proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Good News: Obama's Anti-gun Sentencing Bill in Serious Trouble :: 02/13/2016

Washington, DC -( Barack Obama thought he could get a cheap “bipartisan” victory over the “gun lobby.”

But after a blow-up in the Senate Republican caucus, Obama’s anti-gun sentencing bill might not be on the fast-track the way he was hoping.

And, once again, you — the Second Amendment community — have shown why Obama hates you more than ISIS.

Gun Owners of America wants to thank those of you who have taken action on our previous alerts which exposed the dangers of this anti-gun sentencing bill.

This legislation was supposed to be Barack Obama’s legacy-burnishing achievement. But your activism is making a difference against a sentencing bill that would increase prison sentences for gun-owning veterans and seniors by 50%.

See GOA’s longer analysis of the anti-gun provisions in this bill here.

Senators Cotton and Cruz Leading the Opposition

When Obama’s GOP supporters tried to rally the Senate Republican caucus around this anti-gun abomination, things exploded — thanks to the opposition “background noise” provided by GOA members and others.

Led by pro-gun Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), conservatives skewered the legislation which, in the words of Politico, “could lead to the early release of people convicted and imprisoned for violent crimes.”

Senator Cotton put it this way: “It would be unwise to proceed with the Senate Judiciary Committee bill, which would lead to the release of thousands of violent felons.”

And Cotton wasn’t alone. Republican Senators Jim Risch of Idaho and David Perdue of Georgia registered their strong opposition during a caucus lunch on Capitol Hill.

Plus, presidential candidate Ted Cruz voted against the legislation and has made a big issue of this anti-gun bill.

Now, according to the New York Times (1/30/16), sponsors are frantically trying to save the bill by playing “let’s-make-a-deal.”

The bottom line: For now, we are winning the war against the anti-gun sentencing bill.

But we can’t rest on our laurels.


1. Use GOA’s Legislative Action Center to contact your senators and your representative. Demand that they oppose S. 2123 and the companion bill in the House (H.R. 3713).

2. Please click here to send Sen. Tom Cotton an email. Thank him for leading the charge against the anti-gun S. 2123.

NOTE: You cannot use GOA’s Legislative Action Center to email Senator Cotton, unless you are a constituent of his. However, you can easily contact Sen. Cotton by filling out Senator Cotton’s webform and then cutting-and-pasting the pre-written text below.

—– Cut-and-paste this pre-written letter for Senator Tom Cotton —–

Dear Senator Cotton:

As a member of Gun Owners of America, I want to thank you for leading the charge against the anti-gun sentencing reform bill (S. 2123).

This bill was supposed to be Barack Obama’s legacy-burnishing achievement. By releasing violent drug traffickers onto the street, its passage would have bought the loyalty of Leftist pro-crime groups and solidified the Democratic base going into the 2016 elections.

But, while benefiting “bad guys,” the bill would increase prison sentences for gun-owning veterans and seniors by 50% [section 105(a)(1)].

And gun technicians who put “how-to” gun information onto the Internet could face a 5-year MANDATORY MINIMUM PRISON SENTENCE [section 108].

And this is not to mention the fact that, when the bill causes violent crime to go through the ceiling, the inevitable consequence will be MORE GUN CONTROL.

Thank you for defending our constitutionally-protected rights!


About Gun Owners of America (GOA)

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul.

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