proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB2311

Title: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program.

Description: Establishing the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Sep 23, 2024

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Judge Jeanine: Mr. President, Stop Blaming Guns and Start Shooting Terrorists :: 01/04/2016

In her opening statement on Justice, Judge Jeanine Pirro criticized President Obama for going on an "anti-Second Amendment crusade" while the nation is under threat from terrorist groups.

"At a time when we face the biggest threat we have ever confronted, our commander-in-chief is on an anti-Second Amendment crusade to take away our guns," she said.

Pirro said that restrictive gun laws policies in California and France did nothing to prevent the attacks there.

"Mr. President, the issue is terrorism, not mass shootings. And yet because of a political agenda, you refuse to confront the biggest danger that we face. Instead of blaming guns, start shooting terrorists."

Watch Judge Jeanine's opening statement above and read the full transcript below.

And tell her what you think on her Facebook page or on Twitter @JudgeJeanine!

As we venture into 2016 the most dangerous threat to Americans is President Barack Obama’s intent to use his presidential action to once again usurp congressional powers and circumvent the constitution by thinking up "new actions" this Monday with his attorney general. 

Translation: together they will chip away at our second amendment gun rights.

And let's not kid each other. With history as our guide, whenever this president says one thing, we know to believe another.  Whenever he does something that makes no sense, we ultimately pay for it.

Example #1: Not to worry--ISIS is a JV team.  He would contain them.  Until he decided that he would dismantle them all the while admitting he had no strategy to do either.

The reality?  Today ISIS is the largest, strongest, most well-funded terrorist organization the world has ever seen, with not only social media savvy, but with satellites above the Muslim world.

Example #2: Al-Qaeda is on its knees--we've defeated the Taliban sufficient to bring our troops home. Maybe I missed it but apparently there's been a resurrection.

The reality?

Al-Qaeda is far from on its knees--developing training camps all over Africa and Afghanistan and the Taliban? Back in Afghanistan on the brink of controlling it again. 

So looking back at 2015 when ISIS succeeded in the slaughter of innocents in Paris, and ISIS inspired militants succeeded in the slaughter of innocents in San Bernardino, it's no wonder more Americans believe the terrorists are winning the war against the United States.  It’s no wonder 64% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s approach to ISIS. 

So where does this all leave you?  Up a creek not just without a paddle, but without a gun as well. 

At a time when we face the biggest threat we have ever confronted, our commander-in-chief is on an anti-Second Amendment crusade to take away our guns. 

In the aftermath of Sandy Hook, the president took 23 executive actions.  It didn't stop a thing. 

California with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country--it did not stop a thing in San Bernardino. In France, where gun laws are among the most restrictive in the world, innocents were slaughtered like lambs.

Mr. President, the issue is terrorism, not mass shootings.  And yet because of a political agenda, you refuse to confront the biggest danger that we face.

Instead of blaming guns, start shooting terrorists .

Maybe you don’t have time to focus on this because you’re too busy emptying Guantanamo and trading deserters for Taliban generals.

As a result of your dilly-dallying in leftist political ideology you should be focusing on protecting us and letting us defend ourselves. The police can't do it all.

And that's my open.