proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Media Bias: The Trace Publishes A Farrago of Misleading Gun Stat Graphics :: 12/24/2015

If you’re one Michael Bloomberg’s anti-ballistic bully boys you have to spend a good part of your day massaging stats to support your crusade for civilian disarmament.


To make that work you either have to manipulate or ignore context. The 800-pound gorilla that’s never in the room: the tens of thousands of annual defensive gun uses that save life. Not to mention the millions of Americans who don’t shoot themselves or others (unless attacked).

That aside, always aside, The Trace has published 15 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence This Year. My favorite is the one above. Stat spin doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Did you know that 100 percent of fatal drunk driving accidents involve an intoxicated individual? True story.