proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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So You are Afraid to be on a Government List :: 07/28/2016

My friend, a man I respect, told me he didn’t want to get a concealed carry license because that might put him on a government list.  He seemed sincere.  I had to think for a minute before I said anything.

  • I thought of other thinks my friend said.  He has strong political beliefs.  He should probably stop donating to politicians if he wants to stay off a government list.
  • Now that I think about it, my friend should probably stop donating to his church if he wants to stay off a government list.  Maybe he  can go to church on Easter and Christmas.  Lots of people do.
  • My friend doesn’t want to leave a record of his activities.  That means he has to stop supporting any political causes or making any tax-deductible contributions.. if he really wants to stay off a government list.  He would certainly have to stop supporting his home school group and his local pro-life pregnancy clinic if he wanted to stay off a list.
  • I guess he will have to stop voting too, or at least change his registration to “decline to state”.  He could avoid the primary elections all together.
  • My friend is a veteran.  He had best avoid the Veteran’s Administration, the Veterans of Foreign War and the American Legion.


  • For goodness sake, my friend will have to close his Facebook account if he wants to stay off a government list.  Maybe he should simply stop using a computer and browsing the internet.
  • I guess, if he really wants to stay off of a government list, then he should sell the guns he already owns.  After all, he probably bought ammunition with a credit card so there is an electronic record of his purchases.  Now he needs to sell all his guns at a gun store so there is a public record his guns are gone.  That way he can prove to the government that he is harmless.
  • I’m having second thoughts on what to tell my friend.  Now that my friend has silenced his voice and made himself defenseless, maybe it would be best if he simply did what the popular majority does and if he voted the way the approved majority votes.

I do have a question for my frightened friend.  Let us say he, and millions of others, did all these things.   Does that make us safer.. or are we at a greater risk of our government abusing its power?

I think my friend should join me on the government list.  I’m pretty sure we have room for one more.  What do you think?

I’m asking for a friend.