proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Facebook Shoots Down Congressional Inquiry Into Gun Sales :: 08/24/2016

A United States Senator released Facebook's FB +0.13% response on Tuesday to a slew of questions he sent company officials last month about gun sales initiated through the site. But the two-page response, which was supposed to address what impact, if any, Facebook’s ban on gun sales has had, left many questions unanswered.

Facebook gun sales

Gun sales remain common on Facebook, despite the company’s ban on private party sales in January. (Screenshots of gun sales via Facebook.)

“While I commend the platforms’ facilitating the reporting of prohibited content related to gun sales by users, I urge Facebook and Instagram to redouble their efforts to develop and deploy technology that can enforce their gun-sales ban without relying so heavily on user reporting,” Sen. Edward Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts, said in a written statement. “Facebook and Instagram’s ban on private firearms sales should have the teeth it needs to be effective, so that it can truly prevent guns from falling into the hands of those who should not have them.”

Markey’s inquiry, which he announced on July 13, came on the heels of news reports that the man suspected of shooting and killing five police officers in Dallas last month had purchased an AK-47 rifle from someone he met on Facebook. Subsequent reports, however, indicated that the gun was not used during the shooting spree. On Tuesday, Markey urged Facebook to do more to enforce its strict ban on peer-to-peer gun sales, saying that “it remains too easy for users to solicit and conduct private gun sales through Facebook and Instagram.” Facebook instituted a ban on the sale of guns and ammunition through the site earlier this year in an effort to reduce the number of guns sold without a background check.

Among the questions Markey asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom:

  • Since the ban on gun sales was announced in January, “what was the impact, if any?”
  • “How many Facebook users have attempted to post content in furtherance of a gun sale in an open group, closed group, or on a personal profile page? What percentage of Facebook users is that? How many of those postings were blocked and how many were allowed?”
  • Have Facebook or Instagram “shut down any ‘groups’ or accounts promoting or facilitating gun sales? If so, how many and when?”
  • Since 2014, “how many requests have Facebook and Instagram received from law enforcement for assistance investigating gun sales, including requests for records?”
  • “What information, if any, does Facebook have about the reports that, in 2014, the Dallas shooter, Micah Johnson, purchased an AK-47 through Facebook?”

In its response, signed by U.S. policy vice president Erin Egan, Facebook said it was “constantly adapting to new developments and strengthening our robust and aggressive internal system to better respond to and remove reported content from Facebook and Instagram that violates our Community Standards.” A Facebook spokesman declined to comment for this story. You can read Facebook’s full response below.

Facebook has struggled to enforce its ban on gun sales since introducing the new policy in January, relying entirely on user reports to flag suspected violations. As FORBES first reported in March, sales continue, with thousands of private groups functioning as online flea markets dedicated to buying, selling and trading guns and ammunition. In response to the ban, many gun groups on Facebook went from "private" to "secret," an unlisted setting that makes it impossible for outsiders--including those who have taken it upon themselves to report gun sales to Facebook--to find them. Some groups made the change after being shut down and subsequently reinstated in the weeks following the announcement of the ban, with many crediting their second chance to Facebook engineer Chuck Rossi. Rossi organized a secret group, which FORBES gained access to, in an effort to bring banned pages into compliance and back online. Rossi, who says he acted on his own, told members of the group in February, "I know this new policy sucks. I personally don’t agree with it and everyone in Facebook is pissed about how it was rolled out."

Since FORBES revealed the shortcoming's in Facebook's enforcement of its ban, many media outlets have followed suit. In July, a Facebook representative told Mashable "We do have content up on Facebook that violates most of our policies at any given point. It's not unique, in that perspective, that this relates to our gun policies." Shortly afterward, the New York Times NYT +0.31% published a story with the headline "Facebook Banned Gun Sales. So Why Is It Still ‘Full of Them?'" And just two weeks ago, BuzzFeed demonstrated how easy it is to complete a gun sale initiated through Facebook.

In Facebook's response to Markey, dated July 27, the company offered to meet with the senator to "address any additional questions." It's unclear why Markey's office did not release the response until now; in similar situations, Facebook officials have left it up to lawmakers and government agencies to publicly announce the result of inquiries. A spokeswoman for Markey did not respond to numerous requests for comment for this story.

Read more about Facebook's ban on gun sales:

Selling Guns On Facebook A Problem Even Facebook Can't Solve

Inside The Secret Group For Gun Owners Banned From Facebook

5 Reasons Why Facebook's Ban On Gun Sales Isn't Working

Email Matt at mdrange[at] You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook gun sales

Gun sales remain common on Facebook, despite the company’s ban on private party sales in January. (Screenshots of gun sales via Facebook.)

A United States Senator released Facebook's FB +0.13% response on Tuesday to a slew of questions he sent company officials last month about gun sales initiated through the site. But the two-page response, which was supposed to address what impact, if any, Facebook’s ban on gun sales has had, left many questions unanswered.

“While I commend the platforms’ facilitating the reporting of prohibited content related to gun sales by users, I urge Facebook and Instagram to redouble their efforts to develop and deploy technology that can enforce their gun-sales ban without relying so heavily on user reporting,” Sen. Edward Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts, said in a written statement. “Facebook and Instagram’s ban on private firearms sales should have the teeth it needs to be effective, so that it can truly prevent guns from falling into the hands of those who should not have them.”

Markey’s inquiry, which he announced on July 13, came on the heels of news reports that the man suspected of shooting and killing five police officers in Dallas last month had purchased an AK-47 rifle from someone he met on Facebook. Subsequent reports, however, indicated that the gun was not used during the shooting spree. On Tuesday, Markey urged Facebook to do more to enforce its strict ban on peer-to-peer gun sales, saying that “it remains too easy for users to solicit and conduct private gun sales through Facebook and Instagram.” Facebook instituted a ban on the sale of guns and ammunition through the site earlier this year in an effort to reduce the number of guns sold without a background check.

Among the questions Markey asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom:

  • Since the ban on gun sales was announced in January, “what was the impact, if any?”
  • “How many Facebook users have attempted to post content in furtherance of a gun sale in an open group, closed group, or on a personal profile page? What percentage of Facebook users is that? How many of those postings were blocked and how many were allowed?”
  • Have Facebook or Instagram “shut down any ‘groups’ or accounts promoting or facilitating gun sales? If so, how many and when?”
  • Since 2014, “how many requests have Facebook and Instagram received from law enforcement for assistance investigating gun sales, including requests for records?”
  • “What information, if any, does Facebook have about the reports that, in 2014, the Dallas shooter, Micah Johnson, purchased an AK-47 through Facebook?”

In its response, signed by U.S. policy vice president Erin Egan, Facebook said it was “constantly adapting to new developments and strengthening our robust and aggressive internal system to better respond to and remove reported content from Facebook and Instagram that violates our Community Standards.” A Facebook spokesman declined to comment for this story. You can read Facebook’s full response below.

Facebook has struggled to enforce its ban on gun sales since introducing the new policy in January, relying entirely on user reports to flag suspected violations. As FORBES first reported in March, sales continue, with thousands of private groups functioning as online flea markets dedicated to buying, selling and trading guns and ammunition. In response to the ban, many gun groups on Facebook went from "private" to "secret," an unlisted setting that makes it impossible for outsiders--including those who have taken it upon themselves to report gun sales to Facebook--to find them. Some groups made the change after being shut down and subsequently reinstated in the weeks following the announcement of the ban, with many crediting their second chance to Facebook engineer Chuck Rossi. Rossi organized a secret group, which FORBES gained access to, in an effort to bring banned pages into compliance and back online. Rossi, who says he acted on his own, told members of the group in February, "I know this new policy sucks. I personally don’t agree with it and everyone in Facebook is pissed about how it was rolled out."

Since FORBES revealed the shortcoming's in Facebook's enforcement of its ban, many media outlets have followed suit. In July, a Facebook representative told Mashable "We do have content up on Facebook that violates most of our policies at any given point. It's not unique, in that perspective, that this relates to our gun policies." Shortly afterward, the New York Times NYT +0.31% published a story with the headline "Facebook Banned Gun Sales. So Why Is It Still ‘Full of Them?'" And just two weeks ago, BuzzFeed demonstrated how easy it is to complete a gun sale initiated through Facebook.

In Facebook's response to Markey, dated July 27, the company offered to meet with the senator to "address any additional questions." It's unclear why Markey's office did not release the response until now; in similar situations, Facebook officials have left it up to lawmakers and government agencies to publicly announce the result of inquiries. A spokeswoman for Markey did not respond to numerous requests for comment for this story.