proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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What if Hillary Clinton wins, what then? :: 08/08/2016

With the recent polls and what appears to be miss-steps by Trump, Hillary may win.  What then?  She has repeatedly stated that Gun control is a priority for her.  So lets speculate what we may be facing.

How will the country react to a President Hillary Clinton?  What will she truly pursue after election?  Will Congress be able to contain her?  So I am going to play a little “What if”.

If Clinton holds true to her word (something she does not do well) she will push for Gun Control.  She has stated that the Heller decision by the Supreme Court was wrong.  She favors “Assault weapons ban” and even says she would like to see an “Australian Style” gun buyback / gun ban.  I believe that all of these are possible under her administration.  Especially that she will be responsible for at least 1 Supreme Court appointment.

What if Heller were to be reversed?   This would effectively reverse all the “pro-gun” changes to the state of Illinois and D.C.  They could again have a carry ban.  I see that other states like California, Washington and New York push for more restrictions.

What if the Supreme Court reinterpreted the 2nd Amendment?  With a liberal leaning Supreme Court, we may see challenges to the 2nd Amendment.  They could interpret that “Militia” actually means solders of the Armed Forces.  Effectively making civilian gun ownership illegal, let alone carry laws.

 What if congress pushes for more gun control?  Congress could be turned more liberal after this election.  New gun control legislation would be a certainty.  This is where the “Australian Style” gun ban / confiscation would occur.   Also they could make an Amendment to the Constitution to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

That last two is worse case scenario.  No legal civilian gun ownership.  How would Americas estimated 150 million legal gun owners(who own over 300 million guns) react now being asked to turn in their guns?  We can look at the “Assault weapon” registration attempt of New York and Connecticut for a clue.  Less than 10% complied with registering their rifles.  So knowing this would fail to get the “dangerous” illegal guns off the street, they would have to literally come and take them.  Forcibly.

So I ask, how do you think 150 million gun owners would react to having their guns forcibly taken from them?  Personally, I believe that this would be bloody if they attempted this.  Also, don’t forget that a good percentage of that 150 million gun owners are our police and deputies.  I really do not see local law enforcement going door to door taking your guns.  Most Sheriffs are pro-gun rights.

So being the realistic guy that I am, lets look at what is “likely” to happen with a President Clinton.  A liberal Supreme Court would happen. No doubt there.  I think that Heller would be challenged and reversed.  There could be a challenge to define “Militia”.  This I see as possible, but less likely.  I do see congress reintroduce gun control legislation. Background check changes are likely. Realistically, I do not see a new ban unless the democrats win seats in a land slide.  Repealing the 2nd Amendment has little to no chance of passing.  Too many in congress are aware of the repercussions to go there.  As for the “Australian Style” confiscation, has a little chance, better than repealing the 2nd Amendment, but unlikely.  Again, I believe that any forced confiscation would lead ultimately to civil war.

Something else that is a safe bet.  Gun sales will be through the roof for the next 6-12 months.  We could see another run on ammunition as gun owners stock up.  Some of these owners will be preparing for the worst.  They may have the best chance to survive a worst case scenario.

Heed my words folks, a President Clinton would start where Obama left off.  All of our rights recognized by the constitution are in jeopardy with president this progressive in office.