proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB1299

Title: In human trafficking, further providing for definitions, for victim protection during prosecution and for safe harbor for sexually exploited ...

Description: In human trafficking, further providing for definitions, for victim protection during prosecution and for safe harbor for sexually exploited ... ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Jul 24, 2024

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FOAC's Monthly Newsletter - Meeting Notice :: 08/10/2019

August FOAC Membership Meeting (August 11th) brings a sense of urgency we all need to share related to the tragic events that have transpired over the last few weeks! The public debate has degenerated to the point that logic seems to escape even normally rational people. In this meeting we will try to share as much as possible of the unfolding national and statewide efforts that have a 'very' real possibility to radically alter our rights and unravel, potentially, the very fabric of our nation.

The public debate on 'DOING SOMETHING' about 'guns' is exhibiting a level of incomprehension that is most pronounced and, at the same time, disturbing. The cable news anchors, even on FOX News, are now expressing frustration and disbelief that the latest shooting may not result in tighter regulation of firearms, as if that is the ONLY answer for them and to the exclusion of all else in many cases. These pundits live safe and satisfying lives without guns; so why can't the rest of the country do the same? Yet the spokesmen and women for "doing something" do not appreciate, and often times deride, the equal sincerity of gun owners, whose weapons are not just possessions but also, on some level, part of their identity as a 'free' American.<

Guns are especially frustrating to these all-knowing pundits and advocates because they [guns] are the rare case where the courts, which normally are its' ally, have not achieved its objectives. The Heller decision (2008) irks Democrats to no end, with the McDonald decision (2010) adding insult to the injury, because the Supreme Court said that Second Amendment guarantees rule out some forms of regulation. Up until now, we gun owners have been adept at using the language of rights—usually the preferred means of the media and 4th estate - to attain ends the elitists abhor. That has forced advocates of gun control back into the democratic arena, where the ruling class has so often been repudiated.

It is becoming increasingly clear that no amount of evidence showing the inefficacy of gun control, or the virtues of alternative policies, will convince the media and 4th estate to drop its crusade for crushing new regulations. That is not because guns are some sort of special safety hazard but because guns remind the media and 4th estate that it has not succeeded in imposing the values of the 'ruling privileged class' of the country on the rest of us.

The leftist elite that dominates government, academia, and the media can't comprehend, let alone address the divide between themselves and the population of over 100 million freedom loving Americans who own firearms and resist efforts to further restrict the right to keep and bear arms. The tone and tenor in America may find that these leftists' knives may finally slit the throat of Freedom!

What You Can Do To Help

FOAC encourages gun owners and Second Amendment Advocates to immediately take action by doing the following:

  1. Write President Trump, Senate Leader McConnell, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Graham, and other key leaders at
  2. Call Senate Leader McConnell and your state's U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 (Senate switchboard) and tell them to OPPOSE “Red Flag/ERPO” laws and federal gun control
  3. Call President Trump at 202-456-1111 (White House comment line) and tell him to OPPOSE and VETO federal gun control, including H.R. 8 and “Red Flag/ERPO” laws
  4. Multiply your impact by asking others to help you STOP “Red Flag/ERPO” confiscation laws through email, text messaging, social media, and by sharing this important FPC Grassroots Alert

If a person is an actual threat to themselves or others, or engaging in criminal activity, then there are thousands of existing federal, state, and local laws by which families, friends, or law enforcement can more appropriately and effectively respond to those facts and circumstances.

Recently I became involved in a dispute with a neighbor over property boundaries. The neighbor involved has a long history of trouble with other neighbors prior to my acquiring this property.

This dispute resulted in the police arriving to take statements and my being told that charges were going to be filed against me. To which I responded to the police officer that I wanted charges of defiant trespass filed against my neighbor. I consulted with our President and he advised me to file the charges first. I hesitated for several reasons, this hesitation turned out to hurt my chances of a fair and impartial outcome.

I hired a criminal attorney to represent me in court and assumed my appearance in court would set this matter straight. WRONG!! What I experienced is an overburdened court system with no intention to hear any case if possible. The asst. DA representing my neighbor, wanted to pile on additional charges on top of the ones filed by the police. Without hearing the case in court!

My attorney started negotiating with the DA while representing other clients at the same time. We went back and forth until I could agree to terms that I could live with. IF I had objected to this 'deal' I would have been headed for a jury trial, more money, and a prolonged hearing date, in part because of my hesitation to act first. To say that my assumptions were wrong and that this was eye opening is an UNDERSTATEMENT!

Our Judicial system is broken, and the DA's office is overburdened with cases that have very little chance of being heard. ANY resemblance to TV courtroom dramas is an absolute fiction.

On top of this, there is no investigation of the issues or seeking of the truth. This is not Justice; this is plea bargaining at its best and institutional malfeasance at worst. Our country was founded on the principles of equal justice for all. Not reduced to a Monty Hall side show.

Friends, the courts need reformed and only the People can demand it of our elected officials. If you have never been to court, or if the last time was a long time ago, go and sit in on Magisterial Court and see what passes for Justice.

I am sharing this experience with all of you to inform and educate our members. I now understand what Kim was telling me to do, although it didn't compute in my head, the illusion of Lady Justice is now shattered! I had to learn the hard way and now I understand.

Understanding how the system works is of critical importance if you are to survive any encounter with the legal system! My case was relatively minor compared to the outcomes gun owners can face once bias and prejudice against the 2nd Amendment and self-defense get factored in. Knowing how the system works (or doesn't) can keep you out of jail or worse!