proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB104

Title: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief.

Description: In protection from abuse, further providing for definitions and for relief. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 11, 2025

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Licenses to Carry are on the increase in California? :: 11/20/2013

Seems the citizens in California have awoken, and filed several suits against Sherriffs who simply wish to make up their own laws. Those suits have resulted in more approvals, but of course the anti gunners have their own spin on the lawsuits. In their mind, obeying the Constitution is bad, perhaps even evil.

The results of these lawsuits might now be seen with the increase in permits being issued.

"A legal challenge can definitely motivate an official to act differently than they otherwise would, whether or not that challenge is meritorious," Cody Jacobs with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence told KPIX.

Jacobs added that he believes the lawsuits "intimidate local officials into just giving everyone permits."