proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR518

Title: Designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution designating the month of November 2024 as "Veterans and Military Families Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action: Reported as committed

Last Action Date: Sep 30, 2024

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Flake Stance on Immigration Undoes Good Gun Voters Work :: 10/17/2017

USA – -( “[Jeff] Flake favors immigration and free trade — stances that put him at philosophical odds not only with the president but also with many Arizonans,” a seemingly sympathetic Senate race analysis in The New York Times noted Sunday. “In 2013, he was part of the bipartisan ‘Gang of Eight’ group of senators who put forth an immigration overhaul that would have offered immigrants in the country illegally a path to citizenship.”


Kelli Ward understands something Jeff Flake does not, particularly as it applies to the changing voter demographic he is enabling. (Dr. Kelli Ward: Facebook photo)

Flake also “declined to support Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton,” meaning if left to him, she would be the one appointing new federal judges and Supreme Court Justices

Last time out, Flake was “A-rated” and endorsed by NRA. And while making political hay over all kinds of ancillary issues, the gun group refuses to address bringing foreign nationals into the country and making them part of the electorate as an issue for gun owner concern.

It should be. All credible polls show such populations favor gun restrictions by an overwhelming (71% to 25%) margin, and this is proven in the real world by the California experience. Further, after over 20 years the needle barely moves to the right, so the “assimilation” argument has had decades to work and hasn’t, despite “welcoming” moves up to and including so-called “sanctuary cities.”

Here’s a challenge for anyone who wants to tell us otherwise:

Audit all credible polls against real-world experience in places like California and then produce credible data – not opinion, not anecdotes, not isolated examples, but something that can be independently validated – demonstrating that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and legally, with CURRENT culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners.  Show your sources and methodologies for determining this WILL NOT result in supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will then be able to pass all kinds of anti-gun edicts. Show how this WILL NOT result in nominations and confirmations of judges to the Supreme and federal courts who will uphold those edicts and reverse gains made to date.

This is not (contrary to what those behind the cultural terraforming to advance a political agenda would have you believe) “xenophobic” or worse.  They do that to make people afraid to be called “racists” if they even bring it up. What they won't tell you is, immigration law protecting the national identity and interests is basically the same policy enacted and administered by the government of Mexico.

Still, if you need something “pure gun” to make up your mind, consider Flake is looking for ways to throw bump stock owners under the bus, and also championed “No Fly/No Buy,” a bill Gun Laws author Alan Korwin appropriately called “a 17-page tyrannical travesty.”

There is an alternative — and has been since before Donald Trump tried to make nice with establishment Republicans who want to oust him as badly as Democrats do. That doesn't work.  Let's hope he doesn't make the same tactical error again.

This time out, President Trump had encouraging things to say about Republican challenger Dr. Kelli Ward (although he has still not yet formally endorsed her) while dismissing Flake as “toxic”:

 President Trump had encouraging things to say about Republican challenger Dr. Kelli Ward

President Trump had encouraging things to say about Republican challenger Dr. Kelli Ward

Ward is great on guns and great on immigration.

And that means enemies of “draining the swamp” are out there smearing her and disparaging her chances of being able to win the general election.  No doubt a Democrat apparatchik pro-“immigrant”/anti-gun “journalist” who dismisses such Republicans as “kooks” and favors an apology to George Soros (while leaving his actual collaboration with Nazis unmentioned) has conservatives’ best interests at heart?

I mean, if we can't trust “progressives” to give it to us straight political advice, who can we trust? After all, we're talking about someone who 18 days before last November’s election speculated that Hillary might not just win the country, but also Arizona. Thanks to “Latino voters.”

Oh, but Kelli Ward believes in chemtrail conspiracies those with no argument left will throw out, hoping it will be a knockout punch. If anybody brings that up to you as a reason to oppose her, slap them down with the truth, coming from, in this case of all places, The Washington Post. And don't allow them to hijack the discussion from the demonstrable dangers Flake poses.

It’s past time for gun owners to reject the establishment Republican Kool Aid and insist on principle. If you’re worried a lesser-known name might lose to a Democrat, instead of once again rolling over in frustration for “the lesser of two evils” — which is what got us into this mess — why not make the principled choice and then do something to help keep that from happening?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.