proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Sheriff David Clarke Just Got HUGE Win That Will Have People Everywhere Cheering :: 12/28/2015

A gutsy lawman not afraid to stare down the barrels of liberal outrage on behalf of the truth has been named Man of the Year for 2015 by Front Page Magazine.


“While the media celebrates whining crybullies, we stand with the courage and commitment shown by one man. By taking a stand, Sheriff Clarke has become more than the Sheriff of Milwaukee County. He has become America’s Sheriff,” wrote David Greenfield in his piece on Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. “His leadership is an inspiration to all of us to take a stand in our profession and in our community for our values, our freedom and our country.”

Greenfield portrays Clarke as a rock defying the changing tides of liberal social agendas.

“There is a war on police,” he wrote. “It’s the post-Ferguson truth that every cop knows, but there is one man who has emerged as a passionate and articulate spokesman for law enforcement and is willing to call it a ‘war on police.'”

“War had been declared on the American police officer led by some high profile people, one of them coming out of the White House, and one coming out of the United States Department of Justice,” Clarke said. “And it’s open season right now.”

Clarke’s public stance on behalf of America’s police came in response to a national void.

“In the early days of this cop hating we didn’t have a voice to counter that message: we are racist, blood-thirsty. We didn’t have a counter narrative which is why I stepped up and tried to be that counter narrative,” Clarke explained. “I realized once I started taking on the attorney general and the president of the United States I was in the deep end of the pool. It is dangerous in the deep end of the pool.”

Clarke is not worried about the dangers. His deeply rooted principles came from the influence of his father, an Airborne Ranger in Korea who guided Clarke towards law enforcement. Clarke worked his way up the ladder on his own, and sees what the government system has done to others.

“Parents have turned over their duty to raise their kids to federal and state government programs,” Clarke says. “These kids suffer from a lot of emotional baggage spawned by ineffective parenting, which is worsened by white bleeding-heart liberals who use these troubled kids for their liberal agenda. Social liberalism is a sadistic ideology.”

“Sheriff Clarke is the left’s worst nightmare, a dedicated cop and a relentless thinker who can take apart their political and social failures with the same methodology that he used at crime scenes,” Greenfield wrote.