proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB917

Title: Adopting the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act.

Description: Adopting the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act. ...

Last Action: Presented to the Governor

Last Action Date: Apr 29, 2024

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The Antis' Ultimate Argument Against Guns: We're All Mentally Unstable :: 02/24/2016

Civilian disarmament crusaders fight for ever-more Draconian gun control laws under the banner of public safety. End gun violence! Do it for the children! The resulting “argument” centers around whether or not private gun ownership is good for society. Which completely and conveniently ignores the fact that Americans’ Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is not subject to arguments over social utility…nor the democratic process (for that matter).

But if you really want to know what flicks their anti-ballistic Bic, check out A Cabdriver’s Take on Guns via . . .

During the midst of [a] well-publicized rash of attacks [against taxi drivers], I was in a taxi one day and asked the driver if he was worried about an assault happening to him. His reply (paraphrased) was this: “Yes. So I bought a gun and kept it on the passenger seat right beside me in easy reach.” That made me a little nervous so I asked, “Is your gun beside you now?”

All these years later I remember his reply. He said: “You know, we cabbies often get in fights and it can get ugly. With that gun beside me, nobody, nobody was going to mess with me, and that scared me. I was afraid I’d use it. So, I leave it home now and take my chances.”

Paraphrased my toches. “With that gun beside me, nobody, nobody was going to mess with me” is camera shy (non-existent?) columnist Enid K. Reiman’s idea of the average gun owner: a Travis Bickle wannabe. I mean, unless a violent passenger actually saw the taxi driver’s gun why wouldn’t they mess with the driver? That makes no sense. And the chances of the city’s Powers That Be blessing an average Big Apple Joe with a handgun permit are roughly equal to said schmoe winning the Empire State Lottery.

Here’s the thing: the alleged driver asserted that he was afraid of his inability to control his temper — to the potential point of homicide. I’ve known people who don’t carry for that very reason, but this article would have you believe that all gun owners are proto-murderers, a reason why none of them should own guns.

I’m not a proto-murderer. You’re not. And neither are tens of millions of Americans. What’s the bet that gun control advocates are? That their own inadequacies and insecurities fuel their anti-gun jihad? To paraphrase Mr. Rodgers, can you say “projection“? Sure you can!