, further providing for PBM and auditing entity registration; providing for pharmacy benefits manager contracts; in PBM cost transparency requirements, providing for PBM transparency report required, repealing provisions relating to regulations and providing for PSAO reporting requirements; in enforcements, further providing for scope of enforcement authority; providing for pharmacy services; and making repeals.
Last Action: Act No. 77 of 2024
Last Action Date: July 17, 2024

Title: Providing for cause of action for antitrust conduct, for indirect purchaser recovery under State antitrust laws and for premerger notice of health care mergers and transactions; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act providing for cause of action for antitrust conduct, for indirect purchaser recovery under State antitrust laws and for premerger notice of health care mergers and transactions; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: February 5, 2024

Title: Providing for protection of minors on social media; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 50 (Mental Health) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for protection of minors on social media; and imposing penalties.
Last Action Date: May 28, 2024

Title: In child custody, further providing for factors to consider when awarding custody.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child custody, further providing for factors to consider when awarding custody.
Last Action: Removed from table
Last Action Date: October 1, 2024

Title: In school safety and security, providing for purchase of firearm detection technology.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school safety and security, providing for purchase of firearm detection technology.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: February 9, 2024

Title: In DNA data and testing, further providing for policy, for definitions, for State DNA Data Base, for State Police recommendation of additional offenses and annual report and for DNA sample required upon conviction, delinquency adjudication and certain ARD cases, providing for request for modified DNA search and further providing for DNA data base exchange, for expungement and for mandatory cost; and making an editorial change.
Description: An Act amending Title 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in DNA data and testing, further providing for policy, for definitions, for State DNA Data Base, for State Police recommendation of additional offenses and annual report and for DNA sample required upon conviction, delinquency adjudication and certain ARD cases, providing for request for modified DNA search and further providing for DNA data base exchange, for expungement and for mandatory cost; and making an editorial change.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: February 20, 2024

Title: In nomination of candidates, further providing for petition may consist of several sheets and statement of circulator.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, further providing for petition may consist of several sheets and statement of circulator.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 20, 2024

Title: In voting machines, further providing for examination and approval of voting machines by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, for requirements of voting machines and for preparation of voting machines by county election boards.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting machines, further providing for examination and approval of voting machines by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, for requirements of voting machines and for preparation of voting machines by county election boards.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 22, 2024

Title: In electronic voting systems, providing for defects, disclosure, investigations and penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in electronic voting systems, providing for defects, disclosure, investigations and penalties.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 22, 2024

Title: In Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections and for county report.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in Election Integrity Grant Program, further providing for funding for elections and for county report.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 23, 2024

Title: In electronic voting systems, further providing for election day procedures and the process of voting.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in electronic voting systems, further providing for election day procedures and the process of voting.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 23, 2024

Title: In ballots, providing for number of emergency ballots to be printed.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in ballots, providing for number of emergency ballots to be printed.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 23, 2024

Title: In electronic voting systems, providing for suitability of paper record methodologies for electronic voting systems.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in electronic voting systems, providing for suitability of paper record methodologies for electronic voting systems.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 23, 2024

Title: Providing for financial institutions.
Description: An Act amending the act of November 6, 1987 (P.L.381, No.79), known as the Older Adults Protective Services Act, providing for financial institutions.
Last Action: Referred to BANKING AND INSURANCE
Last Action Date: July 17, 2024

Title: In public assistance, further providing for eligibility for persons with drug-related felonies.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in public assistance, further providing for eligibility for persons with drug-related felonies.
Last Action: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
Last Action Date: February 27, 2024

Title: Providing for financial institutions and fiduciaries.
Description: An Act amending the act of November 6, 1987 (P.L.381, No.79), known as the Older Adults Protective Services Act, providing for financial institutions and fiduciaries.
Last Action: Referred to COMMERCE
Last Action Date: February 27, 2024

Title: Providing for reimbursements for physical examinations of firefighters; and establishing the Firefighter Physical Examination Reimbursement Fund.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for reimbursements for physical examinations of firefighters; and establishing the Firefighter Physical Examination Reimbursement Fund.
Last Action Date: February 27, 2024

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for place of filing.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for place of filing.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: February 28, 2024

Title: In inchoate crimes, prohibiting the possession of firearm at polling place.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inchoate crimes, prohibiting the possession of firearm at polling place.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 5, 2024

Title: In penalties, providing for the offense of fraudulent misrepresentation of a candidate; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in penalties, providing for the offense of fraudulent misrepresentation of a candidate; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 5, 2024

Title: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in records, further providing for fees for copies.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 29, 1953 (P.L.304, No.66), known as the Vital Statistics Law of 1953, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in records, further providing for fees for copies.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: March 6, 2024

Title: Establishing the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program within the Department of Environmental Protection; providing for related powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Protection; establishing and providing for the powers and duties of the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Insurance Board; providing for duties of the Auditor General; establishing the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Insurance Fund and the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Assistance Fund; imposing a penalty; making appropriations and transfers; and making a repeal.
Description: An Act establishing the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program within the Department of Environmental Protection; providing for related powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Protection; establishing and providing for the powers and duties of the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Insurance Board; providing for duties of the Auditor General; establishing the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Insurance Fund and the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence and Landslide Assistance Fund; imposing a penalty; making appropriations and transfers; and making a repeal.
Last Action: Referred to INSURANCE
Last Action Date: May 14, 2024

Title: In the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth; in primary and election expenses, further providing for definitions, for organization of political committees, treasurer and assistant treasurer and records of candidate and committees, for registration and for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons, providing for limitations on certain contributions, further providing for residual funds, for late filing fee and certificate of filing, for contributions or expenditures by national banks, corporations or unincorporated associations, for advertising and for reports by business entities and publication by Secretary of the Commonwealth and providing for independent expenditures and for independent expenditure evaluation; and providing for corporate political accountability.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth; in primary and election expenses, further providing for definitions, for organization of political committees, treasurer and assistant treasurer and records of candidate and committees, for registration and for reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons, providing for limitations on certain contributions, further providing for residual funds, for late filing fee and certificate of filing, for contributions or expenditures by national banks, corporations or unincorporated associations, for advertising and for reports by business entities and publication by Secretary of the Commonwealth and providing for independent expenditures and for independent expenditure evaluation; and providing for corporate political accountability.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 12, 2024

Title: In child protective services, providing for information for school districts.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child protective services, providing for information for school districts.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: March 14, 2024

Title: In hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for temporary Sunday hunting authorized and for hunting and training on Sunday, repealing provisions relating to trespass on private property while hunting and to hunting on Sunday without written permission, providing for the offense of trespass on private land while hunting or furtaking and for the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission and further providing for training dogs on small game; in special licenses and permits, further providing for field dog trials; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking, repealing provisions relating to hunting on Sunday prohibited, providing for temporary Sunday hunting authorized and for hunting and training on Sunday, repealing provisions relating to trespass on private property while hunting and to hunting on Sunday without written permission, providing for the offense of trespass on private land while hunting or furtaking and for the offense of hunting, trapping or taking game or wildlife without written permission and further providing for training dogs on small game; in special licenses and permits, further providing for field dog trials; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: June 30, 2024

Title: In terms and courses of study, providing for student mental health supports.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in terms and courses of study, providing for student mental health supports.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: March 14, 2024

Title: In school safety and security, providing for trauma-informed records program; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school safety and security, providing for trauma-informed records program; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: March 14, 2024

Title: In additional special funds and restricted accounts, providing for Safe Path Restricted Account; and making a transfer.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in additional special funds and restricted accounts, providing for Safe Path Restricted Account; and making a transfer.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 20, 2024

Title: In primary and election expenses, further providing for advertising.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for advertising.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: March 25, 2024

Title: Further providing for relocation.
Description: An Act amending the act of May 28, 1937 (P.L.955, No.265), referred to as the Housing Authorities Law, further providing for relocation.
Last Action: Referred to URBAN AFFAIRS AND HOUSING
Last Action Date: July 17, 2024

Title: In assault, further providing for assault of law enforcement officer; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 30 (Fish), 34 (Game) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for assault of law enforcement officer; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: March 28, 2024

Title: Establishing the Department of Disability Rights, Employment, Accessibility and Mobility; in administrative organization, further providing for executive officers, administrative departments and independent administrative boards and commissions, for departmental administrative boards, commissions, and offices, for department heads and for gubernatorial appointments; and providing for powers and duties of the Department of Disability Rights, Employment, Accessibility and Mobility.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, establishing the Department of Disability Rights, Employment, Accessibility and Mobility; in administrative organization, further providing for executive officers, administrative departments and independent administrative boards and commissions, for departmental administrative boards, commissions, and offices, for department heads and for gubernatorial appointments; and providing for powers and duties of the Department of Disability Rights, Employment, Accessibility and Mobility.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 3, 2024

Title: Establishing the Office of Child Advocate; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, establishing the Office of Child Advocate; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to AGING AND YOUTH
Last Action Date: July 12, 2024

Title: In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
Description: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
Last Action: Motion to reconsider final passage
Last Action Date: May 7, 2024

Title: Providing for adult use cannabis; regulating the personal use and possession of cannabis; establishing the Cannabis Regulatory Control Board; providing for powers and duties of the Cannabis Regulatory Control Board; establishing the Cannabis Business Development Fund; providing for social and economic equity, for regulation of cannabis business establishments, for enforcement and immunities, for laboratory testing, for advertising, marketing, packaging and labeling and for preparation, destruction and regulation of cannabis and cannabis-infused edible and nonedible products; imposing a sales tax and excise tax on cannabis and cannabis-infused edible and nonedible products; establishing the Cannabis Regulation Fund; providing for cannabis clean slate and for miscellaneous provisions; imposing penalties; consolidating provisions relating to medical marijuana; transferring certain powers and duties of the Department of Health to the Cannabis Regulatory Control Board; in driving after imbibing alcohol or utilizing drugs, further providing for driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance and for authorized use not a defense; and making repeals.
Description: An Act amending Titles 35 (Health and Safety) and 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for adult use cannabis; regulating the personal use and possession of cannabis; establishing the Cannabis Regulatory Control Board; providing for powers and duties of the Cannabis Regulatory Control Board; establishing the Cannabis Business Development Fund; providing for social and economic equity, for regulation of cannabis business establishments, for enforcement and immunities, for laboratory testing, for advertising, marketing, packaging and labeling and for preparation, destruction and regulation of cannabis and cannabis-infused edible and nonedible products; imposing a sales tax and excise tax on cannabis and cannabis-infused edible and nonedible products; establishing the Cannabis Regulation Fund; providing for cannabis clean slate and for miscellaneous provisions; imposing penalties; consolidating provisions relating to medical marijuana; transferring certain powers and duties of the Department of Health to the Cannabis Regulatory Control Board; in driving after imbibing alcohol or utilizing drugs, further providing for driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance and for authorized use not a defense; and making repeals.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: April 9, 2024

Title: Providing for regulation of the meat packing and food processing industry by creating facility health and safety committees in the workplace; establishing the industry workers' rights coordinator within the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act providing for regulation of the meat packing and food processing industry by creating facility health and safety committees in the workplace; establishing the industry workers' rights coordinator within the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: June 7, 2024

Title: Further providing for definitions, for sexual assault evidence collection program and for rights of survivors of sexual assault.
Description: An Act amending the act of November 29, 2006 (P.L.1471, No.165), known as the Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act, further providing for definitions, for sexual assault evidence collection program and for rights of survivors of sexual assault.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: April 29, 2024

Title: Providing for the English language as the official language of the Commonwealth; and imposing a certain restriction on use of appropriated funds.
Description: An Act providing for the English language as the official language of the Commonwealth; and imposing a certain restriction on use of appropriated funds.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: April 30, 2024

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Interstate Dental and Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Interstate Dental and Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Last Action Date: May 20, 2024

Title: Authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Counseling Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Description: An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Counseling Compact; and providing for the form of the compact.
Last Action Date: May 20, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions relating to divorce, further providing for legislative findings and intent, for definitions, for bases of jurisdiction, for effect of agreement between parties and for premarital agreements; in dissolution of marital status, further providing for grounds for divorce, repealing provisions relating to counseling, further providing for grounds for annulment of voidable marriages, repealing provisions relating to defenses, to action where defendant suffering from mental disorder and to general appearance and collusion, further providing for hearing by master, providing for general order of divorce proceedings, repealing provisions relating to jury trial, further providing for decree of court and repealing provisions relating to opening or vacating decrees; in property rights, further providing for definitions and for disposition of property to defeat obligations; in alimony and support, further providing for alimony and repealing provisions relating to bar to alimony; and repealing provisions relating to mediation.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in preliminary provisions relating to divorce, further providing for legislative findings and intent, for definitions, for bases of jurisdiction, for effect of agreement between parties and for premarital agreements; in dissolution of marital status, further providing for grounds for divorce, repealing provisions relating to counseling, further providing for grounds for annulment of voidable marriages, repealing provisions relating to defenses, to action where defendant suffering from mental disorder and to general appearance and collusion, further providing for hearing by master, providing for general order of divorce proceedings, repealing provisions relating to jury trial, further providing for decree of court and repealing provisions relating to opening or vacating decrees; in property rights, further providing for definitions and for disposition of property to defeat obligations; in alimony and support, further providing for alimony and repealing provisions relating to bar to alimony; and repealing provisions relating to mediation.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 20, 2024

Title: In provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for definitions, repealing provisions relating to medical consultation and judgment, to informed consent, to parental consent, to abortion facilities, to printed information, to Commonwealth interference prohibited, to spousal notice, to determination of gestational age, to abortion on unborn child of 24 or more weeks gestational age, to infanticide, to prohibited acts and to reporting, further providing for publicly owned facilities, public officials and public funds and for fetal experimentation and repealing provisions relating to civil penalties, to criminal penalties, to State Board of Medicine and State Board of Osteopathic Medicine and to construction; providing for reproductive rights; repealing provisions relating to compliance with Federal health care legislation as to regulation of insurers and related persons generally; imposing penalties; and making an editorial change.
Description: An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 35 (Health and Safety) and 40 (Insurance) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in provisions relating to abortion, repealing provisions relating to short title of chapter and to legislative intent, further providing for definitions, repealing provisions relating to medical consultation and judgment, to informed consent, to parental consent, to abortion facilities, to printed information, to Commonwealth interference prohibited, to spousal notice, to determination of gestational age, to abortion on unborn child of 24 or more weeks gestational age, to infanticide, to prohibited acts and to reporting, further providing for publicly owned facilities, public officials and public funds and for fetal experimentation and repealing provisions relating to civil penalties, to criminal penalties, to State Board of Medicine and State Board of Osteopathic Medicine and to construction; providing for reproductive rights; repealing provisions relating to compliance with Federal health care legislation as to regulation of insurers and related persons generally; imposing penalties; and making an editorial change.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: May 20, 2024

Title: In emergency COVID-19 response, further
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in emergency COVID-19 response, further
Last Action: Act No. 54 of 2024
Last Action Date: July 11, 2024

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: September 23, 2024

Title: To provide appropriations from the General Fund for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; to provide appropriations from special funds and accounts to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; to provide for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; and to provide for the additional appropriation of Federal and State funds to the Executive and Legislative Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
Description: An Act to provide appropriations from the General Fund for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; to provide appropriations from special funds and accounts to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; to provide for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive and Judicial Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, and for the payment of bills remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; and to provide for the additional appropriation of Federal and State funds to the Executive and Legislative Departments for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
Last Action: Re-committed to APPROPRIATIONS
Last Action Date: June 26, 2024

Title: Providing for electronic poll books and for electronic poll books and election infrastructure equipment bonds; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges and for deadline for receipt of valid voter registration application; and providing for in-person early voting in elections. Amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in registration system, further providing for SURE system; in voter registration, further providing for methods of voter registration, providing for same-day voter registration on election day and for same-day voter registration during early voting and further providing for preparation and distribution of applications and for approval of registration applications; and, in changes in records, repealing provisions relating to removal notices, to transfer of registration and to change of enrollment of political party.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for electronic poll books and for electronic poll books and election infrastructure equipment bonds; in preparation for and conduct of primaries and elections, further providing for manner of applying to vote, persons entitled to vote, voter's certificates, entries to be made in district register, numbered lists of voters and challenges and for deadline for receipt of valid voter registration application; and providing for in-person early voting in elections. Amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in registration system, further providing for SURE system; in voter registration, further providing for methods of voter registration, providing for same-day voter registration on election day and for same-day voter registration during early voting and further providing for preparation and distribution of applications and for approval of registration applications; and, in changes in records, repealing provisions relating to removal notices, to transfer of registration and to change of enrollment of political party.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: June 3, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions, providing for advertising and sponsorships; in charter schools, further providing for definitions, for charter school requirements and for funding for charter schools, providing for funding for cyber charter schools, for cyber charter school requirements, for powers and composition of board of trustees and for educational management service providers, further providing for powers and duties of department and for assessment and evaluation, providing for annual reports and public reporting and for fund balance limits, further providing for cyber charter school requirements and prohibitions and for school district and intermediate unit responsibilities, providing for access to other schools' facilities, further providing for establishment of cyber charter school, providing for renewals, for charter amendments and for causes for nonrenewal, revocation or termination, further providing for State Charter School Appeal Board review, for cyber charter school application and for enrollment and notification, providing for enrollment parameters and for enrollee wellness checks and further providing for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations; and, in reimbursements by Commonwealth and between school districts, further providing for student-weighted basic education funding, providing for adequacy and tax equity supplements and for accountability to Commonwealth taxpayers and further providing for Pennsylvania accountability grants.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, providing for advertising and sponsorships; in charter schools, further providing for definitions, for charter school requirements and for funding for charter schools, providing for funding for cyber charter schools, for cyber charter school requirements, for powers and composition of board of trustees and for educational management service providers, further providing for powers and duties of department and for assessment and evaluation, providing for annual reports and public reporting and for fund balance limits, further providing for cyber charter school requirements and prohibitions and for school district and intermediate unit responsibilities, providing for access to other schools' facilities, further providing for establishment of cyber charter school, providing for renewals, for charter amendments and for causes for nonrenewal, revocation or termination, further providing for State Charter School Appeal Board review, for cyber charter school application and for enrollment and notification, providing for enrollment parameters and for enrollee wellness checks and further providing for applicability of other provisions of this act and of other acts and regulations; and, in reimbursements by Commonwealth and between school districts, further providing for student-weighted basic education funding, providing for adequacy and tax equity supplements and for accountability to Commonwealth taxpayers and further providing for Pennsylvania accountability grants.
Last Action: Referred to EDUCATION
Last Action Date: June 12, 2024

Title: Further providing for requirements of membership, for married persons and pensions to surviving spouses and for eligibility of surviving spouses.
Description: An Act amending the act of May 25, 1933 (P.L.1050, No.242), referred to as the Second Class City Firemen Relief Law, further providing for requirements of membership, for married persons and pensions to surviving spouses and for eligibility of surviving spouses.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: September 23, 2024

Title: Providing for homeowner's insurance issuance, renewal, cancellation and refusal; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, providing for homeowner's insurance issuance, renewal, cancellation and refusal; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action: Referred to INSURANCE
Last Action Date: June 4, 2024

Title: In city revitalization and improvement zones, further providing for definitions, for establishment or designation of contracting authority, for approval, for functions of contracting authorities, for qualified businesses, for funds, for reports, for calculation of baseline, for certification, for transfers, for restrictions and for transfer of property, providing for floating zones, further providing for Commonwealth pledges and for confidentiality, providing for operational funding and technical support and further providing for guidelines and for review.
Description: An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, in city revitalization and improvement zones, further providing for definitions, for establishment or designation of contracting authority, for approval, for functions of contracting authorities, for qualified businesses, for funds, for reports, for calculation of baseline, for certification, for transfers, for restrictions and for transfer of property, providing for floating zones, further providing for Commonwealth pledges and for confidentiality, providing for operational funding and technical support and further providing for guidelines and for review.
Last Action: Referred to FINANCE
Last Action Date: June 11, 2024

Title: Prohibiting gender transition procedures for minors and coverage for gender transition procedures for minors.
Description: An Act prohibiting gender transition procedures for minors and coverage for gender transition procedures for minors.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: June 20, 2024

Title: Designating the bridge, identified as Bridge Key 5059, carrying State Route 2021 over Mineral Springs Creek in the City of Reading, Berks County, as the PFC Lawrence J. Deisher Memorial Bridge; designating the bridge, identified as Bridge Key 6917, carrying State Route 4202 over Pennsylvania Route 611 in Doylestown Township, Bucks County, as the Donald E. Parlee Memorial Bridge; designating the portion of State Route 2017, also known as Lisburn Road, from Segment 90/Offset 300 to Segment 90/Offset 2200 in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, as the Sgt. Josue "Rocky" Saez, Jr., Memorial Road; designating the portion of State Route 1016, also known as Holme Avenue, from the intersection with Winchester Avenue to the intersection with Holme Circle, in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, as the Sergeant Timothy Simpson Memorial Road; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8345, on that portion of U.S. Route 22 over Howells Run in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Michael G. Tsikalas Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8344, carrying U.S. Route 22 over Pennsylvania Route 160, also known as New Germany Road, in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Charles J. Vizzini Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 3795, carrying Pennsylvania Route 251 over Interstate 376 in Chippewa Township, Beaver County, as the Private Mahlon R. Evans Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 57032, carrying Pennsylvania Route 351 over the Beaver River between Koppel Borough and North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, as the Sgt. Skip Haswell Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge carrying the Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline Eastbound over the Beaver River at mile marker 13.2 in Beaver County as the Colonel Joseph H. Thompson Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge carrying the Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline Westbound over the Beaver River at mile marker 13.2 in Beaver County as the Colonel Matthew S. Quay Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 68136, carrying State Route 4028 over Mill Creek in Hamburg Borough, Berks County, as the Sergeant Jackie Seltzer Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 52786, carrying Pennsylvania Route 213 over the Neshaminy Creek in Lower Southampton Township, Bucks County, as the Ensign Sarah Mitchell Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 47666, carrying U.S. Route 219 over the West Branch Susquehanna River in Susquehanna Township, Cambria County, as the Staff Sergeant Peter P. Abromovich Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 48914, carrying Gallitzin Road, State Route 53, over Norfolk Southern Railroad, located in Gallitzin Township, Cambria County, as the Corporal James R. Beck USMC Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 52761, carrying Pennsylvania Route 53 over Clearfield Creek in Gallitzin Township, Cambria County, as the Private Philip A. Watt Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8645, carrying Galleria Drive (State Route 3031) over U.S. Route 219 in Richland Township, Cambria County, as the PFC Paul O. Malzi and PFC Harry R. Malzi Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 9755, carrying State Route 3027 over the Moshannon Creek in Rush Township, Centre County, as the Osceola Mills World War II Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 11380, carrying U.S. Route 219 over the West Branch Susquehanna River in Burnside Borough, Clearfield County, as the Sarah "Marie" Blose Rorabaugh Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 11226, carrying Pennsylvania Route 53 over the Clearfield Creek in Bigler Township, Clearfield County, as the Sergeant John Harold Branic Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 13685, carrying Army Heritage Drive over Interstate 81 in Middlesex Township, Cumberland County, as the Major General Harold "Harry" Greene Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 56021, carrying Pennsylvania Route 997 over Conodoguinet Creek in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County, as the Pvt. Clyde C. McVitty Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 18248, carrying State Route 2003 over Dunkard Creek in Mt. Morris, Perry Township, Greene County, as the H. Ronald Hoskinson Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 52783, carrying Pennsylvania Route 913 over Shoup Run in Coalmont Borough, Huntingdon County, as the Private Samuel H. Thompson Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 68411, carrying Jacksonville Road (State Route 3016) over Two Lick Creek in Homer City, Indiana County, as the Staff Sergeant William Stivison Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 67935, carrying State Route 1015 over the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River in Allegheny Township, Somerset County, as the Staff Sergeant William Will Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 31544, carrying State Route 1016 over the Dark Shade Creek in Shade Township, Somerset County, as the Seaman First Class Raymond Kozik Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 31426, carrying East Campus Avenue over U.S. Route 219 in Conemaugh Township, Somerset County, as the Kenneth J. Newcomer Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 31696, carrying State Route 3011 over the Casselman River in Black Township, Somerset County, as the S2 Earl J. Peters Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 36247, carrying Pennsylvania Route 711 over Loyalhanna Creek in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, as the Staff Sergeant Alvin P. Carey and Private John C. Ewing Medal of Honor Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 54167, carrying U.S. Route 30 over Paradise Creek between Paradise Township and Jackson Township, York County, as the Private Edward J. Stambaugh Memorial Bridge; designating a portion of U.S. Route 522 from the intersection with Main Street to the intersection with Town Hill Street in Shade Gap Borough, Huntingdon County, as the Special Agent Terry R. Anderson Memorial Highway; designating a portion of State Route 2008 from the intersection with State Route 2009 to the intersection with Pennsylvania Route 56 in West Wheatfield Township and East Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, as the Robindale Memorial Highway; designating the interchange of Interstate 380 with Pennsylvania Route 940 in Tobyhanna Township, Monroe County, as the William F. Quinn Memorial Interchange; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8574, carrying State Route 1021 over Clearfield Creek in White Township, Cambria County, as the Sergeant Charles Owen Jenkins, Jr., Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, carrying the Pennsylvania Turnpike 576 Southern Beltway Eastbound and Westbound over Pennsylvania Route 980 at mile marker S-12.35, as the Terry D. Tackett Jr. Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 56737, carrying Pennsylvania Route 74 over the Little Conewago Creek in Dover Township, York County, as the Corporal William E. Heilman Memorial Bridge; and making repeals.
Description: An Act designating the bridge, identified as Bridge Key 5059, carrying State Route 2021 over Mineral Springs Creek in the City of Reading, Berks County, as the PFC Lawrence J. Deisher Memorial Bridge; designating the bridge, identified as Bridge Key 6917, carrying State Route 4202 over Pennsylvania Route 611 in Doylestown Township, Bucks County, as the Donald E. Parlee Memorial Bridge; designating the portion of State Route 2017, also known as Lisburn Road, from Segment 90/Offset 300 to Segment 90/Offset 2200 in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, as the Sgt. Josue "Rocky" Saez, Jr., Memorial Road; designating the portion of State Route 1016, also known as Holme Avenue, from the intersection with Winchester Avenue to the intersection with Holme Circle, in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, as the Sergeant Timothy Simpson Memorial Road; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8345, on that portion of U.S. Route 22 over Howells Run in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Michael G. Tsikalas Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8344, carrying U.S. Route 22 over Pennsylvania Route 160, also known as New Germany Road, in Cambria Township, Cambria County, as the Charles J. Vizzini Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 3795, carrying Pennsylvania Route 251 over Interstate 376 in Chippewa Township, Beaver County, as the Private Mahlon R. Evans Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 57032, carrying Pennsylvania Route 351 over the Beaver River between Koppel Borough and North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, as the Sgt. Skip Haswell Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge carrying the Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline Eastbound over the Beaver River at mile marker 13.2 in Beaver County as the Colonel Joseph H. Thompson Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge carrying the Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline Westbound over the Beaver River at mile marker 13.2 in Beaver County as the Colonel Matthew S. Quay Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 68136, carrying State Route 4028 over Mill Creek in Hamburg Borough, Berks County, as the Sergeant Jackie Seltzer Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 52786, carrying Pennsylvania Route 213 over the Neshaminy Creek in Lower Southampton Township, Bucks County, as the Ensign Sarah Mitchell Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 47666, carrying U.S. Route 219 over the West Branch Susquehanna River in Susquehanna Township, Cambria County, as the Staff Sergeant Peter P. Abromovich Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 48914, carrying Gallitzin Road, State Route 53, over Norfolk Southern Railroad, located in Gallitzin Township, Cambria County, as the Corporal James R. Beck USMC Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 52761, carrying Pennsylvania Route 53 over Clearfield Creek in Gallitzin Township, Cambria County, as the Private Philip A. Watt Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8645, carrying Galleria Drive (State Route 3031) over U.S. Route 219 in Richland Township, Cambria County, as the PFC Paul O. Malzi and PFC Harry R. Malzi Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 9755, carrying State Route 3027 over the Moshannon Creek in Rush Township, Centre County, as the Osceola Mills World War II Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 11380, carrying U.S. Route 219 over the West Branch Susquehanna River in Burnside Borough, Clearfield County, as the Sarah "Marie" Blose Rorabaugh Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 11226, carrying Pennsylvania Route 53 over the Clearfield Creek in Bigler Township, Clearfield County, as the Sergeant John Harold Branic Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 13685, carrying Army Heritage Drive over Interstate 81 in Middlesex Township, Cumberland County, as the Major General Harold "Harry" Greene Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 56021, carrying Pennsylvania Route 997 over Conodoguinet Creek in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County, as the Pvt. Clyde C. McVitty Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 18248, carrying State Route 2003 over Dunkard Creek in Mt. Morris, Perry Township, Greene County, as the H. Ronald Hoskinson Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 52783, carrying Pennsylvania Route 913 over Shoup Run in Coalmont Borough, Huntingdon County, as the Private Samuel H. Thompson Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 68411, carrying Jacksonville Road (State Route 3016) over Two Lick Creek in Homer City, Indiana County, as the Staff Sergeant William Stivison Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 67935, carrying State Route 1015 over the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River in Allegheny Township, Somerset County, as the Staff Sergeant William Will Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 31544, carrying State Route 1016 over the Dark Shade Creek in Shade Township, Somerset County, as the Seaman First Class Raymond Kozik Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 31426, carrying East Campus Avenue over U.S. Route 219 in Conemaugh Township, Somerset County, as the Kenneth J. Newcomer Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 31696, carrying State Route 3011 over the Casselman River in Black Township, Somerset County, as the S2 Earl J. Peters Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 36247, carrying Pennsylvania Route 711 over Loyalhanna Creek in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, as the Staff Sergeant Alvin P. Carey and Private John C. Ewing Medal of Honor Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 54167, carrying U.S. Route 30 over Paradise Creek between Paradise Township and Jackson Township, York County, as the Private Edward J. Stambaugh Memorial Bridge; designating a portion of U.S. Route 522 from the intersection with Main Street to the intersection with Town Hill Street in Shade Gap Borough, Huntingdon County, as the Special Agent Terry R. Anderson Memorial Highway; designating a portion of State Route 2008 from the intersection with State Route 2009 to the intersection with Pennsylvania Route 56 in West Wheatfield Township and East Wheatfield Township, Indiana County, as the Robindale Memorial Highway; designating the interchange of Interstate 380 with Pennsylvania Route 940 in Tobyhanna Township, Monroe County, as the William F. Quinn Memorial Interchange; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 8574, carrying State Route 1021 over Clearfield Creek in White Township, Cambria County, as the Sergeant Charles Owen Jenkins, Jr., Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, carrying the Pennsylvania Turnpike 576 Southern Beltway Eastbound and Westbound over Pennsylvania Route 980 at mile marker S-12.35, as the Terry D. Tackett Jr. Memorial Bridge; designating a bridge, identified as Bridge Key 56737, carrying Pennsylvania Route 74 over the Little Conewago Creek in Dover Township, York County, as the Corporal William E. Heilman Memorial Bridge; and making repeals.
Last Action: Re-committed to APPROPRIATIONS
Last Action Date: July 1, 2024

Title: Providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act providing for the Ebony Alert System; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania State Police; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 22, 2024

Title: In returns of primaries and elections, further providing for appeals to court from decisions of the county board and for Secretary of the Commonwealth to tabulate, compute and canvass returns; and, in recounts and contests, further providing for entry and effect of decision and providing for appeal.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for appeals to court from decisions of the county board and for Secretary of the Commonwealth to tabulate, compute and canvass returns; and, in recounts and contests, further providing for entry and effect of decision and providing for appeal.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: July 12, 2024

Title: In additional special funds and restricted accounts, establishing the Survivor-Centered, Accessible, Fair and Empowering (SAFE) Housing Trust Fund; and making an interfund transfer.
Description: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in additional special funds and restricted accounts, establishing the Survivor-Centered, Accessible, Fair and Empowering (SAFE) Housing Trust Fund; and making an interfund transfer.
Last Action Date: July 2, 2024

Title: Providing for employment leave for victims and victims' families because of violence; prohibiting certain acts by employers; prescribing penalties; and providing for a cause of action.
Description: An Act providing for employment leave for victims and victims' families because of violence; prohibiting certain acts by employers; prescribing penalties; and providing for a cause of action.
Last Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Last Action Date: July 2, 2024

Title: In county boards of elections, further providing for expenses of county boards and of primaries and elections to be paid by county, expenses of special elections and boards to be provided with offices; and, in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for place of meeting for computation of votes, notice, papers to be prepared and assistants to be sworn and for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in county boards of elections, further providing for expenses of county boards and of primaries and elections to be paid by county, expenses of special elections and boards to be provided with offices; and, in returns of primaries and elections, further providing for place of meeting for computation of votes, notice, papers to be prepared and assistants to be sworn and for computation of returns by county board, certification and issuance of certificates of election.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: July 11, 2024

Title: In fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Description: An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, further providing for disabled veterans and former prisoners of war; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: July 23, 2024

Title: Providing for nonbanking games; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 19, 1988 (P.L.1262, No.156), known as the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act, providing for nonbanking games; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to GAMING OVERSIGHT
Last Action Date: July 30, 2024

Title: Providing for at-risk, derelict and abandoned boats; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for at-risk, derelict and abandoned boats; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 2, 2024

Title: In fishing licenses, providing for law enforcement; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees.
Description: An Act amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in fishing licenses, providing for law enforcement; and, in hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions and for license costs and fees.
Last Action: Referred to GAME AND FISHERIES
Last Action Date: August 15, 2024

Title: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; in procedure to condemn, further providing for declaration of taking, for security required and for recording notice of condemnation, providing for advanced notice to condemnee and further providing for notice to condemnee, for preliminary objections, for possession, right of entry and payment of compensation and for revocation of condemnation proceedings; in procedure for determining damages, further providing for petition for appointment of viewers, for report of viewers, for allocation of damages and for liens and distribution of damages; in just compensation and measure of damages, further providing for measure of damages, for condemnee's costs where no declaration of taking filed and for limited reimbursement of appraisal, attorney and engineering fees and providing for coverage of mortgages and liens and for compensation for loss of goodwill of business or farm operation; and, in evidence, providing for proof of continuous ownership.
Description: An Act amending Title 26 (Eminent Domain) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; in procedure to condemn, further providing for declaration of taking, for security required and for recording notice of condemnation, providing for advanced notice to condemnee and further providing for notice to condemnee, for preliminary objections, for possession, right of entry and payment of compensation and for revocation of condemnation proceedings; in procedure for determining damages, further providing for petition for appointment of viewers, for report of viewers, for allocation of damages and for liens and distribution of damages; in just compensation and measure of damages, further providing for measure of damages, for condemnee's costs where no declaration of taking filed and for limited reimbursement of appraisal, attorney and engineering fees and providing for coverage of mortgages and liens and for compensation for loss of goodwill of business or farm operation; and, in evidence, providing for proof of continuous ownership.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: August 21, 2024

Title: In the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: August 21, 2024

Title: Providing for the accrual and use of earned paid leave; establishing the Small Business Grant Program; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing a penalty.
Description: An Act providing for the accrual and use of earned paid leave; establishing the Small Business Grant Program; imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and imposing a penalty.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: Providing for nonbanking poker games; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending the act of December 19, 1988 (P.L.1262, No.156), known as the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act, providing for nonbanking poker games; imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to GAMING OVERSIGHT
Last Action Date: September 6, 2024

Title: Providing for health insurance access protections; imposing duties on the Insurance Department and the Insurance Commissioner; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act providing for health insurance access protections; imposing duties on the Insurance Department and the Insurance Commissioner; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to BANKING AND INSURANCE
Last Action Date: October 18, 2024

Title: Further providing for title of act, for definitions, for office responsibilities, for State registration required, for State registration and for provisional registration.
Description: An Act amending the act of July 2, 2004 (P.L.492, No.57), known as the Sign Language Interpreter and Transliterator State Registration Act, further providing for title of act, for definitions, for office responsibilities, for State registration required, for State registration and for provisional registration.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: Providing for the establishment, conduct and composition of the Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission, for adoption of congressional district maps, for prioritized redistricting criteria, for failure to adopt final congressional district map and for judicial review.
Description: An Act providing for the establishment, conduct and composition of the Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission, for adoption of congressional district maps, for prioritized redistricting criteria, for failure to adopt final congressional district map and for judicial review.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: September 19, 2024

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief.
Description: An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: October 9, 2024

Title: In Pennsylvania State Police, providing for nonpublic database registry of domestic violence offenders; and imposing penalties.
Description: An Act amending Title 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania State Police, providing for nonpublic database registry of domestic violence offenders; and imposing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: October 9, 2024

Title: In Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, further providing for definitions and for parole power.
Description: An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, further providing for definitions and for parole power.
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: Establishing the Emerging Psychologists Workforce Initiative Program; and providing for authorization of internship positions, for award of internship positions and for funding of program.
Description: An Act establishing the Emerging Psychologists Workforce Initiative Program; and providing for authorization of internship positions, for award of internship positions and for funding of program.
Last Action: Referred to HEALTH
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: In plants and plant products, providing for plant and pollinator protection; conferring powers and duties on the Department of Agriculture and Secretary of Agriculture; establishing the Plant and Pollinator Protection Committee and the Plant and Pollinator Protection Account; dissolving the Plant Pest Management Account; providing for violations and penalties; and making repeals.
Description: An Act amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in plants and plant products, providing for plant and pollinator protection; conferring powers and duties on the Department of Agriculture and Secretary of Agriculture; establishing the Plant and Pollinator Protection Committee and the Plant and Pollinator Protection Account; dissolving the Plant Pest Management Account; providing for violations and penalties; and making repeals.
Last Action Date: September 30, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in administration, further providing for duties of department and agencies; and providing for registration of abuse and neglect perpetrators.
Description: An Act amending the act of October 7, 2010 (P.L.484, No.70), known as the Adult Protective Services Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in administration, further providing for duties of department and agencies; and providing for registration of abuse and neglect perpetrators.
Last Action Date: October 7, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in administration, further providing for confidentiality of records; and providing for abuse and neglect registry.
Description: An Act amending the act of November 6, 1987 (P.L.381, No.79), known as the Older Adults Protective Services Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in administration, further providing for confidentiality of records; and providing for abuse and neglect registry.
Last Action Date: October 7, 2024

Title: In juvenile matters, further providing for disposition of delinquent child and for limitation on and change in place of commitment; and making editorial changes.
Description: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in juvenile matters, further providing for disposition of delinquent child and for limitation on and change in place of commitment; and making editorial changes.
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: October 21, 2024

Title: Providing for ballot access; and imposing duties on the Department of State.
Description: An Act providing for ballot access; and imposing duties on the Department of State.
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: October 28, 2024

Title: Providing for older adults protective services; and making a repeal.
Description: An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for older adults protective services; and making a repeal.
Last Action Date: November 19, 2024

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions and for publication of notices; in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for Voting Standards Development Board and for State Plan Advisory Board; in county boards of elections, further providing for article heading, for county boards of elections and membership, for powers and duties of county boards, for records and documents to be open to public inspection and proviso and for watchers or attorneys at sessions of county board, candidates may be present; In district election officers, further providing for article heading, for district election boards and election, for tie votes for judge and inspector, for clerks of election and machine inspectors, for vacancies in election boards, appointment, judge and majority inspector to be members of majority party and minority inspector to be a member of minority party, for election officers to be sworn, for compensation of district election officers, for overseers of election and for appointment of watchers; in election districts and polling places, further providing for polling places to be selected by county board;
Description: An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions and for publication of notices; in the Secretary of the Commonwealth, further providing for Voting Standards Development Board and for State Plan Advisory Board; in county boards of elections, further providing for article heading, for county boards of elections and membership, for powers and duties of county boards, for records and documents to be open to public inspection and proviso and for watchers or attorneys at sessions of county board, candidates may be present; In district election officers, further providing for article heading, for district election boards and election, for tie votes for judge and inspector, for clerks of election and machine inspectors, for vacancies in election boards, appointment, judge and majority inspector to be members of majority party and minority inspector to be a member of minority party, for election officers to be sworn, for compensation of district election officers, for overseers of election and for appointment of watchers; in election districts and polling places, further providing for polling places to be selected by county board;
Last Action: Referred to STATE GOVERNMENT
Last Action Date: October 25, 2024