proposed laws

PA Bill Number: SB262

Title: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders.

Description: In actions, proceedings and other matters generally, providing for extreme risk protection orders. ...

Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY

Last Action Date: Feb 20, 2025

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Proposed Federal Senate Legislation HB3091

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Legislation Overview

Title: Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act

Subject: Crime and law enforcement

Description: To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes.

Session: 118th Congress

Last Action: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: May 18, 2023



Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.

19 sponsors: Russell Fry (R); Pete Sessions (R); Andy Biggs (R); Kat Cammack (R); Greg Steube (R); John Rutherford (R); Lauren Boebert (R); Troy Nehls (R); Nancy Mace (R); Debbie Lesko (R); Julia Letlow (R); Nicholas Langworthy (R); Ann Wagner (R); Anthony D'Esposito (R); Elizabeth Van Duyne (R); Guy Reschenthaler (R); Brett Guthrie (R); Randy Weber (R); Chuck Edwards (R)

Chamber Date Action
Senate May 18 2023 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
House May 17 2023 DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 398, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Luttrell amendment No. 3.
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.177 On agreeing to the Luttrell amendment (A003) Agreed to by recorded vote: 232 - 202 (Roll no. 220).
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.178 On agreeing to the Rosendale amendment (A004) Agreed to by recorded vote: 218 - 217 (Roll no. 221).
House May 17 2023 The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 3091.
House May 17 2023 The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
House May 17 2023 The House adopted the amendment in the nature of a substitute as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
House May 17 2023 On passage Passed by recorded vote: 232 - 198 (Roll no. 222).
House May 17 2023 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
House May 17 2023 Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 398. (consideration: CR H2389-2394; text: CR H2390-2391)
House May 17 2023 Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2494, H.R. 3091 and H. Con. Res. 40. The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 2494 under a structured rule with one hour of general debate; H.R. 3091 under a structured rule with one hour of general debate; and H.Con.Res. 40 under a structured rule with one hour of general debate. The resolution provides for a motion to recommit on H.R. 2494 and H.R. 3091.
House May 17 2023 House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 398 and Rule XVIII.
House May 17 2023 The Speaker designated the Honorable Mike Garcia to act as Chairman of the Committee.
House May 17 2023 GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 3091.
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.175 Amendment (A001) offered by Ms. Jacobs. (consideration: CR H2391, H2402; text: CR H2391)
House May 17 2023 DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 398, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Jacobs amendment No. 1.
House May 17 2023 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Jacobs amendment No. 1, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and by voice vote announced the noes had prevailed. Ms. Jacobs demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings until a time to be announced.
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.176 Amendment (A002) offered by Mr. McCormick. (consideration: CR H2391-2392, H2402-2403; text: CR H2391)
House May 17 2023 DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 398, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the McCormick amendment No. 2.
House May 17 2023 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the McCormick amendment No. 2, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and by voice vote announced the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Nadler demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings until a time to be announced.
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.177 Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. Luttrell. (consideration: CR H2392-2393, H2403-2404; text: CR H2393)
House May 17 2023 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Luttrell amendment No. 3, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and by voice vote announced the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Nadler demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed proceedings until a time to be announced.
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.178 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. Rosendale. (consideration: CR H2393-2394, H2404; text: CR H2393)
House May 17 2023 DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 398, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Rosendale amendment No. 4.
House May 17 2023 POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Rosendale amendment No. 4, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the amendment and by voice vote announced the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Nadler demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings until a time to be announced.
House May 17 2023 Mr. Fry moved that the committee rise.
House May 17 2023 On motion that the committee rise Agreed to by voice vote.
House May 17 2023 Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 3091 as unfinished business.
House May 17 2023 Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H2401-2405)
House May 17 2023 The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.175 On agreeing to the Jacobs amendment (A001) Failed by recorded vote: 216 - 219 (Roll no. 218).
House May 17 2023 H.Amdt.176 On agreeing to the McCormick amendment (A002) Agreed to by recorded vote: 248 - 184 (Roll no. 219).
House May 15 2023 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 39.
House May 15 2023 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Judiciary. H. Rept. 118-58.
House May 15 2023 Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 398 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2494, H.R. 3091 and H. Con. Res. 40. The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 2494 under a structured rule with one hour of general debate; H.R. 3091 under a structured rule with one hour of general debate; and H.Con.Res. 40 under a structured rule with one hour of general debate. The resolution provides for a motion to recommit on H.R. 2494 and H.R. 3091.
House May 10 2023 Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
House May 10 2023 Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
House May 5 2023 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
House May 5 2023 Introduced in House
Type Date Federal Link Text
Introduced May 9 2023 federal bill text bill text
Introduced May 16 2023 federal bill text bill text
Engrossed May 18 2023 federal bill text bill text
Title Description Date State Link Text Adopted
There are no amendments to this bill at this time

Chamber: S

Committee Name: Judiciary

Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Description Vote Date Yea Votes Nay Votes No Votes Absent Passed Rating Comments
05/17/2023 232 198 0 4 Yes
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
05/17/2023 218 217 0 6 Yes
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
05/17/2023 232 202 0 6 Yes
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
05/17/2023 248 184 0 8 Yes
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
05/17/2023 216 219 0 5 No
resort votes by: party yeas nays name
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