proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB1371

Title: Providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.

Description: An Act providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Jun 28, 2024

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Texas Self-Defense Shooting: Napping Homeowner Shoots 1 of 3 Daytime Home Invaders :: 10/15/2014

This story highlights the fact that criminals are increasingly traveling in packs and striking at any time of day, even in broad daylight.

A homeowner in San Antonio, Texas awoke from a daytime nap to find three suspects kicking down the door of his home. Fortunately, the homeowner was able to secure a weapon and fight back.

According to KSAT,

"He was able to grab his handgun in the process of the three suspects breaking in the front door into his location," said officer Misty Floyd, San Antonio Police Department. "He was able to fire off several rounds. One of the rounds hit one of the suspects."

After one of the suspects was shot, all three took off from the scene in a light-colored Toyota Camry.

The suspected burglar who was shot was dropped off at Baptist Hospital downtown by the other two suspects.

It seems that the other two suspects are still at large.

We don't currently have any information on the type of firearm used or the number of rounds fired.