proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Democrats continue to push gun-control lie :: 02/08/2017

Democrats are living a delusional lie.  Looking to gin up gun-control activists, Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee tried to use a Tuesday hearing on Social Security to lament a noncontroversial vote last week to do away with an Obama-era rule designed to get certain beneficiaries’ information into the national gun-purchase background check system.

Their complaints were all fear-mongering and separated from reality — undoubtedly designed to catch the ear of a sympathetic, and naive media looking to advance its gun-control narrative.

“To pit the disability community against victims of gun violence doesn’t get to the solutions that I know this committee and the Congress as a whole is after,” said Rep. John Larson, Connecticut Democrat on Tuesday.

What hooey.

As pointed out by the National Review’s Charles Cooke last week, getting rid of the Obama-era rule was supported by the National Rifle Association, a plethora of disability groups and medical associations and the American Civil Liberties Union — all ideologically diverse organizations which found common ground in their dislike for the regulation.

Because it was unconstitutional and foolish in principle.

“In layman’s terms: The rule would have allowed bureaucrats within one of our federal agencies to bar American citizens from exercising a constitutional right — and on the highly questionable grounds that to be incapable of managing one’s finances is, by definition, to be a ‘mental defective,’” Mr. Cooke wrote.

“There were a host of reasons to object to this measure,” he said. “On separation-of-powers grounds, the prospect of the Social Security Administration playing judge, jury, and executioner is flatly intolerable. On due process grounds, there was nothing to recommend the measure (as the ACLU made abundantly clear in its opposition letter).

“On statutory grounds, it seems clear that the SSA was acting ultra vires,” Mr. Cooke wrote. “And, as political matter, the vacillation of the Obama administration — which insisted simultaneously that ‘incidents of violence continue to highlight a crisis in America’s mental health system’ and that it was ‘not attempting to imply a connection between mental illness and a propensity for violence, particularly gun violence’ — was downright embarrassing.”

To say that a person who can’t manage their own expenses are dangerous or unsafe is the principle reason why so many groups urged the GOP to revoke the rule.

But never mind the details when it comes to the polarizing topic of Secon Amendment rights. Expect Democrats and the left-wing media to continue to propagate their misleading narrative to whip up outrage at Republicans.