proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Navy SEAL Says AR-15 Is Common Sense Choice for Civilian Defense :: 06/19/2016

Following the tragic shooting in Orlando, Florida that left at least 49 dead, there have been renewed calls for gun control. In this debate, perhaps no rifle has become more emblematic of the struggle between gun rights and gun control groups than the AR-15.

Due to its appearance in past shootings, one of America’s most popular rifles has come under fire from the political left. Calls to take “weapons of war” off our streets have grown louder as these horrific events keep materializing.

This all being said, there has been fierce pushback against these attempts to disarm Americans. As reported by WideOpenSpaces, ex-Navy Seal Dom Raso sat down with the NRA to defend the popular rifle.

“When it comes to defending your family,” he asks, “what does it say to you when I, a veteran Navy Seal…turn to the AR-15 to defend my family?” Raso goes on to call the rifle “a common sense choice” for those who would repel potential invaders. Raso calls the AR-15 “easy to learn, easy to use, accurate, and reliable.”

Watch the video made by NRA News, where Raso chastises gun-grabbing politicians.

It should be no surprise that Raso takes such a strong stance on the AR-15, as it is arguably one of the most effective self-defense tools available for an average citizen. However, the widely customizable nature of the rifle, as well as its ability to accept high-capacity magazines, leaves many feeling uneasy.

Most of the fear surrounding the AR-15 is based on misconceptions about how it differs from any other rifle you might purchase. As noted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation in their detailed summary of the AR-15, it is a semi-automatic rifle. While there seems to be much confusion about that concept, semi-automatic simply means that if you pull the trigger once, one bullet comes out. This isn’t a groundbreaking concept, and it certainly dispels the myth of the AR-15 as a “machine gun.”

It’s also important to note that the AR-15 isn’t inherently more powerful than any other rifle. Most AR-15s you will see are chambered in .223, which is not even as big of a round as most hunting rifles use. The idea that people wouldn’t be able to cause as much damage if we only directed them to a different firearm is misleading at best.

What the AR-15 truly is, is a means through which citizens can protect themselves and their families. Taking away this fundamental right to self-defense simply gives the criminals who buy guns on the street that more of an advantage.

At the end of the day, there will always be those who wish to do us harm. Whether they use an AR15 or not is irrelevant. What matters is how the civilian population is prepared to respond should they be put in a position of danger.

The best solution to defending against terrorism and mass shootings was put best by Dom Raso: “Law abiding citizens prepared to deal with the imminent threats we face.” That’s a goal worth setting our sights on.

AR-15assaultNavy SEALNRAriflevideoWeapons