proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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GQ: 'F*ck Ben Carson' For Preaching Self Defense - Breitbart :: 10/09/2015

The GQ headline screams  “Fuck Ben Carson” and attacks the Republican presidential candidate for daring to suggest that in a mass shooter situation, it might be a better idea to fight back than to wait to be murdered in cold blood.


Fuck Ben Carson

You know, the only thing more alarming than Donald Trump leading the Republican presidential field is the fact that Ben Carson is the guy right behind him. While establishment puds like Jeb! Bush and can’t decide if they want to beat Trump or emulate him, the Good Doctor made it clear this week that he is not only willing to replicate Trump’s signature brand of hot-garbage-spewing, but he’ll say even DUMBER shit. Here is Carson from earlier in the week on the Oregon shooter:

It gets worse.

This is Clarence Thomas all over again. A black man seeks to rise to a position of power and because he dares to stray from The Liberal Thought Plantation, at every opportunity, including fabricated ones like this, the media piles on to destroy the black apostate as dumb, crazy, scary or a combination of all three.

The real idiots here are the Gun Control Truthers on the left, and this includes the mainstream media.

They know gun control will do nothing to stop these school shootings. They even admit it.

They know that after 12 of these mass-shooting events (not all of them successful, thankfully) that we’re going to have another one soon, and yet the Left is suggesting NOTHING to prevent the next one. Democrats and their media allies keep using piles of dead children to push a gun control agenda that will do nothing to stop the next pile of dead bodies.

GQ and CNN and MSNBC have been hammering Carson all week for daring to suggest an actual plan in the event this happens again. It’s not a perfect plan but it could at least the reduce the size of the pile and give these kids a direction that might save some lives.

Barack Obama’s plan is for these kids to keep dying.

The Democrats’ plan is for these kids to keep dying

The media’s plan is for these kids to keep dying.

Carson is suggesting the kind of self-reliance in a nothing-to-lose situation that might actually make a difference, and for that he’s being savaged by an elite media that will never do anything other than attempt to destroy a black man who thinks for himself.

In every GQ, CNN, MSNBC attack against Carson the subtext screams, “We gotta git that uppity boy’s mind right.”