proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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More Americans Champion Gun Rights Over Gun Control, Poll Finds :: 12/10/2014

For the first time in decades, more Americans champion gun rights than they do gun control, according to a Pew Research poll released Wednesday.

The opinion research group found that support for gun rights among U.S. adults has rebounded since the Newtown school massacre of two years ago. In January 2013, a slight majority of U.S. adults said controlling ownership of firearms was more important than protecting gun rights, with 45% taking the opposite view.

That opinion has gradually flipped with each subsequent poll, conducted two or three times a year. Now, according to the latest one, 52% say protecting Second Amendment rights is more important, while support for gun control has fallen to 46%. The balance among those who have a strong view on the issue tipped in favor of gun rights for the first time since at least the early 1990s when Pew Research started asking the question.

Perhaps most remarkable is the shift in attitudes among African-Americans during that time. According to Pew:

Over the past two years, blacks’ views on this measure have changed dramatically. Currently, 54% of blacks say gun ownership does more to protect people than endanger personal safety, nearly double the percentage saying this in December 2012 (29%). By contrast, whites’ views have shown less change: 62% now view guns as doing more to protect people, up from 54% in December.

The poll also showed an increase in the percentage of Americans who say gun ownership does more to protect people from becoming victims of crime, growing to 57% from 48% in the last two years. Among just Republicans, the figure jumped 17 percentage points to 80% from 63%.

The Pew survey is based on telephone interviews, conducted in the first week of December, among a national sample of 1,507 U.S. adults with a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.