proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Third consideration and final passage (47-2)

Last Action Date: Sep 17, 2024

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Trump threatens Clinton's Pennsylvania firewall :: 09/26/2016

Donald Trump is threatening to burn straight through Hillary Clinton's well-funded Pennsylvania firewall, according to a new poll that has Trump within the margin of error in the usually solidly Democratic state.

New poll in Pennsylvania is too close for Hillary Clinton's comfort. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

The poll, released on the eve of the first presidential debate by Muhelenberg College's Polling Institute and Morning Call, found that Republican nominee Trump was down only 3 points, 44 to 41 percent.

That represents both a gain in Trump support and a cratering of Clinton support. The same poll, one week earlier, found Clinton at 47 percent and Trump at 38 percent.

In a four-way race, the gap narrows even further, with Clinton at 40 percent, Trump at 38 percent and Libertarian and Green Party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein at 8 and 3 percent, respectively.

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Clinton had vastly outspent Trump on television ads in the Quaker State, roughly $67 to $25 million as of the week of September 13.

Yet Trump didn't even start spending money on ads there until mid-August. His campaign has never, in any given weekly match-up, so much as matched Clinton's spending.

That could change further down the stretch. The Clinton campaign has opted for a spend-early strategy on ads and the Trump campaign has opted to spend later in the cycle.

Clinton's team spent so much so early in Pennsylvania because there are almost no Electoral College scenarios where she loses Pennsylvania and wins the White House. For her campaign, any close polls there are too close for comfort.