proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB829

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Last Action: Signed in House

Last Action Date: Jul 3, 2024

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The left, and their race to the bottom :: 06/27/2019

     Not so many years ago, you could pick up a tabloid at the grocery store and read about how big foot is my babies daddy and know it was all made up.  Politicians were idiots, but you could at least tell the difference between that idiot, and satire.

 Ban idiots, not guns

Ban idiots, not guns

 No one hunts with an AR15

No one hunts with an AR15

     You have your run of the mill idiot like Feinstein making moronic claims about no one hunts with an AR15 Oh, she makes other silly comments as well, but this one just made me laugh, so much so I wrote an article last week.

 I'll nuke you

I'll nuke you

     Who can forget good old Eric I'll nuke you Swalwell?  Ya, he said it, and many other moronic things.  Heck, we even made a T-shirt, just for him.  I've been poking him a lot, he's been begging for dollars on his twitter page like an old washed up stripper.  He even had a rally the other week and I think it was 18 people showed up.  How sad is that?

 Not satire, she's for real

Not satire, she's for real

     This one, OMG, I'm not even sure how to take this.  After spending a bit of time on her twitter page trying to prove to myself, this was a satire page, because no one could be this clueless.  Well, it's not satire, it's a legit page, and a legit person running as a Democrat.  I can't say I was surprised.  I really thought with a picture like that, it had to be satire.  

 The new kid on the block

The new kid on the block

     Now this guy is the new kid on the block.  It's like each day he gets up and says to himself.  Self, we need to say something even more clueless than we did yesterday.  

     If you think this tweet was good, check out the next one.

 The size of a cantaloupe

The size of a cantaloupe

     I'm not sure where he gets this AR15 ammunition from.  Or perhaps he just has really small cantaloupes.  But really?  I'm not sure where he gets his information from.  With that said, I don't think the NRA  has much to worry about with this guy.

 Better bring friends

Better bring friends

     Which brings us to his next tweet.  I wonder if he'll be the one knocking on my door?  I mean, he better bring friends, they can distract my attack lion while he tries to over power me and take my guns. 

   Ya, I'm kind a shaking, can you tell?

     I swear, the line between leftist reality and satire isn't just blurry, it's been completely erased.  I seem to be spending far too much time scratching my head trying to figure out, is this real?  Seems every week there's another leftist fool popping up on the news trying to out dumb the last leftist fool.  The media just keeps airing this brainless drivel.  As dumb as these so called leaders are, you really have to wonder about all those who follow them, believe them, and worst of all, vote for them.

     I weep for the future because far too many are too stupid to even know they're stupid.  It would be more funny if there wasn't so much at stake.  Lets hear what other moronic statements you've found?

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 I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this.