proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Our Mission: Save Liberty :: 10/27/2016

In a few days, the most important election of our lives will take place. My message to every freedom-loving American is simple and straightforward. If we do not do everything in our power to defeat Hillary Clinton, our liberties are in peril. 

Clinton has made it perfectly clear that she will use every opportunity to eliminate our Second Amendment-protected rights. 

-She has proclaimed the NRA as her enemy. 
-She has repeatedly endorsed sweeping anti-gun policies.
-She has stated that she’s in favor of Australian-style gun confiscations.
-She has called the Heller decision “terrible.” 

And let’s remember what Clinton means by “terrible.” Heller ruled that we all have a right to have a firearm in our homes for self-defense. Clinton believes that we do not have that right. Instead, she believes that government can ban gun ownership—even in your own home.Clinton has made it perfectly clear that she will use every opportunity to eliminate our Second Amendment-protected rights. 

There has never been a presidential candidate so openly hostile to our Second Amendment-protected rights. Not in recent memory, nor in our history as a nation. 

While I have no doubt that in 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama held similar beliefs and instincts, he hid his anti-gun intentions from the voters. After his second-term victory, though, he dropped that pretense. 

Clinton, on the other hand, decided from the get-go to openly run on an anti-freedom platform. She’s coming for our freedoms, plain and simple. She has made that clear at every opportunity. 

So what do we do? 

First, we vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. As much time as Clinton has spent campaigning against your guns, Trump and Pence have spent even more time staunchly defending our right to keep and bear arms. They are the only candidates who can defeat Clinton and Tim Kaine.

And no gun owner should forget what’s at stake in this election. A Clinton/Kaine victory would mean an anti-gun majority on the Supreme Court, and the end of our rights as we know them. 

Adherents to the Clinton/Kaine/Obama ideology do not believe that the Constitution should stand in the way of their anti-freedom ideology. No government control is too extreme, too restrictive or over the top. All of their “common-sense” restrictions are simply another step on the path toward the ultimate destruction of our cherished freedoms and traditions. They do not respect the individual liberties that NRA members see as the foundation of this great nation. 

I can say with confidence that Trump and Pence do not share their views. They stand with us. And they are the best hope we have to save our liberties. 

I can say with confidence that Trump and Pence do not share their views. They stand with us. And they are the best hope we have to save our liberties.But to win, we also need to spread the word as far and wide as possible. It is essential that every NRA member talk to their circle of family, friends, neighbors and co-workers about what’s at stake in November. We cannot afford to have anyone who believes in freedom sitting on the sidelines in this election. Talk about Clinton’s record and her statements, and remind folks about the Supreme Court and how this election will shape our rights for generations to come.  

And while you’re spreading the word about what’s at stake in the presidential election, don’t forget that freedom also depends on all the other votes to be cast this year. We have to fight to protect our pro-gun majorities in the U.S. Congress, especially in the U.S. Senate, where some of our strongest allies are under attack.  

Simply put, if we do not elect every pro-gun Senate candidate running this year, the leader of the U.S. Senate in 2017 will be Charles Schumer, one of the biggest enemies of our firearm freedoms to ever hold a Senate seat. 

If we lose a pro-gun majority in the Senate, gun bans, registration and every other idea on the anti-gun wish list will be on the table. We cannot let that happen. 

The stakes are clear. If Hillary Clinton wins, freedom loses. If the Senate falls, freedom loses. 

But here is the good news. We can stop it. We have done it before. We can do it again this year. Together, we can secure our rights for generations to come. 

A victory for freedom in this year’s election requires that NRA members and our supporters continue to work hard and spread the word about which candidates support our right to keep and bear arms. If we all do our part, freedom will be secure.