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Last Action Date: Dec 31, 1969

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Esquire Story on Petit Family Massacre Avoids the "Gun" Word :: 06/04/2011

"At night, Petit sleeps only because the pills make him sleep. Sometimes even with the pills he lies awake, thinking about the same questions. Working slowly and without rest, he has built ramparts around his mind to keep out the what-ifs, because the what-ifs can drive you insane. What if that bulkhead lock had been working properly? Sometimes the haunting questions break through and he has to shake them away." And that's it for "what-ifs" from the Esquire feature on the Petit family massacre . Yes, well, what if the magazine had addressed the central question for millions of Americans. Which is . . .

What if Dr. Petit had immediate access to a gun on that fateful afternoon when two hardened criminals broke into his suburban home, beat him up, raped one of his daughters and then murdered her, her sister and his wife in an arson attack?

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