proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Constitutional Rights Matter :: 10/05/2015

Jake Trapper, CNN, asked Gabby Gifford's husband Mark Kelly, what new gun law would have prevented the murder of the students in Oregon?

Kelly responded, “You know with individual events there isn't a single law that would prevent a tragedy like this.”

Of course Kelly is right.  We have enough gun control laws. We don't need more and more won't help. Kelly went on to call for identifying people with mental illness and adjudicating them to prevent them from committing violent crimes. Again he is right. 

President Obama said in response to the tragedy, "Our inaction is a political decision that we are making. Every couple of months we have a mass shooting. This will not change until the politics change."

Obama is correct (Even though he went on to politicize the tragedy). Politics, on both sides, are stopping meaningful action that would make our country safer.

Obama continues to pushe for more gun control laws and that stymies real discussion by putting 2nd amendment advocates on the defensive. 

Obama and other anti-second amendment advocates must understand that firearm ownership is a Constitutional right; it is not only a constitutional right, it is an inalienable right. Men and women are born with the right to protect themselves. The Constitution does not convey this right upon us, it merely affirms it. 

I call upon he Preaident and others to cease the anti-2nd amendment rhetoric.  Understand and accept that individual firearm ownership is a right and must not be infringed. 

Instead look for solutions to end violence that do not require punishing law-abiding citizens. And for those on the other side, I call upon them to listen and seek solutions to violence in our country when solutions are offered.

To reiterate, the solutions must focus on the root causes of violence; mental illness, drugs, lack of respect for life, the indoctrination of youth through media that violence is a virtue, and poverty. 

There is absolutely no way to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals - absolutely no way. For that reason we need to look for ways to reduce the number of criminals. 

The left mock those of us who say we want our country back, but that doesn't deter me from wishing it and working for it. I want a country where people respect life, violence is the exception and not the norm and where kids can go to school to learn without fear of being murdered.

The high level take on changing our country is addressing the issues I listed, but one specific change I can support is requiring licensed firearm dealers to conduct a background check for private individuals who choose to do so in a private sale. The licensed firearm dealer is to be reimbursed for doing the background check through general tax dollars, not an additional fee imposed on firearm users.   This change will not significantly prevent firearms being sold to criminals, but it is a first step that doesn't violate our rights  

As always, I am open to discussing a new magic law that will stop violence, but I will not hold my breath waiting.