proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB1371

Title: Providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.

Description: An Act providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Jun 28, 2024

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WHY I CARRY: Young Man Fatally Stabbed While Cycling 1,000 Miles to Propose to His Girlfriend :: 09/09/2014

28 year old man was stabbed to death outside of a McDonald's restaurant while talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

The man, Kevin Adorno, age 28, was cycling from Maryland to Miami in order to propose to his girlfriend.

Things went very, very wrong in Vero Beach, FL. According to WPBF,

"I had noticed a young boy set his tray of food down across the aisle from me," [Barbara] Main told WPBF 25 reporter John Dzenitis. "He went outside. I guess he was using the phone."

As the young man was chatting on his cellphone, Main could only watch in horror as a homeless man armed with a 12-inch filet knife came out of the shadows.

"He ran up and just started stabbing him," Main said. "Then he took off running like a deer."

The homeless man who stabbed Adorno to death has been identified as 59-year-old Rene Cruz. Cruz seems to have been suffering from mental issues.