proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Wondering About Carly Fiorina on the 2nd Amendment? Wonder No More. . . :: 08/12/2015

Carly Fiorina has seen a huge surge since the GOP debates on Thursday. So big in fact, that many people who’d never even heard of her are now rushing to catch up on research. You can peruse this site, as I’ve talked about her for a long, long time.

It seems that a lot of gun owners are now asking about where she stands on the 2nd amendment. Truth is, she addressed this back in April… but nobody was listening. Probably because they were too busy salivating over Trump’s next gaffe.

Well, she’s Carly Fiorina, the ‘honey badger’, so what did you think she was going to say?

It’s simple. Carly Fiorina unequivocally supports your right bear arms (GUNS!), even if you’re not a hunter or skeet shooter. What’s so refreshing about this video is that she doesn’t dodge the issue. She couldn’t make it more clear: the 2nd amendment is not about hunting, skeet-shooting or even protecting from an intruder (though those are all good things). It’s about your God-given right to self-preservation and a failsafe against tyranny. Period.

Everyone talks about how Donald Trump bucks “political correctness”, but this, this right here, is the single biggest bird-flip to the PC establishment I’ve seen. Carly (honey badger) Fiorina don’t care.


  • She laments the nightmare of getting a gun in California.
  • Reporters have asked her to list her guns and what she hunts (because to the left, guns are just for hunting). Yeah, Carly Fiorina don’t play that crap.
  • She’s not a hunter, she’s glad she can protect her house from a possible intruder, but she understands that that isn’t even the main reason for the 2nd amendment.
  • “When government (bureaucratic monster) tries to take away our guns, we’re heading down a dangerous path.”

What, you thought she’d do any differently? She’s Carly Fiorina, the Conservative honey badger. Carly Fiorina doesn’t give a sh**.