proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB1371

Title: Providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.

Description: An Act providing for duties of certifying officials and certifying agencies regarding the processing of certification form petitions.

Last Action: Removed from table

Last Action Date: Jun 28, 2024

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England & Gun Control: Young guns for hire: gangs recruiting children for contract killings :: 05/29/2011

This article is a continuing chapter in the anti-gun groups Vision for America!

As a 16-year-old boy is jailed for the £200 contract killing of a young mother, Patrick Sawer reveals why gangland bosses are recruiting children.

The young mother was hoping the knock on the door was her son. It was, after all, the eve of his ninth birthday and she was desperate to hand over his present.

Instead, Gulistan Subasi was confronted at the door of her mother's maisonette in Hackney, east London, in March last year, by a figure clad in a white boiler suit brandishing a shotgun. Before she could react, he fired his weapon, blasting a fist-sized hole in her chest. Miss Subasi slumped to the floor, dying in her mother's arms as her killer fled.

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