proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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OU professor: Time to remove restrictions to guns on campus :: 11/09/2015

In July, an Islamic terrorist attacked a U.S. military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tenn., killing four Marines. An ironic icon that emerged from the tragedy was a photograph of a “no guns” sign affixed to a window riddled with bullet holes. Terrorists and madmen deliberately seek out areas where people are unarmed and defenseless.

Photo - <p>David Deming</p>

Immediately following the Chattanooga shooting, Gov. Mary Fallin authorized the arming of Oklahoma National Guardsmen. It was the right thing to do. But wouldn't it be better if we were smart enough to shut the barn door before the horse escapes? We have a chance to do this in the upcoming session of the Legislature by removing restrictions that prohibit otherwise legal guns on college campuses.

Educational administrators have put forth a number of specious arguments against allowing people the right of self-defense. They have claimed that the mere presence of guns on campus will make the environment more dangerous. But they're unable to explain why this has not occurred in the states that allow campus carry. These include Utah, Colorado and Idaho. As of Aug. 1 of next year, campus carry will also be legal in Texas. Are the people of Oklahoma less responsible or trustworthy than those living in other states?

It has been claimed that removing campus restrictions in Oklahoma means “everyone” will be armed. Nonsense. To obtain a gun permit in Oklahoma, you have to be at least 21 years of age, pass a criminal background check, receive classroom training and demonstrate proficiency on the firing line. Individuals who have been adjudicated incompetent or who are receiving treatment for mental illness are prohibited from carrying a weapon.

Yet another fallacious assertion is that police responding to a violent incident will be unable to discriminate between armed citizens and victims. But this never happens. We have more than 190,000 people in Oklahoma with gun permits. Nationally, more than 11 million people have permits to carry weapons. People carry guns every day in offices, retail stores, movie theaters and shopping malls. They don't shoot each other indiscriminately. The presence of armed citizens restrains criminal activity. Prompt interventions by responsible people have prevented many mass

The truth is that university administrators have no way of keeping students, faculty and staff safe. A courtroom can be secured with doors, walls and metal detectors. But a college campus has miles of open borders open to any terrorist or deranged individual. The police do the best they can, but law enforcement typically take minutes to respond whereas it only takes seconds to shoot people.

It is irrational to believe that a policy or a sign will stop a person intent on committing mayhem. Laws that disarm people only affect the law-abiding and responsible segment of society. Instead of allowing a powerful lobby to impose a dangerous and flawed policy on the citizens of Oklahoma, we should take pre-emptive action that makes people safer. Self-defense is a basic human right.

Deming is a professor of arts and sciences at the University of Oklahoma.