proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB170

Title: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and duties of ...

Description: In criminal history record information, further providing for juvenile records; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for powers and dutie ...

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Oct 2, 2024

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Progressives Pushing the Limits of Crazy :: 02/24/2018

I’ve heard a lot of comments since the murderer killed students at the high school in Parkland, Florida. Some comments were thoughtful and heartfelt. Unfortunately, some were insane. Progressives were exploring new limits of craziness. Hold onto your sanity and look at these examples.

For years, gun owners have begged congress to improve the National Instant Background Check System. NICS is the FBI system that is supposed to stop criminals and crazies from getting guns..except the system is broken. Gun owners and the firearms industry formed lobbying groups simply to fix NICS. Some states and armed forces don’t submit their convicted felons into the NICS system. Some states don’t submit their mental patients into the system. Today we have millions of prohibited persons who are not entered into the system that pretends to keep us safe. Now, after Parkland, the progressives tell us that the NICS system is essential and honest gun owners are the source of felons getting guns. Where the hell have they been for the last half-dozen years when we tried to fix this mess?

The Parkland murderer was prescribed psychotropic drugs for depression and violence, but was not entered into the NICS system to prevent him from buying firearms. This is a problem with the medical bureaucracy, not with firearms.

The Broward Co School Board consciously lowered behavior standard so fewer students are reported for criminal actions on campus. In this case, the murderer was expelled for bringing a knife onto campus, but not reported to the police. Now, the progressives blame guns for violence in schools.

Progressives used these murders to forward their political agenda. With one breath they said that guns are too dangerous for ordinary citizens to use. In the next breath, we’re told that guns are too complicated for ordinary people to use for self-defense. Yes, progressives are claiming that only murderers are smart enough to use a gun, but not you or me. That is crazy.

Let’s look closer at the murderer’s history. He recorded a Youtube video where he said he wanted to be a school murderer. He told people in online chat that he is going to be a school murderer. He messaged classmates that he was going to kill them. The murderer’s parents reported that he’d pointed a gun at other people’s heads. Two people reported the murderer to the FBI. But progressives think the problem is that we let young people buy guns?

How long do you have to be crazy until the legal and medical system will finally notice?

Authorities visited the murderer’s home 39 times over the last seven years. The calls were for mentally ill person, child/elder abuse, domestic disturbance, and missing person calls. The murderer was such a behavior problem that he was expelled from three high schools..and yet the Broward County Sheriff blamed the NRA for the murdered schoolchildren. I think we need to perform a sanity check on the sheriff.. and the voters who elected him.

Unfortunately, we have to look closer at law enforcement. The school resource officer at the Parkland high school was on campus but never entered the school buildings during the four minutes that the murderer shot students. Meanwhile, progressives told us that honest gun owners should be disarmed because the police are there to protect us. Excuse me, but I sat shoulder-to-shoulder with teachers during their self-defense courses, and I am certain they would defend their students. These teachers would act with or without a gun, and with or without the help of the local police department.

Arming teachers is only one piece of a solution. Progressives don’t trust a teacher who has a concealed carry permit to carry a gun at school. Have they noticed that we trust that same  teacher to carry everywhere else but at school?  Progressives are afraid that the teacher could go nuts if they had a gun. In reality, there is nothing but ink on paper stopping someone from bringing a gun to school, and progressives want to make sure there is no one to stop them if they do. That is crazy, but it gets worse.

If progressives won’t trust a teacher with a gun,
then why would we trust a teacher with our children?

Progressives claim that Trump is a tyrant and can’t be trusted with power..but then progressives ask the president to unilaterally shred the constitution and destroy the second amendment. Isn’t that what tyrants do?

Progressives say it is an acceptable burden to demand “mandatory background checks” for gun owners. It becomes an undue burden if we perform a similar background check on an immigrants seeking a job, or if we ask for ID at the voting booth. This flexible definition of undue burden seems contrived.

Progressives say that Trump is like Hitler, but then progressives demanded that Trump  disarm the jews, the gypsies, the legal immigrants and the gays. Now that is both crazy and ignorant of history.

Progressives say teachers should be disarmed. Meanwhile, self defense classes for teachers are filling up in minutes and have huge waiting lists. I guess progressives are not pro-choice when it comes to self-defense.

We’re told that someone is too immature to buy a rifle until they are 21 years old, yet even anti-gun states like Massachusetts allow 18 year olds to get a shotgun without parental permission. Something doesn’t add up.

Let the contradictions and hypocrisy sink in for a minute. Restricting gun ownership isn’t a solution to stop violence at school. Disarming honest people is a crazy political agenda. The evidence is laid out in front of us hour after hour in the mainstream news.