proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Preemption Bill Signing Mix Up-Legislature Gives Gov. Corbett Wrong HB 80 to Sign :: 11/06/2014

Good Thursday Morning, Fellow Seekers.  So remember that NRA-backed gun bill that allows the NRA and others to sue municipalities that have gun ordinances that are tougher than those in existing state law?

Well, thanks to a clerical mix-up, Gov. Tom Corbett actually signed the wrong version of the bill into law last week, and now it looks like he'll have to do it again.

So here's the thing: As they move through the legislative maw, bills are frequently updated and modified.

And when that happens, they get what are known as new "printer's numbers" so that lawmakers can tell the difference between the various iterations.

Corbett actually signed an earlier version of the bill into law, not the one that the House sent him during the waning hours of last month's legislative session.

Once officials were alerted to the error, the state House briefly gaveled into session on Wednesday to sign the correct version of the bill, and then kicked it over to the Senate for its signature, putting it into position for yet another gubernatorial John Hancock.

"Everyone voted on the right thing, it was purely administrative," House Republican spokesman Steve Miskin said, confirming the error and the correction.

According to a senior Senate staffer, the chamber will gavel in for a quickie, non-voting session today to affix its signature to the bill before kicking to back to Corbett for a repeat performance.

Here's the letter that House Speaker Sam Smith, R-Jefferson, sent to Corbett explaining the mix-up.

Letter to Governor Corbett - HB 80