proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB104

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief.

Description: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 11, 2025

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Paul R. Beane-Right wing gun nut? You decide :: 03/25/2013

Paul Beane is a radio talk show host in Lubbock, TX on KFYO, 790 AM. He's got some fairly interesting facts about "active shooters" that will surely interest you. Please read his comments from January 24th of this year, just after the Newtown school murder.

Commentary from Paul R. Beane on KFYO radio on 1/24/2013:

Good afternoon, I'm Paul R. Beane and I'm your right wing gun nut. You know me and fellow gun owners are responsible for all the carnage in our streets and our schools.Never mind that Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my entire collection of firearms. Most of which I have owned since childhood when I saved my pennies and nickels in order to purchase them and each and everyone is in perfect workingorder. It is the responsible gun owners of today that is being blamed for all the shootings. Obama calls us the right wing gun nuts, clinging to our guns and to our religion. But lets take a little closer look. The Fort Hood shooter, a Muslim, and a registered Democrat. The Virginia Tech shooter, he wrote hate mail to George Bush and his staff and was a registered Democrat. Aurora Colorado shooter, he was a staff worker on the Obama campaign and took part in Occupy Wall Street. He was a progressive liberal andguess what? A registered Democrat. The Newtown, Conn shooter hated Christians and was a registered Democrat. The Columbine high school shooters were too young to vote, but both of their families were progressive liberals and registered Democrats. And one more thing, not a single one of these killers were members of the National Rifle Association. So I have got it figured out how to make this country much safer; leave the guns alone and lock up all the Democrats. I'm Paul R. Beane and that's the way I see it.