proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Hillary Clinton: Arming More People to Stop Mass Shootings Is 'Illogical, Offensive' :: 10/09/2015

Washington DC – -(  During an October 7 2015 campaign rally in Iowa, Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton addressed Ben Carson’s calls to arm students for self-defense by saying the idea of arming more people to stop mass shootings is “illogical” and “offensive.”

Hillary Clinton

According to Real Clear Politics, Clinton stood in front of rally attendees and said, “You’ve got people running for president on the other side who say, well, you know, we just need more guns.” She then added, “The idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive.”

These comments come just days after Clinton called for new regulations on guns shows and guns sold online, and for an expansion of the definition of domestic violence to include dating relationships, thereby potentially barring a whole new demographic from owning guns for self-defense. She wants to lengthen the instant background check process indefinitely by changing the amount of time the FBI has to conduct extended checks. And she wants to change the law so that shooting victims and their families can sue gun manufacturers after criminals like Adam Lanza steal guns and misuse them or gunmen like Chris Harper Mercer open fire illegally in a gun free zone.

But the greatest threat from Clinton comes via her pledge to enact these gun controls unilaterally, through executive orders, if she is unable to get Congress to go along with her agenda.

Clinton’s willingness to use executive orders for an end run around Congress adds a new dimension to her gun control plans, and she knows it. For this reason, reported how confidently she pushed gun control during an October 5 speech in New Hampshire, where she said, “There’s nothing unique about them other than the fact that I am so determined.”