proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR541

Title: Recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Description: A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2024 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Sep 27, 2024

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Bring Lawyers, Guns and Money, the S**t Has Hit the Fan :: 03/04/2014

(song lyric from Warren Zevon) Warren Zevon wasn't singing about Connecticut, but we've been carefully watching and he may as well have been. There are dozens of articles ranging from the liberal media to Constitutional scholars. Some call followers of the Constitution "right wing radicals". We prefer "Patriots". After you've read all of the links, or at least glanced at them, we're hoping you flood your legislator's phone with calls that support our right to own modern sporting rifles and STANDARD CAPACITY magazines. Current issue for the AR platform service rifle is 30 rounds, for those of you whose enlistment ran out some time ago.

We are very, very concerned that the good citizens of Connecticut may have to resort to extraordinary means to overcome a tyrannical Governor's lawless signature on an unconstitutional gun and magazine ban. How close are we right here in Pennsylvania? In the blink of an eye, there are Representatives and Senators from the eastern end of the Commonwealth that would ram a gun ban down your throat. THIS is an ACTION ALERT........ To Officials of the State of Connecticut: Either Enforce or Repeal 2013 Anti-gun Laws The war on liberty is coming to a head in Connecticut, where tens of thousands of gun owners have refused to comply with their state government's gun registration laws. Officials have literally ordered those who failed to meet the registration deadline to surrender their firearms or face arrest . Friday , February 28, 2014

Gee, I go away for a little while and all hell breaks loose. "Mike, the upper echelons (of the CT state police) don't know whether to shit or go blind."

The State of Connecticut is now demanding that gun owners across the state turn in all newly-banned, unregistered firearms and magazines or face felony arrest. Read more at

The State of Connecticut is now demanding that gun owners across the state turn in all newly-banned, unregistered firearms and magazines or face felony arrest. Read more at

Patriot Group Fights Back Against Connecticut Gun Confiscation Order: 'We Are Armed... And Are Familiar With the Finer Points of Marksmanship' Read more at

Patriot Group Fights Back Against Connecticut Gun Confiscation Order: 'We Are Armed... And Are Familiar With the Finer Points of Marksmanship' Read more at

Patriot Group Fights Back Against Connecticut Gun Confiscation Order: 'We Are Armed... And Are Familiar With the Finer Points of Marksmanship' Read more at

Patriot Group Fights Back Against Connecticut Gun Confiscation Order: 'We Are Armed... And Are Familiar With the Finer Points of Marksmanship' Read more at