proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Obama's selective outrage: AIDS vs. gun deaths :: 10/03/2015

The bodies of the victims of the shooting at Umpqua Community College had barely hit the floor Thursday night when President Obama practically sprinted to the White House podium to deliver a demagogic screed calling for gun control – just in time for the 6:30 news.

In his extemporaneous (and unhinged) performance, Obama claimed that "no other nation" has mass shootings like the U.S.  That's blatantly false – France, which has ultra-strict gun control laws, saw one mass shooting by Muslim jihadists this year, and another attempted jihadist massacre on a commuter train, both with illegal AK-47s.  In Norway, Anders Breivik managed to massacre 77 people in 2011 despite universal gun registration, universal background checks, and strict limitations on what types of guns civilians can buy.

Obama also dared the media to tally up the number of gun deaths in the U.S.  Had his remarks actually been thoughtful, prepared, and sober, he could have recited statistics from his own Department of Justice.  Since he didn't, though, I decided to take him up on the offer – and encountered a curious fact that betrays Obama's selective outrage.

AIDS deaths far outnumber gun deaths.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2012, 13,712 Americans died of AIDS.  By contrast, the FBI reports that 8,897 Americans died as the result of homicides committed with guns that same year.

The CDC also reported that, on average, there are 50,000 new AIDS cases each year, 78% of which are contracted by gay men, which the CDC euphemistically refers to as "MSM," or "Men Having Sex With Men," who constitute a mere 4% of the population.

Overall, the CDC says that 658,507 Americans have died since the AIDS epidemic began.  If we place the date of the beginning of the AIDS epidemic as 1980, that averages out to 18,814 AIDS deaths per year.  (By contrast, firearm homicides year over year hover in the 9,000 range; the FBI reports 9,199 for 2009, 8,874 for 2010, 8,653 for 2011, 8,897 for 2012, and 8,454 for 2013).

If Obama were really concerned about saving American lives and about the "families of the victims," he wouldn't be advocating gun control.  He'd be advocating a ban on anal intercourse instead!

Of course, the government is doing precisely the opposite: it is encouraging gay sex rather than trying to suppress it.  In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court declared that the Constitution includes the right to anal sodomy, and this year, Obama lit up the White House in gay rainbow colors when the Court ruled that the Constitution requires states to perform gay marriages.  Yet four out of the nine justices believe that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" does not grant Americans the right to own a gun – and voted accordingly in the 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald cases.

We live in a very dangerous age – an age of epic leftist demagoguery, in which logic, the facts, and the exact wording of the Constitution mean absolutely nothing when they contradict the leftist political agenda.

Can the country survive it?

The bodies of the victims of the shooting at Umpqua Community College had barely hit the floor Thursday night when President Obama practically sprinted to the White House podium to deliver a demagogic screed calling for gun control – just in time for the 6:30 news.

In his extemporaneous (and unhinged) performance, Obama claimed that "no other nation" has mass shootings like the U.S.  That's blatantly false – France, which has ultra-strict gun control laws, saw one mass shooting by Muslim jihadists this year, and another attempted jihadist massacre on a commuter train, both with illegal AK-47s.  In Norway, Anders Breivik managed to massacre 77 people in 2011 despite universal gun registration, universal background checks, and strict limitations on what types of guns civilians can buy.

Obama also dared the media to tally up the number of gun deaths in the U.S.  Had his remarks actually been thoughtful, prepared, and sober, he could have recited statistics from his own Department of Justice.  Since he didn't, though, I decided to take him up on the offer – and encountered a curious fact that betrays Obama's selective outrage.

AIDS deaths far outnumber gun deaths.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2012, 13,712 Americans died of AIDS.  By contrast, the FBI reports that 8,897 Americans died as the result of homicides committed with guns that same year.

The CDC also reported that, on average, there are 50,000 new AIDS cases each year, 78% of which are contracted by gay men, which the CDC euphemistically refers to as "MSM," or "Men Having Sex With Men," who constitute a mere 4% of the population.

Overall, the CDC says that 658,507 Americans have died since the AIDS epidemic began.  If we place the date of the beginning of the AIDS epidemic as 1980, that averages out to 18,814 AIDS deaths per year.  (By contrast, firearm homicides year over year hover in the 9,000 range; the FBI reports 9,199 for 2009, 8,874 for 2010, 8,653 for 2011, 8,897 for 2012, and 8,454 for 2013).

If Obama were really concerned about saving American lives and about the "families of the victims," he wouldn't be advocating gun control.  He'd be advocating a ban on anal intercourse instead!

Of course, the government is doing precisely the opposite: it is encouraging gay sex rather than trying to suppress it.  In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court declared that the Constitution includes the right to anal sodomy, and this year, Obama lit up the White House in gay rainbow colors when the Court ruled that the Constitution requires states to perform gay marriages.  Yet four out of the nine justices believe that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" does not grant Americans the right to own a gun – and voted accordingly in the 2008 Heller and 2010 McDonald cases.

We live in a very dangerous age – an age of epic leftist demagoguery, in which logic, the facts, and the exact wording of the Constitution mean absolutely nothing when they contradict the leftist political agenda.

Can the country survive it?